Romsca, Smelter of Ingots

Riverpaw Gnoll Cleric, Forge Domain, Guild Artisan

"I said I would make up the time."
Romsca, Smelter of Ingots, is a gnoll cleric who appears in Azimuth Campaign Two. She is played by I.W.    



Romsca is a tall, female gnoll. She stands around 6' 7", but holds a hunched posture common for gnolls. Her fur is brighter, golden yellow with dark brown speckles and spots. She had dark brown fur on her muzzle and on her paws up to her elbows and knees. The ridge mane of fur along the back of her head and neck is dyed a red color using a dye recipe from her tribe. Her eyes are golden brown.   She wears a red tabbard over her armor that is tied with a belt. She has two medallions she wears around her neck, which fall forward due to her posture; one is circular with the Hands of Ore symbol and the other is rectangular with a symbol of Morounin, The Learned-Lady. When metalworking, she wears a leather apron and gloves.   Romsca has difficulty speaking in common. Though not always the case for her species, her gnollish features make forming the sounds somewhat difficult. She does not have this same difficulty in beastcommon.   Romsca's magic appears like forge fire and appears to shimmer like heated air.   Romsca wields a warhammer and a shield she made herself, which she called "the scrap pile". The shield has patches welded over weak points and spikes jammed in to fill the holes in its design.   Romsca has a signature she applies to her pieces, a paw print engraving, which is seen on her shoulder guard and the inside of the platinum rings she's crafted.



In her home tribe in the Gorl Forest, Romsca said she had only ever seen the area around her home. Romsca's tribe, the Tribe of the Golden Fur, had settled at Gohled Teente.   In 5A 347, Romsca left her tribe for the stated purpose of learning various skills and talents, and she went to Endor, the First Mountain. There, she met Borscha Brickwell who took her under her wing. Romsca joined the Hands of Ore guild.   In 5A 349, Borscha was transferred to the Darksteel Foundry in Porgorag and Romsca chose to come with her to Tarteria. She worked at the Darksteel Foundry under Ambera Lightbraid for three years.  

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Session 0.4 - Fighting in the Foundry
On 31 Madaet 5A 352, Romsca was working alongside the staff under Ambera in the Ash Forge of the Darksteel Foundry before she was summoned to Borscha's office. Borscha informed her she needed Romsca to go retrieve Romulus from Porgorag, and she departed.   Outside the Foundry, Romsca saw a number of orcish people near to the entrance. They seemed agitated and when they noticed Romsca, one approached and began accosting her with questions about the upcoming caravan. Romsca tried to speak back but was quickly talked over, and she ran from the scene.   At the base of the Yew Well, Romsca found Romulus. They noticed some similarities between them, and Romsca cast Identify on the objects Romulus had on display before she led the way back to the Foundry.   In the central yard of the Foundry, two creatures erupted from the sewer access, and Romulus and Romsca jumped into action. Romsca ran up to the fleeing crew and put herself in the way of the slathering beast. Though Romsca went unconscious, both creatures were killed. Romulus healed Romsca and she awoke to Borscha rushing up to aid her to her feet.   Borscha thanked them for their assistance, and she discussed the caravan that would arrive tomorrow, its purpose, and the controversy surrounding it. She told Romsca that she was sending her along with as well as a representative of the Hands of Ore.   Back outside, Romsca showed Romulus to the residence facilities and then returned to the forge. Ambera tried to turn her away but Romsca continued her interrupted work. During this, Romsca saw that Ambera was intently watching her, seemingly concerned with her health. Afterwards, she returned to her bunk.  
Session 1 - Silvery-White Threads
On 1 Adroth 5A 352, Romsca was awoken by Borscha Brickwell at the Darksteel Foundry in Porgorag. She paid her guild dues and made herself useful during the day while awaiting the ship's arrival.   Along with the other caravan members, she met with Borscha Brickwell and Captain Levka Ruslan.   During the meeting, she seemed to become aggitated when Captain Ruslan said he would be fine with a caravan resolution that could cost the Hands of Ore more, growling under her breath. Romsca said she wanted to see if she could "change the situation" involving Coinguard Gim Gorod.   Mortimr Gwathagoldrin investigated the elven crates more and opened one up with the help of Romsca. Inside were elven textiles and bolts of cloth.   Romsca had a conversation with Chaka, about colored dyes and their sources.   After the party asked questions of Borscha and Ruslan, they decided to head out to the city to see what could be done about the missing carriages.  
