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Erendriel Aleroth

(a.k.a. Horith Namys)

Erendriel Aleroth is a Prince of the Island Elves and a member of the Elven royal family, the Aleroths.
  Erendriel is the younger of twin brothers, having been born minutes after his brother, Prince Travaran Aleroth. Their mother, Queen Gaerradh Aleroth died in childbirth. Some members of the royal court blame the death on the difficult delivery of Erendriel. No documented proof exists to support these claims.
  With the death of their mother, the twin boys were raised by their father, King Eldaerenth Aleroth, the Council of Five and other members of the royal family.
  While his brother Travaran grew in stature, leadership and reputation, Erendriel fell into the shadow of his "elder" brother. Erendriel soon resented his brother for the natural talents, skills and capabilities that Travaran possessed. These talents put Travaran in their father's favor and Erendriel grew jealous, resentful, and hateful of his brother. Travaran loved his brother despite the difficulties that grew between them.
  Erendriel began to build a small group of followers, whom he called "Colkerradun" (meaning the "unwanted"). These "friends" began to seek out knowledge of ancient elven ways, particularly related to the darker side of magic and powers. The King discovered these "studies" and encouraged Erendriel to give up these pursuits, as they "would surely lead to evil and a place of no return." Erendriel refused and moved his studies into the deepest reaches of Fearann Dorcha where the group could continue learning the ancient ways undisturbed.
  It was at this time that the elves of the forests began to call Erendriel by the name Horith Namys ("Dark Magician") due to the evil and destructive arts he practiced. Many felt Erendriel sought to destroy the Island Elves and the Fearann Dorcha out of hate and spite for his brother and father. Many at court pushed the Council to exile Erendriel or place him under house arrest.
  Not waiting for the King to act, Erendriel left the Fearann Dorcha aka The Dark Land, under cover of dark magic, slipping past guards and sentries sent to look for him in the deepest woods. The "friends", companions and other unhappy Island Elves that belonged to the Colkerradun left with Erendriel. Soon the Council of Five lost track of Erendriel and his followers.
  Over the decades since his self-imposed exile, word of Erendriel's whereabouts reached the Council of Five. Elven travellers and agents of the Order of the Arrow spotted him in the south of Sgitheanach Dubh but again lost track.
  During The Hard Times some at court whispered they believed Erendriel and his "gang" to be the progenitors of the troubles besetting the Trotternish. The elves believed the droughts and plagues to be unnatural (and even magical in nature) and only those attuned to the darker side of magic could cause such things. The conclusion in their eyes was The Hard Times were the work of Horith Namys. Again only opinion, not proof, came forth.
  When The Dark War broke out between the Island Elves and humans, again the voices at court arose to point the blame at Horith Namys. They believed that long exiled Prince had stirred the trouble and resentment against the elves among humans. Again no hard proof could be found.
  Recently with the rising evil presence in the north of the Trotternish],(location:c6e1bfd5-0016-4514-9c0d-3bf83c6ceff9) the whispers and gossip of the work of @[Horith Namys arise at court.


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