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The River Court

Political event

31/5 13:00
31/5 14:00

The Circle of Six arrives at the Court of the River King to beg audience and quell the impending war between the Fey and Mortal Realm. While in the Inner Court the party meets Lord Silverwing, Rumpkin the Porter, Fangs-in-Shade-and-Rushes, Caias Gruffkin, and Knurlnap the Water Bearer. Gain access to the Rippling Hall and finally meet The River King himself to try and resolve the misunderstanding with Lord Flax and the Material Realm.

After some discource the party decides to forgo The Birch Queens Fair and head staight to the River Court and speak to The River King. After a trip they come to a large castle made of White Marble, Ice and River Foam resting in the middle of a flowing river. A giant White Eagle perches on the top of the entrance.   They use the colapsible boat to travel to the entrance of the Castle where they are meet but a large talking Black Bear named Rumpkin. He directs them to the inner court where they can start getting information about Lord Flax and the incoming War.   The party finds out gossip like.   "Lord Flax has gathered his full army and has gained The River King’s blessing for his enterprise. Lady Ellessandra has not returned to court (she is still exiled), but rumor has it if the young lord burns out the humans and seizes their land for The Summer Lands, his mother will be forgiven and received at court once more. The nixies claim she weeps bitter tears for her son’s ambition and the king’s wrath and wishes she had not returned to give birth long years ago."   "The Lady Ellessandra was shamed at court long ago, for she loved a mortal she saw through a scrying glass. The king exiled her for that forbidden love, married her to a miller, and declared her barren. Some say the hags are the only ones who kept her close to their hearts, and they cast the enchantment that let her bear a half-breed child. That one has always been warlike, trying to prove he is more fey than the fey themselves."   "The River King has been treated to a steady diet of bad advice from a river hag named Jenny Greenteeth, the Shadow Fey led by Ambertan, and the young changeling Lord Flax. Those three are the source of The River King’s rage against The Dyad Thicket. Ambertan is a coward and the Half-Born is a warmonger. The hag seems to believe the fey must spill blood to retain their strength. Many corpses now float within the eddying waters of the Court, with more surely to come."   Brerenax and Gilly meet a Orc named Fangs-In-Shade-and-Rushes he is facinated with Gilly. He holds her on his shoulder and she feeds him potatos as he gives information about the River Court to them both.   Caia listens to a Saytr named Caias Gruffkin perform a play about a people who live in a far away land and live like Mayflies not knowing the meanless reality of there exisitance.   Gilly meets Lord Silverwing a Fey Halfling dressed in black armor with obsidian talons and a beck and black feathers dusted with gold. He spends the encounter speaking of her beauty and cunning and though a misundstanding belives the Gilly has proposed marriage to him. He gleefully accepts the invitation much to Gillys horror. Trying to remidy the situation Alcath tells Lord Silverwing he is Gillys suitor. The two come to terms of a duel to fight for the hand of Gilly Button. After a valiant encouncter Lord Silverwing yeilds to Alcath and makes a vow that if he ever mistreats Gilly he will use all his power to dispatch him.   The party then turns there attention to gain access to the Inner Court where The River King resides in the Great Rippling Hall. A Frogman named Grumphollow with a white powedered wig and beautiful clothes gives them access after a bit of flattery and performance.   They briefly see Budena the Lorerei and sister to the King but are unable to gain an audience with her.   Brerenax, Mozakosh and Cais see the Black Bear Rumpkin the Porter and he says he would be happy to take them in the Rippling Hall if they go find him some honey and berries.   Gilly and Alcath decide to talk to Omurtha the Riverkings Hag Sister. She expresses interest in helping the party for a price. Alcath is offered passage for a portion of his power for a month. Gilly tries to take the offer instead but the Hag looks at her and requests instead she remove the magic that is protecting her deep within her. Gilly confused at what she is talking about agrees and the Hag touches her forhead and extracts a crackling dark energy from her. Gilly feels uneasy and the party is led to the Great Rippling hall.   They are met by the King Ulorian The River King himself accompanied by two of his sisters Jenny Greenteeth and Bundena the Lorelei, a pair of Eel Hounds and armed guards. Awaiting in the outside walls of the hall are many of the Fey The Circle of Six has encountered during there time in Thelanis. Including Quicklings, Queen Peoni, Member of The Court of Calabeag, Two Handmaidens fot The Lochkin Court, Lord Winter Squire, The Green Knight and his Squire, Lord Silverwing and Moz notices one of the Eel Hounds wink at her.   Aela asks where Gwen is and her handmaiden lies to her and says he has not been able to make contact. Aela reaches out with her amulent and hears the voice of Gwen. Upset she did not know of the trail Gwen tells her she is rushing there as quickly as possible.   King Ulorian questions the party on why they are troubling his people and what purpose they have come to the Summerlands to cause such havoc and termoil. The speak of the lies and stories Lord Flax has spun to meet his own ambistions. Alcath evokes the Rite of Homestead. The King after much testimony and help from allies and enemies of the The Circle of Six starts to lean in havor of the mortals. Jenny Greenteeth in a last desperate attempt to stop this challanges the party to trial by combat. They attempt to demand she was the one that evoked the duel therefor she must might them. She aggrees only if she can fight the halfling (Gilly) and the elf (Caia). Otherwise is everyone wants to participate she will gather her champions.

Related Location
Thelanis - The Feywild
Related timelines & articles
The Adventures of The Path of Nightshade and The Circle of Six (article)