Session 2 - Searching for Carriages
Romsca went with most of the party to the Yellow Quay and presented her Hands of Ore information. They were brought inside, where they waited to meet Warguard Ghuzzakk. While waiting, Romsca showed signs of stress, and Gertrude and Demitri attempted to console her.   When speaking with the Warguard, Romsca said they were there to retrieve the carriages for the Hands of Ore, and the Warguard said the carriages had left his facility. Romsca thanked the Warguard for his time.   After their meeting, Romsca followed after Chaka who was speaking to Coinguard Gim Gorod. When she approached, Romsca introduced herself in gnollish fashion by exposing her throat and apologized for the confusion. Gim Gorod said no apology was necessary and thanked them all for alerting him the Hands of Ore were running into issues with the aid caravan. Romsca downplayed the issue to the Coinguard and assured him the Darksteel Foundry was ready to go.   Romsca asked if Gim Gorod knew what may have caused such an error with these carriages. Gim Gorod then said that he would see what his office could do. Romsca said she was led to believe the Coinguard had lost faith in the Foundry, and Gim Gorod denied this.   After the party regrouped, Romsca wanted to report back to Borscha and see about approval to seek the aid of the Hero Hunters.  
Session 3 - Guildhalls and Churches
In the evening of 1 Adroth 5A 352, the party made their way back to the Darksteel Foundry. On the way, Romsca and Romulus argued about how free Romulus was being about the battle they had the day prior. Romulus said demons appearing in town was a big deal, and Romsca said it was the guards’ job to handle. Romulus tried to appeal to Romsca’s faith. Romsca said she wanted to take care of it, but her responsibility was to the task for the Hands of Ore. Romulus agreed and said he was staying on task while businesses were open and progress could be made, but he also wanted to protect the people of Porgorag if he could. Romulus said he’s only told people he trusts, which Romsca said was enough.   Romsca let everyone inside, and she waited outside for Mortimr to return. Ilmendwyth sought out Romsca and suggested she talk to Borscha Brickwell about contacting the Hero Hunters. Romsca went to Borscha’s office, where she woke her up. Romsca apologized for “messing up today” and Borscha reassured her, saying she knew Romsca was up to the task and she wanted to push Romsca out of her comfort zone. She talked about the progress Romsca had made. Borscha provided her approval for Romsca to negotiate with the Hero Hunters. Romsca then returned to Ilmendwyth by the doorway and continued to wait for Mortimr.   In the early hours of 2 Adroth, Mortimr returned to the Foundry. There, he found Romsca waiting for him. She asked if he was there to cause problems and referred to his Tarterian Traders emblem. He replied, "The Tarterian Traders need to be burnt to the fucking ground." With that, Romsca was satisfied, and they joined the rest sleeping in the Foundry.   In the morning of 2 Adroth 5A 352, Gertrude assisted Romsca with her armor and Romsca helped braid Gertrude’s hair.   At the main manor of the Hero Hunters Facility, Romsca provided her identification and they were led inside. During the conversation, Romsca asked Demitri to speak on her behalf to Haugon, son of Goll. Haugon presented a potential deal with no details, and he asked for an agreement right then, but Romsca said it was a bad deal if they didn’t have the details. After she asked for more info, Haugon congratulated her and said he liked “adventurers with a backbone to stand up to me.”   After learning the details, the party agreed to exchange their services for covered wagons, and they left the manor. Across the campus, they approached the abandoned storehouse and prepared to investigate.  
Session 4 - Dusty Dens
The party headed to the abandoned storehouse of the Hero Hunters Facility. Inside, they investigated the abandoned manor and found clues to the previous residents. Romsca investigated the crates in the foyer. Farther in, she found an old journal and pocketed it.   As they moved into the basement, demons and oozes attacked the party. In the battle, she tried to use a Spiritual Weapon to cover Chaka while holding the line against the ooze creatures.   After the battle, she healed Demitri. Chaka’s mask had been damaged, and though he tried to hide it Romsca noticed and cast Mending on it. The party argued if they should close the tunnels or enter them and investigate, and Romsca didn't want to spend time on investigating further, but while they debated, Mortimr collapsed the tunnels.  
Session 5 - Reports of Demons
After their battle, Romsca returned with most of the others to report to Haugon. During the conversation, Romsca shared they had fought these demons in the Darksteel Foundry as well.   After leaving Haugon, Romsca went with Arwin and Gertrude to the Oknar Offices. Romsca was very concerned with the caravan and the potential ramifications to the Hands of Ore if they failed. During their conversation with the Oknar, Romsca requested a letter of pardon for any delay while they dealt with the demons in the sewers. The Oknar seemed to not feel such a letter waas necessary, and as the conversation became sidetracked with talk of demons and the Coinguard, Romsca became quieter and meek.   After leaving, nearby Arwin snuck into the Coinguard's office. After breaking the desk lock, Arwin brought Romsca in to repair it.  
