Liquid Skull Tavern

Seemingly busy day in and out, at night the Liquid Skull is full of those looking for a good time - loud music, flowing booze, and laughter. In the day, it's just as busy. Vactioning nobles stop in for mid day drinks, wines and ales, and others come in for drinks to bring down to the beach. The most surprising thing in the place is the talking skull on the mantle - who also sings along to many songs. There's a bounty of 100 gp if anyone can get the skull to reveal its name.


  Liquid Skull employs well over 20 people, primarily bar and kitchen staff.   

Notable Employees

  • Ann Dering, Human, Female, Early 20s, Barmaid 
  • Lelan Aralon, Gnome, Male, Late 30s, Barkeep 
  • Miles Dove, Human, Male, Mid 20s, Barmaid 
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location


Name Description Cost
Red Edge Ale A light ale, brewed in the Hilt 4cp a cup
Blue Bee Honey Mead Honey Mead from southern Requiem 5cp a cup
Starlit Elk Ale A dark ale brewed near the Hilt 5cp a cup
Hardest Night A shot of whiskey mixed with some bitters. Bitter.  1sp
Black eye   One part mead, one part rye.  1sp
Basilisk Bile  Cinnamon whiskey with honey whiskey.  1sp
Devils Blood Whiskey A smooth, dark whiskey brewed in Lakeacre. 5cp a shot
Swordfish Rye A coastal brewed oak rye. 5cp a shot
Devils Blood Honey A honey whiskey, brewed in Lakeacre. 6cp a shot
Devils Blood Flaming Sphere Shot A single shot of Devils Blood cinnamon whiskey. 6 CP
Lighthouse Rum Spiced rum, brewed in Lightshore. 5cp a shot
Owlbearfoot Wine A glass of wine, whose vineyard is near Oldspear 1sp a glass
Lotus Wine A glass of white wine, made in Ilmora 5sp a glass
Booze Platter Small potato skins with a selection of 6 different shots 1gp
Breakfast A toasted ham and tomato sandwich  1sp
Lunch Chicken and a garden green salad.  1sp
Dinner Pork chops with potatoes and asparagus.  1sp