
Founded originally as a point of invasion, Lakeacre grew into more than that. It's wonderful seat on the edge of the Glass Lake and nice winter weather lent it to a large tourism industry for those that could afford it. When Ilmora popped up, Lakeacre became a great stop for traders heading from Requiem to Ilmora and vice versa.    Lakeacre is run by the Lord of the Hills and their appointed mayor. In recent years, Lakeacre was gifted with the construction of Sunperch, a keep for the mayor and visiting lord.    Lakeacres beautiful environment and large tourist population has made it a bit of a hot spot for crime, and it's known to house a seedy underbelly if you look close enough.


The majority of Lakeacre is made of upper class and nobility, often using the beautiful town as a place to summer. The majority of the population are human, owlin, and gnome. Those that stay run good stores, trade with passing caravans, or run taverns and inns.


Lakeacre is run by a mayor, appointed by the Lord of the Hills. The mayor keeps a council of individuals, a captain of the guard, economic adviser, public relations adviser, and infrastructure adviser. This council votes on local bills and funding.  You require a license to fish in Lakeacre, and littering is in the lake or by the lakeside is a criminal offence and carries upwards of a 100gp fine.


Lakeacre is surrounded by a surprisingly robust stone wall that is rarely fully manned. It still shows scars from its siege a hundred years ago.

Industry & Trade

Lakeacre primarily gets its coin from tourism and passing trade caravans.


Lakeacre was built for the first invasion of the Lordless Lands as a military outpost, but grew as that conflict waned, becoming mroe than a military post.


  • Lakeacre Map
    Map of the city of Lakeacre in Requiem