
Gnolls are a somewhat uncommon race on Azimuth. They are hyena-like humanoid creatures known mostly for their feral appearance and their tribal culture.



Gnolls are hyena-like or dog-like in appearance. Though tall, their posture tends to be hunched, making them appear shorter than their full height. Gnolls have elongated muzzles with sharp canine-like teeth and a powerful bite. Their bodies are covered in fur that is usually a dirty yellow or reddish-brown color.


Gnolls on average stand up to about seven feet tall, however their posture tends to be hunched.   Gnolls have a similar lifespan to full orcs, reaching adulthood around age 12 and living up to 50 years.


Early history and supposed creation

Beastfolk is a term used by the races of Azimuth to separate several separate cultures, including gnoll, minotaur, and bugbear, considered "native" to Parthenia. These races were crafted in the Age of Creations at the influence of dark-aligned gods during the battles against the Primoridials. Since then, they have existed in tandem with those of humans, dwarves, and elves, though often at conflict with one another.

Additional History

During the ending events of the Great War in the Third Age, many kingdoms were forced to flush out the bestial races from their lands as a result of Esturk, The World's End’s invasions across Azimuth. While some could seclude themselves in the corners of the world, many tribes had no place else to go, so many sought refuge in the far-flung land of Parthenia as they were driven away. Though the Lordship of Gardenbur was founded here, it was not long before this kingdom fell after the death of the Zenethian Champion Ruin, Wielder of the Zenethian Axe and the bestial races took over this land.   For gnolls, this place became one of subjugation under those of the minotaur, who controlled the more fertile lands of Parthenia to the north and who were physically and militarily more powerful than the smaller gnoll tribes in the south. However, this dynamic would change drastically during the events of the Manslayer War and the formation of the Parthenian Federation.   Over the years, the beastfolk have moved slowly away from tribalism, a change that has been steadily forced onto the tribes by the likes of gnolls, who now hold much more power in this current dynamic than they have in the past. Though they are now a legitimate political entity with relations with other nations of Azimuth, many still hold the bestial races at best at arm’s length and at worst with open hostility. They view these races as monsters and threats, with ties to The World’s End, and in some ways they are correct. The bestial races can be naturally aggressive and physically intimidating. Even still, one can now see gnolls in the ports of Azimuth on trade ships or as mercenaries, as well as bandits and thieves.


In gnollish culture, there is a strong focus on titles and names. They do not hold traditional surnames, but do have titles that they attribute to themselves. Young gnolls usually are called by a generic name related to their clan. Generally, this will be communal, and used for any newborns from the same clan. As they reach adulthood, they take a name for a feature they define themselves by. These names can also be bestowed on them by the clan at large. They are not hereditary but multiple gnolls from the same immediate family commonly have the same if they are part of a family trade. Usually these titles use the 'of' preposition, though other prepositions are used as well. It can be a bit clunky when translated to Common. If a gnoll becomes a leader of a new tribe, that tribe usually takes that name for the clan.   Because of the culture's focus on titles and the information therein these are generally used as quick ways to identify an individual’s identity or capabilities to another. It's not uncommon for someone to present a different title to new people they meet personally versus at the job, though those generally use adjectives instead.   A main proponent of the conflicts between gnolls and those of humans, dwarves, and elves in history is is the large acceptance and worship of Nadiria in beastfolk cultures. Their reliance on traditional tribalism and hunter-gathering culture also puts them in direct competition and battle with other races.

Gnolls in Gimora Major

Seeking refuge and opposed to the cultural shifts resulting in the formation of the Parthenian Federation, the Tribe of the Golden Fur left Parthenia and has existed in the Gorl Forest of the Kingdom of Endor since early in the Fifth Age. Though the tribe is mostly gnolls, a number of minotaur are a part of the community as well. The original band was around 20 to 30, but they have grown to a small tribe of between 200 and 300 members.   In the lands of Branca, the Kingdom of the South, bestial races are incredibly rare due to the laws of the land allowing the hunting and killing of races like gnolls, minotaurs, and bugbears.

Gnolls in Gimora Minor

Gnolls can be seen often in the Wild Lands in and around the settlement of Port D'Silva. They rarely venture far from town due to the dangers presented to them by the tribes of the Wild Lands to the north and the Brancana Rangers that patrol to the west.

Gnolls in Tarteria

Long ago, the beastfolk races were driven from Tarteria after the Great War. There are no known settlements of gnolls in Tarteria, but those that wander from their tribes or travel with Parthenian trading vessels can make their way to these lands. Gnolls may find it easier to make their way here than among humans and elves who may still view them as beasts. If a gnoll can keep up and work their fill, they can find a home among orcs. If they cannot keep up with the overwhelming power and pace of full orcs, then they may be seen as a burden.

Gnolls in Northwest Seas

Among the many islands of the Northwest Seas, many races can be found. While gnolls and other beastfolk were driven from the lands of other continents, the same is not true of the area of Stancia.

Gnolls in Parthenia

The nation of the Parthenian Federation is a conglomorate of several bestial races. The gnolls hold much more power in this current dynamic than they have in the past. They are widespread in Parthenia, though mostly are localized in the Gnoll Territory in the south and the Parthenian capital, the City of Rings.


Blackfang Gnoll

Blackfang gnolls tend to be the strongest of their race, and their strength readily fuels their ferocity.  

Mosshide Gnoll

Mosshide gnolls are the deftest and tend to shine when working in a pack.  

Riverpaw Gnoll

Riverpaw gnolls bear powerful spiritual connections to the natural world and have an intuition related to wild beasts and creatures.

Notable Gnolls

Campaign One: Zenethian Heroes

Non-Player Characters

Azimuth Anthology: Petra

Non-Player Characters

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Player Characters

Non-Player Characters

Humanoid   Size
Medium   Age of Adulthood
Around 12   Lifespan
Around 50 years   Average Height
Between 6 to 7 feet   Average weight
Between 250 and 300 pounds   Fur color
Often spotted brown, some variant shades   Planes
Material Plane   Primary Locations
  • Parthenian Federation
Romsca Image.png
2023 Character Art provided by I.W.