Kelvin Crassus Valente


  The leaders of Bliznia .
  Lead by the Consul of Bliznea .
      The building is destroyed during CAMP Year Two


PARTYS ((Populists(28%))) ((Conservatives(33%))) ((Liberal(39%))) (During Camp Season Two)
    Consul Gaius Basil
    Octavia Basil
    Julian Castro
  Giovanni Borgia
  Rita Starbrook - 107 years old, the first manager of Blizneas starbrook bank. she has a magic coin that can block the moon for 24 hours
  Xavier Eltoris - a rich and powerful senator who only seeks to protect his own intrests.
  Kelvin Crassus Valente = a young populist


Known History

  Sided against Percival Bloom and Thomas Bareak during the Bliznian Civil War 


Kelvin Crassus Valente is a young senator from Bliznia  who aspires to political prominence, though he has not yet achieved the influence he craves. He carries himself with confidence, often speaking and acting as if he is far more important than his current position suggests. Kelvin views himself as a rising star, but many of his peers see him as ambitious and inexperienced, still learning the intricacies of Bliznia's political landscape. Despite his lack of real power, he is determined to make a name for himself and frequently positions himself as a voice of the people.
Politically, Kelvin identifies as a populist, advocating for the interests of the working class and promising reforms that aim to redistribute wealth and opportunity. His speeches often focus on income inequality and railing against the entrenched elite, though he lacks the connections and alliances needed to make significant progress on his goals. While his populist rhetoric resonates with some, he struggles to gain traction in the Senate, where more seasoned and influential figures overshadow him.
  Kelvin’s political relevance is minimal at present, and many see him as more talk than action. However, his ambition and persistence suggest that, given time and experience, he could grow into a more formidable force in Bliznia’s politics. For now, though, he remains on the sidelines, eager to prove himself but not yet a key player in the city's political game.  


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