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Uig is the largest port town on the North Coast of Trotternish on the isle of Sgitheanach Dubh. The town sits on an inlet where the River Rha  and the River Conon enter the The Minch.


Uig has a mixed population:


Uig is ruled by the Uig Town Council. The Council consists of 6 leading citizens and the Mayor of Uig. The Council members are chosen by the Mayor and other Council members and serve for life.


Uig has a homegrown defense force called the Uig Guard. The Guard consists of a permanent group of soldiers and officers, supplemented by volunteers.

Industry & Trade

Uig is first and foremost a port town. Industries include:
  • Fishing
  • Shipping
  • Ferry services (to the other Innsegall Islands)
  • Cottage industries (clothing, fabrics, food, etc.) 
  • Traveler's services
  • Entertainment and food


Uig has several key structures:

Guilds and Factions

The following guilds exist in Uig and share the Uig Guildhall:
  • Merchants
  • Artisans
  • Adventurers
  • Mages
  • Entertainers
The Uig Thieves and Beggar's Guild also exist but occupy unknown, hidden locations within Uig.


The town of Uig began as a small collection of fishing huts built by early settlers from Tuathalba . Over time the location became an ideal point for travel to the Outer Innsegall Islands. The population grew and shrank as the winds of change swept over the North Coast and the Trotternish.


The town has a variety of architecture styles added over time.


The town sits on Uig Bay, an inlet on the The Minch. The town is surrounded by bluffs and hills on all sides.

Natural Resources

Uig has unlimited water resources both from Uig Bay and the River Rha and the River Conon.
Founding Date
266 BT
Alternative Name(s)
Wick or Vik
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

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