Session 6 - Strings of Prophecies
The different groups reconvened at Cardinal Desires. On their way, Ilmendwyth shared info about the orphan child he and Romulus saw and asked about orphanages in town, which Romsca answered. Inside, the party shared the various information they’d gathered. Demitri brought up Meena’s interest in Kororsh, and Romsca shared that she knows Kororsh. She described him and Mortimr recognized this was the same figure he saw leaving the Coinguard’s manor last night. After discussing the black box from the caravan, Gertrude asked Romsca how well protected the Darksteel Foundry was.   Naran approached and spoke prophecies to them all. As she did, silver energy filled the room and spread to each of them, like strings of light woven in a web. To Romsca, she said, “Far from home, a child of gold. A choice, pack or clan. Ill fortune will lead to gladder things if the path of fate ahead makes those closest to you fall.” The energies then broke and dissipated and Naran fainted.   Romsca caught her and brought her to the backrooms to a simple bed. Naran was feverish and seemingly ill. Romsca cast Cure Wounds on her, and a metallic silver energy ran down Romsca’s arm and into Naran. With it, Naran’s breathing calmed as she slept.   The party then returned to the Darksteel Foundry. On the way, Romsca searched for the orphan girl but could not find her.   At the Foundry, Captain Ruslan approached and asked how their activities have gone. The party let him know they’d secured covered wagons which would arrive in the morning. Romsca asked after an inventory of the caravan goods and asked about the black box Arwin mentioned.   The party went to the warehouse and confronted the goliath who was acting strangely and became very agitated by Romsca’s insistences regarding the black box.  
Session 7 - Brawl for the Box
The party confronted the goliath guarding the strange black box and a fight ensued. Romsca attempted to stop the goliath by bashing him to the ground and holding him in place but couldn’t overcome his bulk. Captain Ruslan helped protect Romsca from some attacks, but Romsca was still hurt.   Romsca grabbed onto the goliath’s waist, and Demitri jumped onto his back with a chokehold and Ilmendwyth knocked the goliath out.   After the battle, Romsca was deflated. She left her hammer and shield on the ground where she dropped them and sat by the door to the warehouse. When Romulus returned with Borscha Brickwell and Vitibuk, Vitibuk decried Romsca for starting a brawl in "my area of the Foundry."   During the party’s discussion after the fight, Romsca snapped at Arwin, who snapped back at her, and the two argued briefly.   Romsca shared material components with Chaka so he could cast Identify on the black box. After, Demitri asked if Romsca could make a forgery of the black box’s key. She returned to her personal quarters and created a forgery of the key. Once done, she noticed the key was the same size, shape, and design as the Tarterian Traders lapel pin carried by Mortimr, and she returned to the black box before the rest of the party.  
Session 8 - Disparate Pieces
As the party went back to the black box, Romsca called Mortimr aside. She revealed that the crafted replica key was the same design and shape as his Tarterian Traders pin. Using Moritmr’s lapel pin, she was able to open the locking mechanism of the black box without activating any trap.   After the black box was opened, Romsca felt they were unequipped to handle an item like the green ring.   After Mortimr cast magic at the ring and Godsguard Ankhan was hurt, Romsca rushed to the ring and gathered it up.   Arwin pulled out a bundle of twenty masterwork arrows with residuum crystal arrowheads. Arwin asked to see the ring. Though Ilmendwyth agreed, Romsca denied him, saying, "Just because you know of it doesn’t mean you’re going to do something that I trust." Romsca put the ring back into the black box and locked it, keeping the key for herself.   Arwin left the group, saying, "I’m disappointed in all of you today." To Romsca, he said, "Just be aware, the rebellion is watching your every move."   The party debated what should be done. Romsca was hesitant that the party should keep it, saying, "I’m not a hero, I’m not a mercenary, I’m just the blacksmith here, and I’m not even a good one." Demitri said, "Well, I’m a mercenary. Give it to me." Romsca gave the black box and the duplicate key to him.   In the residence facilities, Romsca gathered food and gave Mortimr’s lapel pin back to him. She then asked Arwin why he was disappointed in her, and they argued until silence filled the room.  
