Woodfell Herbs & Apothecary

Plants hang from the rafters and dot the front porch. The door is covered in bits of ivy growing colourful leaves. Inside is a hub of mismatched bottles and potted plants, the bottles containing a variety of both liquids and seemingly creature parts. This shop sells the materials for potions as well as a variety of potions themselves. The shopkeep is known to be a bit of a scatter brain.


  Woodfell only has 2 employees. Its owner, and her apprentice.   

Notable Employees 

  • Fenda Silvercreek, Halfling, Female, Early 20s, Apprentice 
Parent Location

Inventory (Potions) 

Name Description Effects Cost
Potion of Healing Deep, cherry red in a glass corked bottle. 2d4+2 health regained 25 gp
Potion of Resistance Silvery blue with small flakes in a corked glass vial. Resistance to cold damage 25 gp
Potion of Water Breathing Deep, bubbling blue in a round bottles with a metal stopped. You can breathe underwater for 1 hour 35 gp
Iron Water Cloudy grey in a small vial. Resistance to non-spell attacks made by fey 35 gp
Potion of Truesight  Completely clear and lightly bubbling in a corked glass bottle. Gain 30 feet of truesight and advantage on perception checks for 1 hour 65 gp

Inventory (Materials) 

Name Description Effects Cost
Cowards Root A bundle of 3 Coward Roots, leafy rooted plants. 1 can be added to a healers kit, granting +2 on medicine checks when used. 1 gp
Peppermint leaves A bundle of peppermint leaves for teas and potions. Can be used for potion brewing or tea making.  5 sp
Tulsi leaves A bundle of tulsi leaves.  Can be used for potion brewing or tea making.  5 sp
Aedrics Root A popular magical root. Comes in singles. If eaten, you can reroll 1 damage die when casting spells for 1 hour. 1 gp
Slightfoot Leaves Slightly glowing leaves, often used in darkvision potions. Comes in bundlees. Can be used for potion brewing or tea making.  5 sp
Drowned Oil  Oil of the living drowned, included necrotic properties. A black liquid in a single corked vial. Can be used for potion brewing.  5 gp