Rita Starbrook


The leaders of Bliznia .
Lead by the Consul of Bliznea .
    The building is destroyed during CAMP Year Two


PARTYS ((Populists(28%))) ((Conservatives(33%))) ((Liberal(39%))) (During Camp Season Two)
  Consul Gaius Basil
  Octavia Basil
  Julian Castro Giovanni Borgia Rita Starbrook - 107 years old, the first manager of Blizneas starbrook bank. she has a magic coin that can block the moon for 24 hours   Xavier Eltoris - a rich and powerful senator who only seeks to protect his own intrests.   Kelvin Crassus Valente = a young populist who
A cousin of Syl Starbrook and member of the Starbrook Family.

Known History

Sided against Percival Bloom and Thomas Bareak during the Bliznian Civil War.  


Rita Starbrook is a very old woman from a prominent banking family. Although she is now considered politically and socially irrelevant, she carries herself with the dignity and pride of her heritage. Her appearance is frail, and she often moves slowly, but her sharp mind and sharp tongue remain intact. Rita remembers the glory days of her influence, and while she no longer wields significant power, she is a symbol of the bygone era of aristocratic banking dominance in Bliznia. She is known for her stories of the past and has a wealth of knowledge about the city’s financial history.
Politically, Rita Starbrook holds conservative views that reflect the interests of the old elite, especially the banking class. Though her political relevance has waned, she still advocates for fiscal policies that favor deregulation and the financial sector, harking back to a time when banks like her family’s held sway over Bliznia’s economy. However, with the rise of more modern economic institutions and political movements, her influence has greatly diminished.
  Rita now primarily operates as an observer of politics, occasionally offering counsel to younger senators who value her experience, though her views are often seen as outdated. Despite her current irrelevance in the political arena, she remains a fixture in Bliznia’s upper circles, respected more for her legacy than her current contributions.  


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