Arxios History of Arxios Timeline
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History of Arxios

A broad timeline of the eras and events that created the realm of Arxios.

Time of Creation

Before Recorded History

Theories on the events that shaped our realm. Years are not even closely estimated, merely placed in a conceivable chronological order.

  • -10050 TC

    Light and Shadow
    Era beginning/end

    Corpus exists in a scattered, unconscious form as a whirling primordial chaos. From the chaos, Anima springs forth, and with her the concept of life. She bestows her gift upon Corpus, granting him sentience, and the two begin their work of creation.

    At the same time, the goddess Ira appears in Anima's shadow, signaling the inevitable end.

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    World Axis Cosmology
  • -10049 TC

    Construction beginning/end

    Searching for a new project, Corpus selects the realm of Arxios and begins to fill it with life. Sprawling forests, towering mountains, and rushing rivers leading into the expanse.
    During this time, Corpus creates the first of his children, allowing them to flourish into beasts and monsters of all kinds.

The Time Before

10000 TB 2000 TB

The mortal civilizations of Arxios are scattered. Giants rule much of the land, and dragons arrive to help guide the people forward.

  • -10000 TB

    The Beginning

    The first intelligent creatures, Goblins, appear on Arxios. They are made to live and develop independently from the divine. However, Anima can't resist making a few tweaks.

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  • -9500 TB

    Envoys of Arvandor
    Diplomatic action

    High Elven envoys from the astral realm of Arvandor travel to Arxios and make a home in the desert now known as the Eastern Reaches. They begin to shape the world to their liking, advancing quickly in technology and arcanum.

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    High Elf
  • -9400 TB

    The Rumbling
    Disaster / Destruction

    Corpus grows petulant at the sight of mortals altering his creation. He creates six titans to crush their world flat. The elves of the east pray for mercy from Anima, who destroys the titans and scolds Corpus. In sorrow, Corpus blesses the fallen titans with the power of creation, and from their bodies, Giants spring forth and spread across the land.

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  • -9300 TB

    Shepherds of Civilization

    With the help of Corpus, Ghezen, and Cernos, Anima creates the first dragons: Larger-than-life creatures with the wisdom and good-nature to help mortal civilization flourish. These dragons teach the peoples of Arxios how to innovate, and harness the world to their will.
    Many dragons "adopt" a settlement to nourish and protect. For this, these settlements are each named for their draconic patron.

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  • -8000 TB

    The Draconic Heresy

    Many dragons see fault in the gods' plans and hands-off approach. They begin to teach mortals secrets not meant for their ears. In outrage, Anima severs the dragons from their home in the astral sea, dooming them to mortality in the material plane.

    Seeking revenge, the dragons gather their followers and form armies to incite a revolution against the gods. While documentation on the event is sparse and inconclusive, the general consensus is that the revolution failed.

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  • -2200 TB

    Tragedy of Medea
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Sorceress Medea is extinguished in a hail of meteors caused by herself. Historical signs point to a great battle, though none are sure the reason, or what other parties were involved.
    The hailing meteors create massive craters that will later be the foundations on which the autonomous zone, Moletown, is constructed.

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Current Era

1 CE and beyond

After settlers from beyond the frozen hearth arrive in Arxios, everything changes for the local peoples.

  • 1 CE


    Human explorers from beyond the frozen hearth discover Arxios nestled within its massive valley. The explorers decided to settle in the north, and begin forming their first village, Delphi; Named for the oracle that guided the explorers through the deadly mountains to this new home.

  • 12 CE

    A Kingdom is Born

    The Castle Delphi is completed and Satus Stopstalk is sworn in as Sovereign. The Kingdom of Stopstalk is officially born at the heart of Delphi, and begins to expand.

  • 883 CE

    The Battle of Eros
    Military: Battle

    As tensions boil over between the Dhucose Elves and the Kingdom of Stopstalk, armies gather on the banks of the river Eros. Negtiations ensue between King Zeus and Queen Axima, but are shortly interrupted as an arrow from beyond the Dhucose lines spears Zeus' throat, killing him instantly. The Stopstalk armies charge in retaliation, and the river Eros fills with blood.

    No side won the battle, while Stopstalk gained the river, pushing into the woods proved fruitless. Skirmishes continued to pop up for days, but in the end the order was given for Stopstalk's forces to retreat.