Lakeacre Guard Station & Jail

Lakeacres guard station is one of its few buildings whose utilitarian nature hasn't changed. There have been few renovations made to this once command post, with only a few upgrades in terms of defence. Its outside is still stone, its windows barred with steel, and its exterior imposing. The only change is the mural painted on the left most side, a dedication to the soldiers lost in the Winter War - showing Wyvern Riders flying into the sunset.    The building itself is used by the guard force of Lakeacre. They have a dungeon facility, admin facilities, and some spaces for the guards to rest and sleep - as well as a fully stocked armoury. Lakeacres guard force is relatively lax. They deal with some underground trade and smuggling, as well as local drug rings (Flashback mostly) but mostly drunk tourists. There have been little outside attacks and any monster threats are handled by third parties (often a threat will be identified by the guards and then the town council will budget out an adventuring guild party).


Lakeacre employs 125 local guards. These are mostly patrolling and gate keeping forces, with a few specialized groups for detective work or busting organized crime. Lakeacre is often supplemented with a detachment of Lordsmen but this varies.   

Notable Guards 

  • Allen Bothy, Human, Male, Mid 30s, Head of Northern Gate
  • Rori Sherman, Half Orc, Female, Early 40s, Head Detective 
  • Aslace Hyde, Aasimar, Male, Mid 40s, Monster Investigator 
Guard post / house
Parent Location