Godsguard Ankhan, daughter of Audeh

Dragonborn Cleric

"At times, faith is a measure of patience."
Godsguard Ankhan, daughter of Audeh, is a dragonborn cleric who appears in Azimuth Campaign Two . She is the leader of the faith in Porgorag's Church of Zenethia and is the city's Godguard appointed by the Oknar. She is an NPC played by M.B.



Ankhan is a female dragonborn of orcish desent. She is around 7 feet tall. She has prominent draconic features, and she appears somewhat young. She has fine, pale golden scales. She has soft blue eyes. Her head is elongated with a jagged mouth and jawline. She has two horns that jut backwards at soft angles, and there are silver rings embedded in them like earrings.   She wears a vibrant emerald green chasuble with platinum white detailing along the shoulders. This is worn over a set of thick leather armor which shows patina and marbling from age and use. She carries a simple, cudgel-style mace.   Ankhan's divine magics create beams of platinum light that burst forth like starlight.


Ankhan is soft spoken and appears somewhat young. She carries herself with a posture which lacks great confidence. Despite this, she portrays experience in matters of faith and has impressed those around her. This is shown by her appointment as head of the Zenethian faith in Porgorag as well as her appointment to the position of Godsguard, the newest guard position in the city. Bishop Rannyl Grimsunder praised her and her work for the faith and the honoring of her draconic heritage.   In conversation, she is polite and caring. She expressed her desire to maintain her position to provide the best aid to the citizens of Porgorag that she could.   She appeared gravely concerned with the blocking of Chedae, The Heaven's Light. She stated she had tried daily to reconnect since she first felt the difference. Despite the heavy damage she took from the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring, her focus was on the ring and its properties over her own safety, as she felt similar blocking energies coming from the ring.   Ankhan has stated she is a morning person, saying, "I rise with the light."



Ankhan stated her parents were orcs. Her mother's name was Audeh, and her full name follows the style of orcish naming conventions. It is unknown which Zenethian Heroes she may be descended from.   At some point as a young student in the faith, she was brought to the hidden Spring of the Natant Yew by Argilla, son of Kla.   The letter given to Gertrude Oathenhammer by Bishop Rannyl Grimsunder stated Ankhan was appointed as head of the Zenethian faith in Porgorag by High Matriarch Inkathu.   At some point, Ankhan was also appointed as Godsguard of Porgorag by Oknar Jod, replacing the retired Argilla. Argilla later said of this, “She was not quite ready to accept the post, but I was quite ready to retire.”   During her duties as Godsguard, she stated she had visited the Spring of the Natant Yew.   On 2 Avedar 5A 351, at the Festival of Dragons celebrations, Ankhan felt a fading of the light of Chedae, The Heaven's Light. She described it as a "wave from the south" and that it felt like a "hole". She alerted the other city officials, pulling them away from the festivities.   Since then, Ankhan began providing more and more services in Porgorag, as less capable clerics had begun losing access to their abilities. Ankhan also was providing updates about this to High Matriarch Inkathu in the capital city, Kievs.   In her duties she became well known enough that the mayor of Bridon Tillage, Falamin Leabrace, was aware of her by Sedaena 5A 351.

