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The Quest for Hrothbert Continues

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The Path of Nightshade receive a visit from The Aislinn Tower and establish a teleportation circle on The Dragons Redemption.
  Bobushio's recruits more members of The Dragons Redemption and learns more about the origin of Ukaru and the Warforged.

The Dragon’s Redemption has been docked in Rockshire, and it approached upstream The Hanmouth River like a normal ship. The crew has been enjoying Rockshire during the downtime. Rosco can’t handle shoreleave, so Bobushio tasked him to go watch Benedict. Cheff Svee Desh is learning new recipes, visiting The Grinning Djinn and taking over the kitchen unofficially. Chef also visits Wilyas Whisperbarrel at The Shadough and learns pastries.   Gilly is gradually becoming a Hrothstorian. She worked to position herself on the Ivy Hill council. Big Tuna is now head of Ivy Hill. When they ask Gilly if she’s going to stay, she responds that she’s going to travel with The Path of Nightshade, but she can spread Ivy Hill influence as she does. In the meantime, Gerrig asks if he can see her and they start seeing each other informally. Gilly also learned more about Barrett Flintmantle, her half brother who was sacrificed in the failed attempt to summon the Demogorgon.   The Rockshire families have been hesitant to form a council, but they aren’t quite as violent and contentious as they used to be. During that time The Shades meet Misty, and she’s very much like her mother Redla but don’t ever get a meeting with Skordan. Bobushio meets with Redla a couple more times. He does try to intimidate Redla about if Gerrig is using Gilly to spy .   Thuniel taps Saul about the contract on the Simblemyne family. Saul says that the contract has to be internal to just Blightfen. It never left Blightfen or even the noble families. It was all handled “in-house”. Thuniel is bummed, but not surprised.   Moz has spent the last two months learning Thieves’ Cant. Thuniel tried to learn Halfling and just managed the dirty words and some basic grammar. Moz also sent a comprehensive report to Lokenvale about the findings of Hrothbert.   On 22 Septa 225, a message is sent from Marwynn asking to meet with her. Things in Astrafell are settling now, and she wants to check in and see what how thinking and feeling. Marwynn and her escort come to Ivy Hill.   Her escort is a member of The Aislinn Tower that Moz and Gilly recognize. She was a Firbolg and they glimpsed her in the Tower. She has a fox and a winged meerkat as companions, and her vestments are the classic robes of the tower with orange accents. Orange denotes conjuration magic, so the creatures might just be conjured animals. She is named Trislee Fallgrove, “Triss” Doyen of Conjuration. She is very tall 7'3", walks with purpose, and is very compassionate and wants to help people.   Marwynn and Triss are both very quiet people, and probably friends.   Their entourage is sparse, but have guards for practicality. They definitely don’t have Burchard Flintheart’s need for a following.   Marwynn and Triss come and stay in Ivy Hill. Triss wanders as she walks. She picks up rocks and looks at them. Marwynn says, "don’t worry about her, she collects rocks, so she’s probably looking for her “Rockshire rock”.’ Marwynn also tells us Triss specializes in conjuring animals that don’t really exist. Triss is too big for Ivy Hill ducking through doorways, so she asks for a room near the front door. She settles in the sitting room off the front entrance. She sets potted plants she’s been carrying in her pockets. All the plants are edible. She hasn’t spoken to anyone.   Fuzzle gets along with all the other animals, which is pretty unusual for him. Marwynn helps Triss by enlarging furniture for her. Triss finally speaks and tells us that she’s been told of the adventures of this group, but there are fewer of us than she expected. Bobushio says they’re out spreading franchises.   Triss introduces herself. Firbolgs like forests and being outside. She can’t remember where she’s from because she wandered too far and got lost. She was alone for most of her life before that. She then found her way to the tower she refined her magic. She can cast disguise self, invisibility, etc. She’s figured out how to exist and live in this world. She knows there were lots of giants where she was from but us not bothered by not knowning where her home is. Marwynn adds that Triss can talk to animals and plants.   Triss is here to assess us as an independent observer and a third party to see if The Shades are qualified to continue the quest for the Grimores. They don’t know how much Hrothbert actually achieved or where their own grimoire comes into the story. They want to know if The Shades can or will keep going.   Triss says if you're serious about this, you will have the backing of The Aislinn Tower and any resources needed. She also says there may be a need to get the Albion Council involved. They are the group of leaders that make up the Albion Alliance. Victor Gatrell, Gorlag, Lord Hyme, Miana (leader of the Brightcloaks), Lysse d'Silvas, etc, 11 members.   Bobushio questions why we need to bring in the Council. He argues we’ve been doing well enough on our own. Marwynn says that The Archmage Cristoval De Tresana suggested it. If word gets out that the Tower is throwing all of its resources at this quest that no one mentioned to the Council, it could create problems.   Marwynn says that why she is here is to judge how urgent this is. She doesn’t even think everyone on the Council is trustworthy and altruistic. Bobushio argues that’s why the Council doesn’t need to know.   Triss says she’s convinced. The decision is up to the quest takers. Gilly asks if we can continue confidentially, but we can cross that bridge when we get there. Marwynn wants to make sure we’re still on the same page.   Marwynn asks how much power Gilly has in this area. Is this a base of operations for Gilly? Gilly says it’s a safe space we could come back to, but we don’t always come back. Marwynn wants to ask if she can create a transportation circle near us. Bobushio immediately tries to monetize it and use it as a hub of commerce. It just needs to be a flat surface, and Marwynn will be the one to use it. But anyone at the Tower COULD use it, except people would have to get permission to come through.   The Path of Nightshade suggest it could be on The Dragons Redemption, but the other enchantments shouldn’t cause a problem with it. Bobushio says she can create it in the brig, as it is secure and fortified. Marwynn is concerned that we might be away from the ship when she comes over as she is unaward of it capacity to fly. Bobushio calms her fears without revealing its amazing properties.   Bobushio talks to the four Warforged from The Diamond Leviathan and offers them a spot on the Dragon’s Redemption . Two of them decide to take him up on it, Wart and Luna. Their nicknames are chosen because when they were made, all they got was a number and designation.   They find out Ukaru didn’t create the Warforged but he did take control of them. They say that the nature in which they were created has not been replicated since. They do know that Ukaru is trying to create more, but they don’t think he’s succeeded. They don’t know their maker, but they were created for conquest. Over time, they became self-aware and decided they could be individuals. They heard rumors that Ukaru was attacking because Bobushio had tech he wanted destoryed or taken. Ukaru has no control over them like a Hive mind, or they would be dead. Luna is a low-level cleric and Wart is a fighter who uses a spear.   Bobushio asks who Ukaru is. As far as they know, Ukaru has been the same person for hundreds of years, but that could just be a title that is passed down, as Bobushio expects. They know he hasn’t been able to create new Warforged, but he does have an army of drones with less sentience. The nature of the city of Drakenwall is very odd. The Warforged don’t understand the concept of money because they are used to bartering and making pacts as payment or obtaining services. Bobushio figures out that Gilderoy is older than the Warforged.

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