Lakeacre Mausoleum of the Fallen

This is more accurately the public graveyard for Lakeacre, with most individuals being buried underneath the hill. This was originally done when the place was a military fort to avoid necromancers getting access to corpses and to keep enemies from being able to guess casualties. Now the mausoleum has just become what Lakeacre uses to bury its dead. The halls are fairly wide and made of stone and the structure isn't as deep as many believe. The outside of the structure is now behind the church, and features a pair of statues that double as columns supporting a stone awning. These statues depict Requiem soldiers.


The Mausoleum staff 12 individuals for preparing bodies and dealing with funeral rites. 4 of these are for body preparation (and autopsy if requested) while the other 8 are funeral staff trained in various cultural and religious funeral rites.  

Notable Employees

  • Tobias Daver, human, male, mid 30s, coroner 
  • Leli Orban, Gnome, Female, Late 40s, funeral staff
  • Gamel Draper, Human, Male, Early 20s, Front and funeral staff
Parent Location


Name Description Cost
Funeral A standard funeral service. 80gp
Cremation Cremation of ones body 10gp
Urn An urn for ashes 15gp
Casket A standard casket.  50gp