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History of Arda - The Roll of Ages

Before the Count of Years

Age of Creation 1 - 5,000 Age of Lamps 5,000 - 10,000 Age of Trees / Age of Darkness 10,000 - 20,000

  • 2 BCY

    5001 BCY

    Song of Creation
    Era beginning/end

    Eru Illuvatar sang, a great song filling the void, and in his song the world to come was shaped.

  • 5002 BCY

    10001 BCY

    Age of the Lamps

    The Valar raise the Two Lamps in Endor

  • 10002 BCY

    20001 BCY

    Age of Trees / Age of Darkness
    Era beginning/end

    Valar leave Endor for Aman and establish Valinor

First Age

FA 1 - 10,600

The waking of the Elves through the War of the Silmarils

  • 10 FA

    10 FA

    Creation of the Dwarves and Ents
  • 1000 FA

    1000 FA

    The Elves Awaken
    Cultural event

    The Elves awake on the shores of Cuivienen in North East Endor

  • 1500 FA

    1800 FA

    Men and Dwarves Awake
    Cultural event

    1500 FA - The Edain (first men) awaken in Eastern Endor   1800 FA - Durin the Dwarf Lord (Dwarves )awakens in Gundaband north of the Misty Mountains. He begins wandering and awakens the other six Dwarf Lords

  • 2000 FA

    2000 FA

    The Battle of Powers
    Military action

    The Host of Valinor descend on Melkor / Morgoth

  • 5000 FA

    5000 FA

    Creation of the Silmarils

    Feanor creates the Silmarils, glowing with the light of the Two Trees of Valinor.

  • 5500 FA

    5497 FA

    Creation of Sun and Moon
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Morgoth escapes and steals the Silmarils.

  • 10000 FA

    9997 FA

    War of the Jewels
    Military action

    The elves are exiled from Valinor by Mandos.

  • 10550 FA

    10550 FA

    War of Wrath
    Era beginning/end

    Morgoth is defeated

Second Age

SA 1 - 3,441

The rise of Numenor through Isildur claiming the Ring

  • 1 SA

    1 SA

    Kingdom of Lindon

    Elves found Kingdom of Lindon in what's left of Beleriand under King Gil Gilad.

  • 31 SA

    31 SA

    The Rise of Numenore
  • 499 SA

    499 SA

    Sauron reappears in Endor

  • 599 SA

    599 SA

    Numenoreans begin exploration of coasts of Endor.

  • 999 SA

    999 SA

    Mithril discovered in Khazad-dum.

    Mithril discovered in Khazad-dum. Sauron secretly begins work on Barad-dur in Mordor.

  • 1199 SA

    1199 SA

    Numenorean Settlements and Sauron meets the Elves

    First Numenorean settlements in Western Endor. Sauron appears as the Lord of Gifts, and begins working with elven smiths of Eregion.

  • 1374 SA

    1374 SA


    Galadriel founds Kingdom of Lorien.

  • 1499 SA

    1499 SA

    Elves begin forging the Rings of Power
    Cultural event

    Rings of Power

  • 1599 SA

    1599 SA

    One Ring is Forged. Istari Appear
    Cultural event

    Sauron forges the One Ring in Orodruin. He completes tower of Barad Dur, whose foundation is forever tied to the Ring. Elves learn they have been tricked. Istari appear in Endor

  • 1692 SA

    1692 SA

    Sauron seeks the Three Rings

    Sauron sends his Orc armies against the Elves of Eregion to gain the Three Rings.

  • 1696 SA

    1696 SA

    Rivendell is founded

    Eregion falls, and Sauron gains the 16 lesser rings, but the Elves keep the 3. Elrond founds Imladris (Rivendell) as a refuge.

  • 1699 SA

    1699 SA

    First defeat of Sauron
    Military action

    Numenoreans arrive to ally with the Elves. They defeat Sauron. The Dwarves shut the gates of Moria.

  • 1799 SA

    1799 SA

    Political divide begins in Numenore

    More Numenorean settlers arrive, displacing Indigenous populations. Political divide in Numenore Starts to form. Some oppose the Bar of the Valor, believing that living in Aman is the key to immortality. This faction starts to view the Elves as enemies, and become obsessed with immortally.

  • 1999 SA

    1999 SA

    Sauron begins gifting Rings of Power

    Sauron begins gifting Men and Dwarves with Rings of Power. He learns they affect the Dwarves differently then expected, and they cannot be enslaved.

