Hceehc of the Golden Fur

Gnoll Pack Leader of Gohled Teente

"Go and learn, Bearer of Expectations, then return to us."
Hceehc of the Golden Fur is a gnoll pack leader who appears in Azimuth Campaign Two. He is the leader of the Tribe of the Golden Fur and heads the settlement of Gohled Teente. He is an NPC played by M.B.



Hceehc is a large gnoll. He is over seven feet tall, burly, and powerfully built. His fur is a dulled goldenrod with darker stripes and a darker brown muzzle. Bits of his fur have started going grey, including his scruff and mane which are more bleached in color and decorated with simple gold bands.   He carries several scars and a sharp, stern look. He’s older, but is still seen as strong and a good leader.   Hceehc wears a thick leather kilt with a yellow fabric shawl belt around his waist.   Hceehc's voice is low, gravely, and somewhat wheezy. He speaks at a measured pace, and he often waits before responding.



Hceehc was born sometime around 5A 310 to the gnoll Tribe of the Golden Fur in the Gorl Forest.   At some point before 5A 347, Hceehc became the leader of the Tribe of the Golden Fur. At this time, he took the traditional name "of the Golden Fur" used by the leaders of the tribe.   Hceehc realized that as the Golden Fur continue to slowly grow, they needed to have more lasting and open relations with Endor to survive as their needs and the territory needed to sustain them expanded.   In 5A 347, Hceehc began sending some chosen gnolls, including Romsca, from the tribe to Endor, the First Mountain, for the stated purpose of learning various skills and talents.

Campaign Two: The Lightbringers

Session 22 - Raised Voices
On 9 or 10 Adroth 5A 352, Romsca contacted Hceehc using a Sending spell. She asked for clarification on her role as cultural ambassador. Hceehc responded, saying, "Go and learn, Bearer of Expectations, then return to us."  
Session 25 - Rose Glasses, Clay Compass
Before resting on 11 Adroth 5A 352, Romsca cast a Sending spell to Hceehc. She asked, “Hceehc, Romsca again. If my title job is cultural exchange, what do I give? If able, what is the state of the tribe as well?”   Hceehc replied, “Romsca, I hoped you’d contact again. Your sister makes no mention of you in the dwarf mountain. Culture is not just goods and skills, Over-Thinker. Endor seeing us as they see humans, elves. That is of value.”  
Session 30 - On the Riverbank
On 13 Adroth 5A 352, Romsca sent a questioning Sending to Hceehc to ask which sister went to Endor. Hceehc gave a short reply, saying, “Romsca… Your sister, Yeempa, is fulfilling the role we need. She is in Endor to find what we need.” Romsca decried the vague nature of the reply.  
Session 32 - To Paint a Phoenix
On 14 Adroth 5A 352, Romsca sent Sending spells to Hceehc, saying, “Hceehc. Debrief. Two spells. Initial integration difficult. One year establishing, one year learning languages. Tutor reassigned, followed to Tarteria. Mastered blacksmithing and jewel crafting. Hope groundwork… Conflict here. Compelled to help. Allies, community threatened. Danger imminent, possibly globally. Will return if I survive. All for the sake of Golden Fur.”   Hceehc replied, frustrated, “Your words are efficient but difficult. This magic is frustrating for such sporadic talk, Romsca. When will you be back to speak words with me, Far-Wanderer? Trades and languages of dwarf-folk are good if they can be taught to our future litters. I don’t care about battles in Tarteria, Far-Wanderer. Connections to dwarf-folk in the mountains can’t be made across the ocean.”  
Session 38 - The Prophets of Regression
In the morning of 17 Adroth 5A 352, Romsca sent Sending spells to Hceehc. She said, “Threat confirmed in Endor. Maalik, Azariel, Beburos. Prophets of Regression, Tarterian Traders; All names of deceit. Whatever they offer, all are expendable. Beware repeating history.”   Hceehc replied, “Romsca… Your warning is specific, Bearer-of-Odd-Names. We are Those-Who-Listen-To-Old-Tales. We won’t be deceived by empty promises.”   Romsca continued, “I will stand with this pack to protect Azimuth, so that they will stand with us. I will return with reputation and knowledge for our tribe.”   Hceehc replied again, “Standing with pack… Romsca, Yeempa Speaker-of-Stone stands in Endor. If these Tarterian Traders are a danger, the Golden Fur will send a hunter to watch our clan-kin.”


Romsca, Smelter of Ingots

Hceehc was the impetus that sent Romsca from her home and towards Endor, the First Mountain. Romsca appeared somewhat fearful of Hceehc, or perhaps ashamed for the length of time it had taken her to learn various skills. This was seen by her hesitation in contacting Hceehc.


  • "Go and learn, Bearer of Expectations, then return to us." - 2.22
  • "Endor seeing us as they see humans, elves. That is of value." - 2.25
Character Type
Non-Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Current Location
Around 40
Date of Birth
Around 5A 310
Aligned Organization