Simmer Wood

the Old Forest


Called the 'Old Forest' by the native Lhakamen, the trees of the Simmer Wood are some of the oldest of Tinjir, though they pale in comparison to the age of some of the trees in the Monanad jungle of Jerain. Elf call the Simmer Wood 'the Remains of Karasaanu', or 'the Remains of Kusran's Forest', as the woods were once part of both those ancient forests. Though nearly destroyed with its forebearers, it regrew over time thanks to the nourishing waters of the Redhand River, and in part because of the surrounding Areian Peaks foothills that shield the upland valleys of the forest from the bulk of the fires.


Local folklore has many superstitions about the woods. Many claims elven ghost haunt the woods, still looking for enemies to slay. Others claim it home to the the Green Guardians, the nature spirits of Lhakamed. Still others claim great serpents move through the forest just below the surfaces. Whatever the truth, the Simmer Wood is largely ignored by most to the natives. Woodcutters and arrogant lumberjacks that ignore the legends often vanish into the woods, never to be seen again.


Today the valleys of the Redhand River beyond Glasbury Falls make up much of the Simmer Wood's lands. From above it is tranquil looking, as any forest of Tinjir may appear. Entering the forest on the ground and it lives up to its reputation. The region is thick and overgrown with ancient trees. The thin beams of sunlight that can cut through breaches and leaves are the only light on the forest floor. Thorny vines grow wild in the inner woods, making travel difficult for larger creatures. There is a quiet to the forest, as if the trees feed on sound. Rich flora grow wild. Birds of every color and size are seen flying over the forest. Small rodents and reptiles dominate the interior trees, living mostly in the canopy or hidden in thorny brush. Larger animals may live along the forest edges, but few enter. There is an instinct among them to avoid entering deep into the shadowy valleys. The few people that enter never find their way back home. Even the Orc tribes of the region avoid entering the forest.


One of the greatest mysteries plaguing the woodland is the sighting of several Finno Tree growing in the central forest. A tree that only grows where corpse of Green Dragon lay. The danger of the forest, and the trees themselves, have left the lands unexplored, preventing scholars from understand why, and maybe when, these green dragons dwelt in the forest and died. The trees very existence confirm that there were greens here at one time, which would be the only known green dragons beyond the lands of Jerain.



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