Drunken Owl Inn

A 2 story building built of wood and stone, its shingles are a brilliant orange colour. A large bay window brings light in or out depending on the time of day. A sign hangs by the door, featuring an Owlbear chugging from a keg. Inside, the building is well kept. Tables litter the area, filled with an arranged set of seats. Tucked away in the back left corner is a bar table, serving out ale and food from the kitchen behind. Near the bar is a set of stairs, heading up to the rooms above.   The Owl has a reputation for being one of the quieter joints in the city. Live music usually fills it each evening and it functions closer to a pub than a club. It's most popular with travellers and traders who come through Lakeacre often and don't need the loud and rowdy bars by the beach.


The Drunken Owl is a very popular bar and inn, and employs over a dozen staff. These are primarily barmaids and kitchen staff, though there are 3 rotating barkeeps - including the owner.  

Notable Employees

  • Rachel Gavel, Human, Female, Late Teens, Barmaid
  • Renola Softbloom, Halfling, Female, Early 20s, Barmaid
  • Martin Davy, Human, Male, Mid Thirties, Barkeep
Parent Location


Name Description Cost
Red Edge Ale A light ale, brewed in the Hilt 4cp a cup
Blue Bee Honey Mead Honey Mead from southern Requiem 5cp a cup
Starlit Elk Ale A dark ale brewed near the Hilt 5cp a cup
Devils Blood Whiskey A smooth, dark whiskey brewed in Lakeacre. 5cp a shot
Swordfish Rye A coastal brewed oak rye. 5cp a shot
Devils Blood Honey A honey whiskey, brewed in Lakeacre. 6cp a shot
Lighthouse Rum Spiced rum, brewed in Lightshore. 5cp a shot
Owlbearfoot Wine A glass of wine, whose vineyard is near Oldspear 1sp a glass
Breakfast 2 eggs, toasted bread, sliced ham. 1sp
Lunch Garden salad, ham and cheese sandwich. 1sp
Dinner Roasted chicken or braised beef, salad, baked potato 1sp
Snack Platter Small baked potatoes, tomato slices, garlic bread slices 1sp

Room Selection

Name Description Cost Per Night
Single Queen A room with a single queen bed. 2sp
Double Twins A room with 2 twin beds. 2sp
4 Twins A large room with 4 twin beds. 8sp
Single King Suite A large attic suite with a king sized bed. 1gp
The drunken owl has 4 single queen rooms, 3 double twin rooms, 1 4 twin room, and 1 king suite.