  • 2250 SA

    2250 SA

    Nazgul Appear
    Cultural event
  • 2279 SA

    2279 SA

    Numenorean divide deepens in Endor

    Port of Umbar becomes principle Numenorean base in Endor While Pelargir built at confluence of Anduin and Sirith. It becomes the chief Haven of the faithful in Endor. These two holdings represent the political divide in Numenore. The larger faction, resenting the Ban, become increasingly hostile to inhabitants of Endor and start to exact tribute from Men.

  • 2499 SA

    2499 SA

    Sauron's influence expands

    Nazgul control all of Endor except North West corner. Sauron declares himself King of men.

  • 2898 SA

    2898 SA

    Numenorean king begins persecuting the faithful.

    Numenorean king begins persecuting the faithful, outlawing Elvish. The next three Kings continue this policy.

  • 3260 SA

    3260 SA

    Sauron is captured and taken to Numenore

    Ar Pharazon Takes the throne in Numenore. He takes an Army to Endor to crush Sauron. Sauron surrenders and is taken in chains back to Numenore. Sauron begins exploiting the political divide already in play, encouraging Ar Pharazon to Challenge the Ban. Ar Pharazon spends next ten years building a fleet to Sail to Aman.

  • 3318 SA

    3318 SA

    The Fall of Numenore
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Numenorean Fleet sails to Aman. When they set foot on shore, a great chasm opens between Aman and Numenore, sweeping them back into the sea. At the same time, Numenore Sinks until only the peak of the tallest Mountain can be seen. A fleet of the faithful (Dunedain) are allowed to escape, led by Elendil and his sons Isildur and Anarion. Valinor is removed from the Material plane.

  • 3319 SA

    3319 SA

    Arnor and Gondor founded

    Sauron escapes to Mordor, never again able to take a pleasing form. The realms in exile are founded: Arnor in the North where ancient Edain buried their Lords, and Gondor along the shores of Bay of Belfalas. The seven Palantiri are placed in towers scattered across both realms. Elendil lives in Arnor, but the master stone is in Osgiliath, the capital of Gondor.

  • 3339 SA

    3339 SA

    Tower of Orthanc built
    Construction beginning/end

    The tower of Orthanc at Isenguard is built by the Dunedain to link Arnor and Gondor.

  • 3399 SA

    3399 SA

    Sauron's armies Attack Gondor. The Last Alliance of Elves and Men is formed.
    Military action

  • 3410 SA

    3410 SA

    Isildur cuts the Ring from Sauron's hand

    In siege of Barad Dur, Gilgalad and Oropher of the elves are killed. Oropher’s Son Thranduil becomes king of Greenwood. Elendil and Anarion of the Men are killed. Isildur defeats Sauron when he cuts the One Ring from his hand. The Ringwraiths pass into shadow. Barad dur is razed but foundation cannot be destroyed while the ring still exists. Isildur Choses to keep the Ring.

Third Age

TA 1 - 3,021

The Loss of the Ring through the War of the Ring

  • 2 TA

    2 TA

    The Ring is Lost

    Isildur is killed and the Ring is Lost.  Gondor and Arnor are sundered.

  • 830 TA

    830 TA

    Conflict begins between Gondor and Numenorean Kingdom of Harad
    Military action

  • 861 TA

    861 TA

    Arnor divided into Arthedain, Cardolan, and Rhudaur
    Political event

  • 1050 TA

    1050 TA

    Nazgul reappear

    Sauron goes to Dol Guldur disguised as the Necromancer. Greenwood falls under shadow and becomes Mirkwood.

  • 1300 TA

    1300 TA

    The Witch King of Angmar

    The Witch king founds Angmar in the Northern Misty Mountains. He focuses on Arnor’s three successor States.

  • 1301 TA

    1301 TA

    Rhudaur falls.
    Disaster / Destruction

    Dunlendings seize control and ally with Angmar. Arthedain and Cardolan ally against Angmar and Rhudaur. Nazgul reach their peak power in Endor.

  • 1404 TA

    1404 TA

    Cardolan Falls
    Disaster / Destruction

    Cardolan falls during last battle on Barrow Downs.

  • 1447 TA

    1447 TA

    Rule of Corsairs begins in Umbar
    Political event

  • 1600 TA

    1600 TA

    The Shire is founded

    Hobbits establish The Shire in part of Arthedain.

  • 1635 TA

    1635 TA

    The Great Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Great Plague, A collection of diseases & pestilence, sweeps through NW Endor over next few years. Osgiliath Continues to decline under the stress. Capitol of Gondor Moved to Minas Anor.

  • 1975 TA

    1975 TA

    Arthedain falls
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 1980 TA

    1980 TA

    Balrog of Moria
    Disaster / Destruction

    Balrog of Moria kills Durin VI. Dwarves abandon Khazad-dum.

