Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders

Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders, also known as "Kelwin's Shop", is a moving toy and crafts store run by the Auglosilf family of gnomes. It is currently located in the city of Porgorag in the Queendom of Keeleon.   The shop is run by Kelwin Auglosilf and his wife Lilys. Their great-grandchild, Ronpip, also travels with the shop.   The shop offers an assortment of toys, like dolls and whistles, and other small items. Kelwin also produces custom commision work.


Kelwin's Shop is a powder blue carriage fashioned in the likeness of an extremely small cottage on wheels, which is pulled by a pair of stout horses. The sides have metal banding and cross beams holding up an angled, grey shingled roof, complete with a small brick chimney. The wagon wheels appear to be made entirely of dulled and worn bronze.   On each side of the carriage are wooden, crosshatch window shutters. There is a roll of pink-and-white stripped fabric tied and bundled above it. Though attached mechanisms, these shutters fold outward, creating a shop counter and awning. There are arrays of displays and hangers with goods that can fold out to present a shop front, which fold inwards when not in use.   There is a double door to the back of the carriage. The doors open outwards and the interiors of the doors have small shelves of vials, papers pinned to it, and small tools hanging on ropes. There is a wooden staircase that folds out of the back. Each step has a small drawer that can be opened when the staircase is extended.   The interior is an overpacked living space, filled with shelves, boxes, and hanging satchels and nets. There is a small stove connected to the chimney. A number of hammocks can be seen strapped across the interior. The inside is light by a hanging lantern.   Underneath the bottom of the carriage are a number of tied and strapped empty barrels and boxes. These create a connected network which smaller creatures are able to move about it, like a makeshift playplace. Some of these are seemingly used for more storage.   In addition to the Auglosilfs, there are two clockwork beetles which flit around the interior. They emit a constant low buzzing noise.

Notable People

  • Lilys Auglosilf: Wife of Kelwin.
  • Ronpip Auglosilf: Great-grandson of Kelwin and Lilys.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
At some point before 21 Madaet 5A 352, Ronpip's parents left him in the care of his great-grandparents, Kelwin and Lilys, as they were sailors leaving to "sail cargo". Before leaving, they gifted Ronpip a music box for his birthday.   On 21 Madaet 5A 352, Kelwin's Shop was in the Prominade District of the captial city of Kievs. In the early morning, Kelwin and Lilys were loading up the carriage, intending to leave the city. Mortimr Gwathagoldrin approached and was seen by Ronpip, who invited him into the undercarriage. Mortimr hid there as the carriage was loaded and left Kievs northwards, travelling along the Orc Highway.   In the evening of 27 Madaet 5A 352, Kelwin's Shop was parked for the night near The Augurs in New Keeleon. Chaka approached and met the Auglosilf family and agreed to travel northwards with them as a guard.   The next morning on 28 Madaet, Kelwin lead the carriage to Argil's Gate. The carraige was stopped by a Keel's Band soldier who asked for the Wheel Tax. Chaka charmed the guard and they left the city northwards.   On 30 Madaet 5A 352, the carriage reached the intersection for the Black Marsh Road in Axe-Breaker Thicket. They were accosted by bandits who had felled a tree across the road and attempted to rob them. Mortimr and Chaka repelled the attack and cleared the tree.   With the tree cleared, they continued northwards along the Orc Highway. On the morning of 1 Adroth 5A 352, on the coast in the distance they could see the coastal town of Porgorag, and they continued onward.   On 1 Adroth 5A 352, Kelwin's Shop reached Porgorag. Kelwin parked the carriage at Second Square, and Mortimr and Chaka departed.   On 2 Adroth 5A 352, Mortimr returned to Kelwin's Shop. He provided some gold to Kelwin, saying it was for the wheel tax, and he commissioned a custom mask, which Kelwin said would be ready by the next day.   On 3 Adroth 5A 352, Mortimr picked up his order and provided Kelwin with additional gold.   On 4 Adroth 5A 352, at Mortimr's urging, Kelwin and his family loaded the shop onto the Provideniye. The ship then departed in the direction of the Santeem Republic.
Shop, Toy

Kelwin Auglosilf

Material Plane