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History of Alterra

  • 0 EA

    34 /1
    8 A


    First Uthash Migration
    Population Migration / Travel

    League of Uthash worlds secured their lifters and managed to extricate them from the wreck of the Ark Ship. Securing a landing field they organized a mass migration of their ally peoples. It was a slower migration as they methodically planned where cities and populations would be settled, and who got what equipment they were salvaging.

    More reading
    Uthash Culture
  • 0 EA


    Founding of Arolend Cities

    With a coordinated effort the elves migrated en mass to the western shores of Origin Island. Only the Drow remained behind. Used organized action to take land vehicles, skimmers, with force or other subtler means. Within 5 months the Arolend cities were being founded.

    Origin Island
    More reading
    Arolend Culture
  • 1 A

    1092 A


    Build up of the City of Tu'narath by the Githyanki

  • 2 A

    712 A

    First founding of Atlantis

    Founding of Atlantis by the Atlantean Collective

    More reading
    Atlantian Culture
  • 21 A

    44 A

    Ayorhah Migration
    Population Migration / Travel

    After the SOKI, Aerolend, Uthash, Gith and Goblinoids completed their migrations those left behind organized around the Bountiful Mothers and organized a scouting and migration south and across the Meridian Sea.

    Origin Island
  • 22 A

    3 /9

    Founding of the city of Cos

    City of Cos founded by settlers originally from a lost city further north on the coast of on the Gulf of Aeon. mixed group of settlers, it eventually would have many different layers of settlement, and has never been abandoned, but has been nearly destroyed a few times.

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  • 36 A

    Founding of Bessam

    Founding of the city of Bessam. Bessam would spawn settlers to found other cities and and in a few hundred years build the first great canal.

    More reading
    Nysisus and Muriel
  • 124 A

    691 A

    Founding of Uzgak

    Atlantean City of Uzgak founded. Destroyed in resource wars in 691A, has been a ruin for thousands of years. Re-founded in 5400A but in area that was outskirts of the original city.

    More reading
    Atlantian Culture
  • 133 A

    Founding of Mara

    Founding of the city of Mara by Atlanteans. 3rd city founded.

    More reading
    Atlantian Culture
  • 340 A

    1500 A

    Construction of Shra'K'Lor
    Construction beginning/end

    Githzerai construction of main city structure

  • 431 A

    437 A

    Global Githyanki War
    Military action

    First global war that involved cities and nations across the globe.

    Yanki Peninsula
  • 546 A

    Nysisus Great Cannal Opens
    Construction beginning/end

    Completion of Nysisus

    More reading
    Nysisus and Muriel
  • 551 A

    Muriel Grand Cannal Opens
    Construction beginning/end

    Opening of Muriel grand canal

  • 613 A

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    614 A

    20 /1

    Engine 11 explosion
    Disaster / Destruction

    One of the massive engine nacelles on the Ark Ship has a critical failure and explodes destroying all of the semi-permanent encampment around the ship that scavenge technology to send back to the cities for refurbishment and reuse. Thousands of technicians and scientists killed, major loss of technological resources.

  • 650 A

    720 A

    Resource Wars
    Military action

    With the loss of the resources from the Ark Ship neighbors began to fight over resources and supplies of exotic materials that could no longer be produced that were needed to run their advanced civilizations.

    More reading
    Politics in General
  • 700 A

    800 A

    Power Down Era
    Era beginning/end

    Though out the 7th and 8th century first of the central power systems begin to go off line as the ability to process fuel is hampered. power generation become distributed or powered down.

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  • Circa 900
    Wizardry formulated
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Atlantean wizards codify magic and first schools of magic founded.

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  • 919 A

    1344 A

    Second Founding of Atlantis

    City of Atlantis founded for a second time.

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  • Circa 1000
    Development of Waay traditional magic
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Waay tradition of magic spreads in Soki lands during the dark ages, it will be another 1500 to 2000 years before the tradition in Common, Warlock, spreads.

    More reading
    Soki Culture
  • 1000 A

    2000 A

    Dark Ages
    Era beginning/end

    General global decline of technological and cultural advancement replaced with a steady state civilization with medieval level of technology punctuated by a few advanced low energy technologies.

  • 1355 A

    15 Edics of Solomon

    Solomon, King of Atlantis publishes his 15 Edicts.

    More reading
    Edicts of Solomon
  • Circa 2000
    Philosophical Magic
    Religious event

    Development of philosophical magic spreads and become more and more organized by institutions built upon centuries of study.

  • 4478 A

    Founding of the Fortress of Alar

    Colony city wins it's independence from it's liege in Norasea and founds the first city state on western shores of West Golgondra.

    More reading
    Atlantian Culture
  • 5134 A

    Founding of Karna

    Soki Elder begins construction on a plaza and calls it Karna

  • 5888 A

    5989 A

    Capture of Karna
    Military action

    City state of Karna captured by a warlord and Soki city state prince and nobles exiled.