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Trotternish is the north eastern peninsula of the island of Sgitheanach Dubh. It is the largest of several peninsulae that form the northern half of the island.   The main settlements of Trotternish include:
  • Port Ree (alt. Reigh): Largest inhabited settlement and de facto "capital" of the island
  • Uig: Fishing and port town in the Glen Conon region
  • Kilmaluag: Largest town of the far north; lies at the tip of the Trotternish Peninsula; located near Castle Duntulm
  • Phandalin: Small village at the center of the adventuring trade


Trotternish is home to several prominent geographic areas and land formations:
  • Glen Conon: The western and central hills and mountains located in the Trotternish Peninsula. Home to clans and factions of Dwarves, Gnomes and other mountain and hill dwellers
  • North Coast: The western and northern coastal region of the Trotternish Peninsula: The western and northern coastal region of the Trotternish Peninsula
  • The Quirang: A natural karst rock outcropping, said to be home to the Dwarves of the North
  • The Old Man of Storr: A rock pillar said to be the head of an Ancient Stone Giant
  • The Spine (aka Trotternish Ridge): The northern range of mountains that extend southward through the center of the island. Folklore says the range is "the spine" of the Ancient Stone Giant whose head is The Old Man of Storr.


Sgitheanach Dubh enjoys a temperate and sub-tundra climate, tempered by coastal warm water streams.   Average Monthly Temps and Rainfall
Months Temps (Hi/Low) Rains
1.Am Faoilleach (Faoi, F) 43° / 34° 21 days
2. An Gearran (Gearr, G) 44° / 33° 18 days
3. Am Màrt (Màrt, M) 47° / 35° 20 days
4. An Giblean (Gibl, G) 51° / 37° 14 days
5. Cèitean (Cèit, C) 55° / 41° 13 days
6. An t-Ògmhios (Ògmh, Ò) 58° / 46° 13 days
7. An t-Iuchar (Iuch, I) 61° / 49° 16 days
8. An Lùnastal (Lùna, L) 61° / 49° 16 days
9. An t-Sultain (Sult, S) 58° / 47° 19 days
10. An Dàmhair (Dàmh, D) 53° / 42° 20 days
11. An t-Samhain (Samh, S) 47° / 38° 21 days
12. An Dùbhlachd (Dùbh, D) 44° / 34° 22 days

Fauna & Flora

Sgitheanach Dubh has a wide variety of flora and fauna.   Tree varieties include:  
Fir Cypress Spruce
Acacia Persimmon Pine
Maple Sycamore Alder
Elm Cottonwood Apple
Poplar Ash Aspen
Hemlock Prunus (Stone Fruit) Beech
Holly Oak Birch
Walnut Willow Pecan
Juniper Larch Cedar
Laurel Linden Locust
Dogwood Magnolia Hawthorn
Mulberry Hackberry Yew
    Typical temperate, sub-tundra animals include:  
Deer Elk Lynx
Weasel Fox Cougar
Bear (Brown and Black) Badger Wolverine
Wolf (Red and Dire) Bat Hare
Rabbit Opossum Squirrel (Grey, Brown, Red)
Mouse Vole Mole
Gopher Rat Canine
Cat Ibex Goat
Sheep Pig/Boar Cow

Natural Resources

Sgitheanach Dubh is rich with resources. 
  • Minerals
  • Gems (Legendary, Very Rare, Rare, Precious, Semi-Precious, Common, Ordinary)
  • Precious Metals (Gold, Silver, Platinum, Electrum, and perhaps limited Mithril, etc.)
  • Semi-precious or Common Metals (Copper, Tin, Aluminum, Iron Ore, etc.)
  • Wood
  • Grains
  • Grasses
  • Water


  • Trotternish
    Largest and most northerly peninsula on Sgitheanach Dubh
Location under
Included Organizations

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