Devils Blood Brewery

Within the hills alcove sits Devils Blood Brewery. Built of deep stone with a vibrant red roof and large windows of stained glass showing the patented bottle art: a stereotypical devil having cut his hand open, spilling blood into a glass.    Devils Blood Brewery sells whiskey and rye, home made from imported grains out of Harvesthome Farms near Duskdrift, and imported with help from Crowned Ox Merchants Guild. Devils Blood Whiskey is popular in western Requiem and in the Lordless Lands, known for its variety in flavours and its smooth taste.    The Brewery itself is a modest building, with most of it being taken up by storage and brewing. Within the front is a small bar for whiskey tasting, as well as a small shop where tankards and glasses are sold with the breweries logo and their famous "ald vero" saying - or "Drink Well" in infernal.


Devils Blood Brewery employees 55 people. 10 are administrative staff, 5 manage the bar and merchandise shop, 15 are warehouse employees, 20 are brewers or in roles similar, 5 are taste testers  

Notable Employees

  • Sawyer Groston, Human Male in late 40s, head of brewing. 
  • Tiffany Moore, Human female in late 30s, head of shipping. 
  • Horlen Carvemace, Half-elf male in mid 20s, bartender. 
  • Jilmia Smoothglide, Halfling female, appears to be early 20s, shopkeep. 
Brewery / Winery
Parent Location
Owning Organization


Name Description Cost
Devils Blood Whiskey (Bottle) A full bottle of smooth Devils Blood Whiskey. 5 SP
Devils Blood Whiskey (Shot) A single shot of smooth Devils Blood Whiskey. 5 CP
Devils Blood Honey (Bottle) A full bottle of Devils Blood Honey flavoured whiskey. 6 SP
Devils Blood Honey (Shot) A single shot of Devils Blood Honey flavoured whiskey. 6 CP
Devils Blood Flaming Sphere Bottle A full, spherical bottle of Devils Blood cinnamon whiskey. 6 SP
Devils Blood Flaming Sphere Shot A single shot of Devils Blood cinnamon whiskey. 6 CP
Devils Blood 14 yr Bourbon A full bottle of aged Devils Blood whiskey. 2 GP
Devils Blood 25 yr Bourbon A full bottle of aged Devils Blood whiskey. 10 GP
Devils Blood Tankard A wood tankard with the Devils Blood logo and motto "ald vero" 1 SP
Devils Blood Glass A glass whiskey glass with the Devils Blood logo and motto "ald vero" 2 SP
Devils Blood Decanter A glass decanter with the Devils Blood logo and motto "ald vero" 1 GP