Black Marsh Road

The Black Marsh Road is the main roadway in the Western Valley region of Tarteria. It connects the larger Orc Highway to the settlements of Gimoruk and Goliin Hiid.


Though it is the primary road in the Western Valley, large sections of the Black Marsh Road are untended and little more than a trodden path the farther from Gimoruk and Goliin Hiid it travels, partially due to the lower population in the valley and the abandonment of Aktempto after the Tarterian War.

Axe-Breaker Thicket to Gimoruk

The eastern end of the Black Marsh Road connects to the larger Orc Highway at Axe-Breaker Thicket. The thicket is a small forest of hard Axe-Breaker trees that surround this intersection. The pathway here is trodden and packed dirt, but is susceptible to rain making it muddy and to the danger of these hard-to-remove trees falling across the roadway.   Towards the west the road travels through rolling hills and wetlands of the Northern Orcish Plains. A number of wild animals can be seen here, including wild boar and maned wolves. The road passes one of the major battlegrounds of the Tarterian War, before crossing the Rexun River and continuing to Gimoruk.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
On 23 Madaet 5A 352, Romulus left Gimoruk and travelled along the Black Marsh Road. He reached Axe-Breaker Thicket by 27 Madaet and continued northwards.   On 30 Madaet 5A 352, Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders was traveling north on the Orc Highway with Chaka and Mortimr Gwathagoldrin. At the intersection for Axe-Breaker Thicket, they were accosted by bandits who had felled a tree across the road, blocking the pathway for carts. After the battle, Mortimr cleared the tree.
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane