Lakeacre Townhall

Originally built to function as a large barracks, when Lakeacre started becoming a tourist destination the building was renovated to work as the town hall since the fortress on the hill (originally Coaststone Keep) was being used by the military still. Parts of the barracks still show through, with stone work visible behind beautifully carved wooden struts, and a part of a guard emplacement on the roof still in place - surrounded by the orange shingles of Lakeacre. Behind the building is a fenced in yard/park, though it is open to the public.    This building is used by the towns council as a meeting point and administrative complex for all manner of the day to day business of running a town. Though the main military force has moved out, and Coaststone has been replaced with the new Sunperch Keep. It's unsure if the mayor and the council will move administration into Sunperch or if Sunperch will remain open for the Lord of the Hills and for events.


Lakeacres town hall employs around 50 people, mostly for paperwork and administration work.   

Notable Employees

  • Cecilia Dewfist, Owlin, Female, Mid 20s, Front Desk
  • Henry Cranford, Human, Mid 50s, Treasurer 
  • Mabel Bothy, Tiefling, Early 30s, Head of relations
Public hall / house
Parent Location