Giovanni Borgia


The leaders of Bliznia .
Lead by the Consul of Bliznea .
    The building is destroyed during CAMP Year Two SENATORS PARTYS ((Populists(28%))) ((Conservatives(33%))) ((Liberal(39%))) (During Camp Season Two)
  Consul Gaius Basil
  Octavia Basil
  Julian Castro Giovanni Borgia Rita Starbrook - 107 years old, the first manager of Blizneas starbrook bank. she has a magic coin that can block the moon for 24 hours   Xavier Eltoris - a rich and powerful senator who only seeks to protect his own intrests.   Kelvin Crassus Valente = a young populist who

Known History
Sided against Percival Bloom and Thomas Bareak during the Bliznian Civil WarPeople of Bliznia


Giovanni Borgia is a powerful and influential senator in Bliznia , known for his aristocratic lineage and immense wealth. He exudes an air of sophistication and authority, often dressed in the finest attire and accompanied by a retinue of loyal advisors. Borgia is a master of political maneuvering, using his wealth and connections to maintain his influence within the Senate. Despite his polished exterior, he is shrewd and calculating, always seeking to expand his power and protect his family's interests.
Senator Giovanni Borgia is a staunch defender of the aristocracy and the status quo in Bliznia. He advocates for policies that favor the wealthy and the noble class, ensuring that their privileges and power remain intact. Borgia opposes populist movements and reforms that threaten to redistribute wealth or diminish the influence of the elite. His speeches in the Senate are often eloquent, appealing to tradition and the preservation of Bliznia’s longstanding social order.
  Borgia's political strategy is to form alliances with other powerful families and use his financial resources to sway decisions in his favor. While he is respected—or at least feared—by his peers for his political acumen, he is also viewed with suspicion by those who oppose his conservative and elitist agenda. Despite the changing tides of Bliznia’s politics, Giovanni Borgia remains a formidable figure, steadfast in his commitment to the interests of the aristocracy.    


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