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Session 3 - Guildhalls and Churches
In the evening of 1 Adroth 5A 352, Ankhan gave a sermon about patience and faith at the Church of Zenethia. Despite the hopeful message, it did not seem to resonate with the congregation.   After the sermon, she spoke with Gertrude Oathenhammer and Demitri. Gertrude provided a sealed message from Bishop Rannyl Grimsunder, and they discussed the apparent fading of Chedae, The Heaven's Light, in Tarteria. They also discussed the growing rebellion in the Western Valley and Coinguard Gim Gorod. Though Ankhan was concerned with the issues the party had been experiencing, when Demitri asked if she had leverage on Gim Gorod they could use to put pressure on him, Ankhan was not comfortable with what Demitri was asking, and declined.  
Session 7 - Brawl for the Box
In the evening of 2 Adroth 5A 352, Demitri, Ilmendwyth, and Arwin came to the Church of Zenethia before the evening sermon. Ankhan was discussing proper care and maintenance of the edelweiss flowerbeds with members of the clergy when Demitri interrupted her.   Ankhan was convined by Ilmednwyth and Demitri to join the elf to the Darksteel Foundry. She passed her sermon notes to another member of the clergy so they could give the Zehrday sermon instead.   On the way, Ilmendwyth and the Godsguard were noticed, as she was a prominent city official and a dragonborn. Ilmendwyth provided further details about events to the Godsguard.   Outside the entrance to the Foundry, Ankhan asked Ilmendwyth about the gathered crowd of civilians. Ilmendwyth said they were seemingly unhappy with the aid caravan.   Inside, Ankhan greeted Gertrude with the motion of the Zenethian symbol. Ankhan repaired the modified memory of Cirro, saying it could take several moments for him to recover. After, she joined the party as they returned to the Foundry’s central yard towards the black box.  
Session 8 - Disparate Pieces
After the lock of the black box was opened, Ankhan cast Dispel Magic and removed the abjuration spell protecting it.   Mortimr set the green ring on the ground of the courtyard and blasted it with his magic. The spell was absorbed into and through the ring violently, and the Godsguard was hurt as divine energies were removed from her. Gertrude healed her. Ankhan thanked her and told her that the sensation she felt from the ring was the same as when she first felt the fading of Chedae’s light.   During their discussions, Ilmendwyth asked Ankhan if the Church of Zenethia had a place to store an item like the ring. She said the church does, however she was hesitant having an item that "reacts so negatively to divine energies being anywhere near the church."   Romulus asked Ankhan what she could share about demons. She shared what she could as she answered Romulus’s questions.   After the party chose to rest before heading to the sewers, Ankhan headed back to the church to "do a bit of my own research."  
Session 11 - Porgorag's Light
In the morning of 3 Adroth 5A 352, the party returned to the church and saw Ankhan attempt a communion spell, which failed. She had spent the evening digging through journals in the church's offices in an attempt to find information about the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. She discussed her research with the group, and they shared the events that took place in the city's sewers and the Spring of the Natant Yew.   Ankhan brought them to the office of her predecessor, Argilla, son of Kla. They investigated his old notes and journals, and located a phrase that appeared to be a key to restoring the barrier. They located a hidden spell scroll in the podium of the church, which Ankhan identified as a spell to reinforce the protective aura of the shrine.   Ankhan accompanied the group to the shrine, and she assisted Romsca, Smelter of Ingots, as she read the scroll and bolstered the aura back to its full efficacy.  
Session 12 - Connections
The party regrouped outside the Oknar Offices alongside Ankhan. Demitri told Ankhan of some of the group’s concerns about Coinguard Gim Gorod, the aid caravan, and the green ring. They talked about concerns with trusting the Oknar as well, and Ankhan said she could keep this from the Oknar for now if they felt it was necessary.   As the conversation continued, Ankhan suggested they head inside to her office rather than discuss in the street. She led them to her office, where Chaka asked about Argilla and his patron. Ankhan shared what she could but she did not know who Argilla’s patron was.   She then went to arrange a meeting with Oknar Jod. She returned and led the party to meet with Oknar Jod and Watchguard Inzun. At the Oknar’s direction, Ankhan cast a Zone of Truth spell. After doing so, she made it aware who was and wasn’t under the effects.   After the conversation, the party left and parted ways with Ankhan.

Character Information

Notable Items

  • Government Office: As Godsguard, Ankhan has an office in the Oknar Offices facility. She also has an office at the Church of Zenethia, however she has stated primarily uses the one at the Oknar Offices.


  • "The quick answer, the alluring answer, if not always the right one." - 2.3
  • "At times, faith is a measure of patience." - 2.3
  • "I can see why you all brought me here; this is important." - 2.8
  • "Government tends to do things slower than a determined group of individuals could handle on their own." - 2.8
Character Type
Non-Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Current Location