Aos si Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Aos si (A oh she)

Losland Fairies


'At the north, in the Loslands, a mountain range stands. On the range grows a tree. The last of the Elder Trees. In Hamis dwell the Aos si.' So begins one of the tales in Tirtha Do Dahan, Traditions of the Ancients, a popular book of fairy stories. Largely considered more fiction than fact. Though in this case there is some truth.

The Elder Tree Hamis does live in the mountains of northern Loslands, and there so to do the Fairy known as the Aos si. A people largely disconnected from the outside world. They live in bliss within the branches of their tree. That said, they are not oblivious to the horrors beyond their peaceful world. The Aos si know of the loss of the other elder trees, the destruction of Karasaanu and the Areian Nations by Dragon kind. They have seen so many events that have dwindled the magic of this world for ages. The do not ignore this, they choose to be happy in spite of it.


Like all fairies, the Hamis fairies do not record the past, or dwell on it, they live in the present and find happiness there. Unlike their northern kin, the Brimies, who's sole focus has become fighting for the future and the survival of their tree, the Aos si focus on nurturing the forest around Hamis. Yes, with the Brimies help they have set up defenses for their tree, but they worry little about their fate. 'Today is ours, tomarrow is for others,' is a common phase among them.


The happy life of the Aos si, has also made them a curious people. Though reclusive and shy, avoiding been see, when possible, these fairies love traveling out to watch Human life. Often sneaking in and playing with the children when adults are not looking. They have been known to guide lost hunters to safety and protecting hurt animals. They share a deep bond with the Woyd'are of the Loslands. Both protecting the elder tree and nurturing the forest of the land. Elven pilgrimages annual arrive at Hamis, with the elves dwelling among the fairies during the winter months and leaving at first spring. Losland Fairies often find lifelong companions among the elves, traveling together and sharing a common love of the nature of the world around them. Though rare, as fairies have a mistrust of humans, a fairy may connect with a friendly human hunter or lonely maiden that they have watched for a while before introducing themselves.


The Aos si have a spirit of adventure, albeit mostly in the borders of the Losland. The farther a fairy travels, the longer they are away from their home tree, the more depressed they become. There is a longing a fairy feels for being with their tree. Captured fairy in ages past have withered away and died when taken from their homelands. This is not to say they cannot travel beyond their trees range, just that they don't want to, and will let themselves die when forced to. There are some of the Aos si that have a strange spirit, however. They can endure the aching heart and go out into the world. The desire to return to the tree is always there, but they can resist. At least for a time. These fairies need to return to the trees every few years to feel that void in them before the misery overwhelms them. After a season or a year or two, they will be off again for adventure in the great wide world beyond.


Hamis fairy wings are more often than not described as butterfly like. Each of the clans among the tree have their own unique wings color pattern. That said, their coloring rarely is any other than violet or blue with yellow or orange highlights. The patterns may be unique, but the colors never vary. These wings have a faint glow to them during spring, growing brighter the closer to Hamis the fairy comes. Aos si hair is almost universally red, usually bright and vivid, though other shades do exist, from dark auburn to strawberry blonde. Their eye color changes with the season, blue in winter, green in spring, yellow in summer, and orange in the fall. Skin colors range vastly among these fairies, dark and pale shades similar to humans, as well as green and blue hues. It all depends on their faimly. Unlike other fairies, the Aos si are fascinated by the humans of their land, they have adopted many of the styles that the nearby human wear, becoming little winged images of mankind.

Ability Score Modifiers:

+1 Wis, +2 Chr


Alignment: Losland fairy love of life incline them to more good alignments.

Age: When living in their native elder tree fairies do not age or die of natural causes. Those that are choose to travel beyond will live only a few years if they never return to the tree, the longing to return will overwhelm them and they will give up to will to live. Those that return regularly but still crave the adventurer's life live an average of 100 years.

Size: (Small) Aos si are a tiny creature, ranging from as small as 3 inches to 6 inches tall. Those that choose the adventuring life seem to grow taller and hav been known to grow to about 1 foot tall.

Speed: 30 flying. Fairy rarely walk, only using their legs for standing or when they have to.

the Shroud: All fairy are protected by an aura that makes them unnoticable by most humans (see the Shroud for details.)

Fairy Magic: Magical creatures, fairy innately can use the Druidcraft cantrip as a natural ability.

Fairy Lights: Beginning at 3rd level, regardless of class, Brimland fairy can cast the Faerie Fire spell. Requiring energy, the fairy will need a long rest before being able to cast it again naturally (Though it is considered a known spell and can be cast as a spell using spell slots if needed.)

the Curious Ones: Beginning at 5th level, Losland fairy can use Enlarge/Reduce on themselves as a natural ability. Growing in size is exhausting to the fairy and they will require a long rest before they can use this ability again. They use this ability to walk among humans to experience their way of life, hiding their folded wings under large cloaks and robes.

Fairy Flight: As stated above fairy use their wings as their primary transportation. But this prevents them from wearing medium or heavy armor.


Language: All Fairy, regardless of type or location speak Artadai (High Elvish), with very little dialect changes between region. This is their primary language. Adventuring fairy will learn the common langauge of their bonded friend, usually. Novynesse (the Common Tongue) if human, or Sevi Dai (Elvish Common) if elf.


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