  • 2000 TA

    2000 TA

    Minas Morgul and Minas Tirith

    Witch King returns to Mordor. Nazgul besiege Gondorion Mountain city of Minas Ithil. It falls and its Palantir is lost to Mordor. Tower becomes Minas Morgul. Minas Anor renamed to Minas Tirith (tower of guard).

  • 2050 TA

    2050 TA

    Stewards of Gondor
    Political event

    Witch king Kills the last king of Gondor, ending the line of Anarion. Rule of the Stewards of Gondor begins.

  • 2415 TA

    2415 TA

    Osgiliath abandoned

    Orcs overrun Osgiliath. It is abandoned.

  • 2463 TA

    2463 TA

    The Ring finds Smeagol

  • 2759 TA

    2759 TA

    Saruman the White given access to Orthanc

  • 2770 TA

    2770 TA

    Smaug the Dragon attacks Erebor.
    Disaster / Destruction

  • 2912 TA

    2912 TA

    Tharbad falls
    Disaster / Destruction

    Fell Winter falls and While Wolves appear in force. Tharbad, last remnant of Cardolan, is abandoned and trade between East & West of Misty Mountains ends.

  • 2941 TA

    2941 TA

    Bilbo finds the Ring

    The White Council (The Istari and Lords of the Eldar) drive Sauron’s influence from DoI Guldur. Bilbo finds the Ring. Smaug is killed and Durin’s folk reclaims Erebor.

  • 2951 TA

    2951 TA

    Barad Dur rebuilt

    Sauron reveals himself and starts to rebuild Barad-dur. The Nazgul Re-occupy DoI Guldur.

  • 3000 TA

    3000 TA

    Saruman allies with Sauron through the Palantir.

  • 3019 TA

    3019 TA

    War of the Ring
    Military action

  • 3020 TA

    3020 TA

    Return of the King
    Political event

    Third Age ends with the Coronation of King Elessar, heir of Isildur, of the Reunited Kingdoms.

Fourth Age

FoA 1 and Beyond

The defeat of Sauron and the Nazgul through current times

  • 101 FoA

    101 FoA

    The Death of King Elessar
    Political event

  • 156 FoA

    156 FoA

    The Second War of the Ring
    Military action

    Second War of the Ring and cleansing of the Rings. Queen Silencia granddaughter of King Elessar, is crowned in Gondor. The Witch King survives and flees far South, perused by Elric of Melnibone.

  • 157 FoA

    157 FoA

    Queen Silencia sends emissaries to Eriador

    Queen Silencia sends emissaries (Othmog and Grimjaw) to Eriador in the first steps of healing between Armor and Gondor. The first Balrog Stone appears.

  • 159 FoA

    159 FoA

    The Queen's Emissaries reach Tharbad

    The Queen's Emissaries reach Tharbad, which has Grown over the last Century to the center of Trade it once was.   The Valar Nessa bonds the Balrog Stone with Othmog.

  • 160 FoA

    160 FoA

    Tharbad is claimed in the name of Gondor.

  • 161 FoA

    161 FoA

    The Maia Glaive appears in Tharbad

    The Maiar Glaive is released from imprisonment and appears in Tharbad. Othmog and Grimjaw increase military presence in Arnor. Othmog begins recruiting goblin kin. Glaive moves north and reclaims Angband. His sister Nessa begins bringing the races in hiding to him for protection.

  • 166 FoA

    166 FoA

    The First appear

    The First begin to appear, two of whom bond with eggs containing the Children of Queen Silencia and the Maia Nasta that had been incubating deep underground in Mount Doom.

  • 171 FoA

    171 FoA

    Sehan of the First invades Gondor
  • 186 FoA

    186 FoA

    Tri Cities established, Return of Kyuss stopped, Crimson Terror in Collosae
  • 191 FoA

    191 FoA

    Liberation of Gondor

    Liberation of Gondor. Coronation of Queen Melizandra Dagnir. Umbar given its freedom and no longer under Numenorean Control. Gondor Also establishes independence from Numenore. God-King Sehan remains in Numenore.

  • 196 FoA

    197 FoA

    Southern Endor – Raven Rebellion in Collosae
    Political event

    The Dominion of Kells eyes western expansion and tries to exert influence over city of Collosae, westernmost holding of the Dominion. Brazilli Thrush of the ruling family is sent there to secure and solidify its status as a member of the Dominion. Insane and sadistict, his tactics ignite the Raven Rebellion. After a year, the Rebellion succeeds in freeing Collosae as an independant city state, recognized by the Dominion as a sovereign state. Treaties for cultural trade and exchange are created under th watchful eye of Collosae's new allies: Gondor, Mage Point, and Bright Moon.