Maria del Valle


Maria del Valle is a well respected historian residing in Malva, Domina. She has dedicated her life to research and preservation of the legacy of the royal family of Domina. Originally from the region of Doro, Maria del Valle came to Domina in order to further her education in the knowledge capital of Tel Rialis, as well as to escape the intense patriarchy of her home region.  


Maria faced many challenges being a woman seeking education in Doro. She knew if she continued to pursue her wishes, she would have to leave her family behind. She knew she could go to Domina for refuge and to surround herself with powerful scholars and mentors. She was drawn to Domina’s matriarchal government, and wished to further study their history. She attended secondary education at one of Domina’s many collegiate institutions, where she excelled and gained a respected reputation. She worked closely with many of Domain’s royal historians for hands-on research opportunities.  

Professional Life

After she graduated, Maria del Valle was commissioned by Queen Adonya of Domina to develop a historical exhibit in order to celebrate the late Queen Malva’s legacy and the history of Domina since it was first founded. She teamed up with her college mentors and peers in order to fulfill Queen Adonya’s wishes.  
She developed a narrative on Queen Malva and her daughter who ruled after her, Queen Melita. Maria also worked with local sculptures in order to develop a replica of the city of Malva. She wished to create a beautiful scenic representation of Malva for all of the townspeople to see. She hoped this would allow them to see Domina’s true beauty from a bird’s eye view.  




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