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Travaran Aleroth

Prince Travaran Aleroth

Travaran Aleroth is the leader of the Island Elves at An Thavan. He was born of noble elf blood and is a Prince of the Island Elves. Travaran is the elder of a set of twins. His younger twin brother, Erendriel Aleroth, always resented the fact that Travaran was born a few minutes earlier. Travaran loves his brother despite the rift between them.   The Queen, Gaerradh Aleroth, died in childbirth, leaving the twins to be raised by the King, royal family and the royal court. The Princes grew up in a loving and caring home in Nethorond, capital of the Island Elves Kingdom in Fearann Dorcha.   In his youth, Travaran proved to have strong warrior and leadership qualities. He rose naturally through the ranks based on his skills and talents, rather than rising based on his royal birth. The Elves of the Kingdom came to love Travaran and see him as not just the first born but as the natural successor to throne. As a result, Travaran became the youngest member of the Council of Five.   Travaran never married, rather devoted his life to the peace and success of the Island Elves and the Fearann Dorcha. He adopted his neice, Shalaevar Aleroth, after she was disclaimed by her father, Erendriel Aleroth. He raised Shalaevar as his own daughter.   Travaran and the rest of the Elves lived through The Cleaving among the Kingdoms of Humans in Albion. Later The Hard Times hit Sgitheanach Dubh. The Island Elves recognized the magical nature of the drought and plagues that hit the human lands and people. As a result, the Elves raised the magical border defenses of their kingdom, shutting off The Dark Land from the rest of Sgitheanach Dubh.   Following the The Hard Times, Eldaerenth Aleroth, King of the Island Elves placed Travaran as the leader of An Thavan giving him the charge of protecting Fearann Dorcha from a growing presence of evil from the north of the Trotternish.


Travaran Aleroth

Brother (Important)

Towards Horith Namys



Horith Namys

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Travaran Aleroth



Shalaevar Aleroth

Niece (Trivial)

Towards Travaran Aleroth



Travaran Aleroth

Uncle (Important)

Towards Shalaevar Aleroth



Dark Land
Current Residence
An Thavan
Speckled Grey
Black with grey streaks
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Elvish Isle Elvish Common


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