
Dragonborn are an extremely rare race on Azimuth. They are humanoids with draconic features. They are descended from one of the Zenethian Children, and as such have divine blood in their veins.



When this aspect of their bloodline manifests itself, the individual born is Dragon-like in appearance, and their heritage is outside of questioning. Dragonborn look very much like Dragons standing erect in humanoid form, with scaled bodies and a long tail, though they lack wings. They are tall and strongly built. Their hands and feet are strong, with talon-like claws.   It may take generations for this trait to show itself. Indeed, none of the known offspring of the Zenethian Children were dragonborn. For their descendants that did not know their heritage, it can be a great surprise if they suddenly have a dragonborn child. Though they can be born of any lineage that has ties to the Zenethian Children, the dragonborn are their own race. Once this manifests, any children of a dragonborn are also dragonborn themselves, regardless of pairings.


Dragonborn are often tall, standing close to 6 ½ feet tall and weighing 300 pounds or more.   Dragonborn children reach adulthood by 15, and their lifespan can vary based on the amount of Dragonblood in their lineage. It is theorized that part of the extended lifespan of the Zenethian Children was tied to their bloodline, and it seems a part of this blessing is inheritable.


Early history and supposed creation

When Zenthai, The Dragon King, after the Great War realized he alone was no longer enough to quell the attacks of Esturk, The World's End, he devised a plan to tip the scales in the favor of the light. Zenthai paired with his six Zenethian Champions and produced the Zenethian Children. These six children would go on to become the Zenethian Heroes and save the world once more, ending the Age of Shadow.   What would not be discovered until much later in the Fifth Age is this pairing had an unintended effect. The six children were the children of their mortal parent and Zenthai himself. They were part divine. In their veins flowed Dragonblood. Starting in the Fifth Age, the first of the dragonborn race emerged, descendants of these six Heroes, as the Dragonblood in their lineage took hold.   The full extent of what this means is not yet discovered and the exact mechanics of this bloodline trait are still being discovered, but one thing has become clear: Each dragonborn has divine heritage.


Dragonborn are one of the rarest races in Azimuth, having only just begun to emerge. Their total numbers are not known, but it is speculated no more than 200 could exist. They are most common in the continent of Gimora, though they have been sighted in many of the world’s lands. There is also the question of those who’s Dragonblood has not yet manifested, individuals whose children may yet be born as dragonborn.   Scholarly circles have great interest in any dragonborn, as do those of the Zenethian faith. To them, dragonborn are a true aspect of the divine, the will of Zenthai made real, and they are treated with both respect and sometimes worship. This pressure and attention can cause some dragonborn to waver in their faith if they cannot rise up to those standards, and others may turn away or seclude themselves to avoid such things. Still, others do rise to positions of power within the church and those cultures that are tied to Zenethia.

Dragonborn in Gimora Major

Dragonborn are most common in the continent of Gimora, though they have been sighted in many of the world’s lands.

Dragonborn in Tarteria

In Tarteria, dragonborn are an incredibly rare sight. Those that are born here are assumed to be descendants of the Zenethian Hero Grupe, who returned to northern Tarteria and spent much time here, though this cannot be truly known. The orcs of the Queendom of Keeleon owe much to the efforts of Zenethia and the Heroes, and so treat dragonborn with respect and gratitude, seeing them as a sign of the continued growth of their nation.

Notable Dragonborn

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Non-Player Characters

Azimuth Anthology: Luyos

Player Characters

Humanoid   Size
Medium   Age of Adulthood
Around 15   Lifespan
Around 100 years   Average Height
Between 6 to 7 feet   Average weight
Around 300 pounds   Scale color
Wide variety   Planes
Material Plane
2022 Character Art by Hero Forge, supplied by G.F.
2024 Character Art by Hero Forge, supplied by M.B.