Battle of King's Crown

In the annals of the Great War, the Battle of King's Crown stands as a pivotal moment, where the fate of the Human kingdom of Gilaphos hung in the balance. As the relentless Orc Hordes closed in on the capital city, the very heart of the kingdom, King's Crown, the defenders were pushed to their limits.

In the face of the Orc onslaught during the siege of the capital, the soldiers at the South Gate chose to fall back and regroup with other troops. Seraphina Dundragon, a paladin of Juulantus, however, refused to abandon the South Gate, knowing the dire consequences if it fell into enemy hands. As she stood alone at the gate, facing insurmountable odds, Seraphina prayed fervently to the gods for aid. She swore an oath to hold the gate until King's Crown was safe, refusing to give up or falter.

The dire situation on the battlefield seemed all but lost until three divine figures descended from the heavens. Named Karella, Herja, and Eir, these Valkyries appeared in front of the city gates, addressing the beleaguered Human armies. Their presence galvanized the defenders, rallying them against the Orc onslaught. With gleaming swords in hand, the Valkyries led the charge, cutting down Orcs with unparalleled grace and might. They bestowed blessings upon the brave soldiers fighting by their side, imbuing them with strength and valor. When the Valkyries arrived, the soldiers were able to send reinforcements back to the South Gate, either to support Seraphina Dundragon or to reclaim the gate if she had fallen. This strategic move ultimately turned the tide of the battle at the South Gate.

The Battle of King's Crown raged on for days, with immense casualties on both sides. Yet, the arrival of the Valkyries and the unwavering resolve of heroes like Seraphina Dundragon tipped the scales in favor of the Human and Dwarven alliance. Following the battle, the Orc Hordes were pushed back into the northern mountains of Khaldûr, marking a decisive victory for the defenders and securing the kingdom's survival. The heroism displayed that day would be eternally remembered in the annals of history, inspiring generations to come.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type


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