Gohled Teente

Gohled Teente is the primary location and settlement of the Tribe of the Golden Fur. It is located within the Gorl Forest of the Kingdom of Endor.


Gohled Teente is a small village of beastfolk that exists by sending foraging parties through the Gorl Forest, the Barrens to the west, and along the coast of the Black Sail Sea to the north.   The settlement was named after the first permanent structure built there, the golden tent of Ipoohw of the Golden Fur, the tribe's original leader.



The original band was around 20-30, but they have grown to a small tribe of between 200-300. They are mostly gnolls, though a small number of minotaurs coexist in the tribe as well.   The original founder of the tribe, Ipoohw, had a distinct yellow-brown coloration to her fur, and through the generations this has spread to the gnoll descendants in the tribe. Many of the Golden Fur Tribe carry a more yellow or lighter fur color, which is most noticeable when they are compared to other gnolls outside of their tribe.  

Notable People


According to Romsca, Smelter of Ingots, by 5A 352, Gohlede Teente was beginning to run out of supplies as a result of the tribe's gradual increasing population. Instead of taking what their people need, Hceehc began seeking to integrate Gohled Teente into the surrounding lands.


Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
Around 5A 050, the Tribe of the Golden Fur was allowed to settle in the Gorl Forest due to Petra D'Silva's influence and interactions with their leader at the time, Ipoohw of the Golden Fur.   Since that time, the ranging lands surrounding the settlement have grown wider as their population increased through the Fifth Age.   In 5A 335, Romsca, Smelter of Ingots, was born here.   At some point in 5A 347, Romsca was selected as a type of cultral envoy by Hceech and sent away to Endor, the First Mountain.   At some point prior to 13 Adroth 5A 352, Romsca's sister, Yeempa, was sent to Endor to fulfill "the role we need".
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Central Endor   Continent
West of Gimora Mountains   Plane
Material Plane