Session 9 - Befouled Waters
Romsca returned to the warehouse to recover her dropped shield and hammer, and then she went to the Ash Forge. She met Ambera there who could tell something was bothering Romsca. Romsca asked if she thought she was doing the right job by going with the caravan. Ambera encouraged Romsca to get out of the Foundry and learn more. Romsca crafted a set of Darksteel arrowheads before retiring to her own quarters.   In the morning, Romsca spoke with Arwin and gave him the darksteel arrowheads she had crafted. Romsca admitted she was more focused on her own goals. In return, Arwin gifted her a whittling knife. Arwin apologized, saying, “Let’s move on today.” They chose to lock the black box and green ring in Romsca's safe in her room. Gertrude and Demitri accompanied her to ensure it was done.   They went to Westfield to the sewer access marked by Romulus. They removed the rusted grate and entered the city’s sewers. Getting back as far as they had previously scouted, Romsca cast a protective spell on Mortimr, and they continued on.   Reaching a series of intersections, they noticed several creatures nearby. The group debated if they should put these things out of their misery, but elected to try to not risk a larger fight. Stealthily, they tried to continue by without alerting the creatures, but as Mortimr and Romsca moved into a side tunnel, Gray Oozes that were hanging on the ceiling dropped on them suddenly and the other beasts were drawn towards them.   In the battle, Romsca mainly used spells against the oozes to not risk her equipment. She cast another protective spell on the poisoned Demitri, and after the fighting she cast a healing ritual on the group.  
Session 10 - The Sunken Shrine
In the Spring of the Natant Yew, the party faced two Bulezau and other demons. In the combat, Romsca ran inside with Demitri. She cast a Spiritual Weapon and attacked the demons.   Three of the creatures attacked Romsca, severely wounding her, breaking her armor, and dropping her into the water near death. As she fell, she touched a memory from her childhood of her mother.   Demitri tried to help Romsca, but there were too many enemies nearby. Chaka saw Romsca fall and called out, alerting everyone to the danger she was in. Chaka brought vibrant green energy and flung it into the maw demon on Romsca, shooting it off of her. Ilmendwyth grabbed the potion from Romulus’s staff and with his wood elf speed, he administered it to Romsca, and she was brought back.   After Romsca was healed, she stood up and told Demitri to run. He replied, “Pot, kettle, black.”   The fiends were killed and prevented from completing a spell circle which would have created a source of corruption beneath Porgorag.   After the battle, Arwin picked up the stone carried by the Bulezau. Chaka cast Identify on it, using Romsca’s offered pearl, and he learned it was a Stone of Good Luck.   As they regrouped, Romsca was silent. Demtri said to her, “How do you plan to be a leader if you throw your life away?” Arwin and Demitri berated her for needlessly risking her life, and Romsca said no one in the city cared.   Arwin said no one expected her to be perfect. Romsca argued that everyone did, and Arwin said, “No, they don’t. You do.”  
Session 11 - Porgorag's Light
After the battle, Romsca went to heal Mortimr, but he berated her for not healing herself first. In response, Gertrude healed Romsca. Demitri brought up that the Coinguard seemed put off by Mortimr’s Tarterian Traders pin and suggested he use that to deceive him. Romsca said she couldn’t be a part of a lie as a follower of Morounin, The Learned-Lady.   The group left the sewers to speak with Godsguard Ankhan. The party told her what transpired, and Gertrude and Romulus told her the demons had attempted a spell of desecration in the shrine. Ankhan gave them about some information she’d gathered about the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. Romsca offered the Darksteel Foundry’s services to replace the broken gate with acid-resistant darksteel.   Romsca helped dig through journals and notes in the church’s office for information about the shrine. Demitri said the task would put some use to all the time he spent digging through the Santeem Morounin Archive. Romsca hadn’t heard there were archives, and Demitri confirmed they were full of information. Mortimr, however, said they were “nothing special.”   While searching, Romsca asked Ankhan about the carriages needed to transport some of the city’s orphans, and Demitri suggested she reach out to Haugon for aid. When Romsca asked the group if they would be willing to bring the orphans with the caravan, Demitri said they should bring it up with Captain Ruslan.   Romsca found a section of Argilla’s notes regarding the Spring of the Natant Yew. They searched around the podium of the church, and Romsca was nervous around the statues of the Zenethian Heroes.   After Romulus located a hidden spell scroll, most of the group chose to accompany the Godsguard back to the shrine, but Arwin and Mortimr elected to stay behind. Arwin wanted to quickly purchase some supplies, and Romsca told him to speak with Parn, however the Darksteel Foundry was in the opposite direction they were headed.   Back at the shrine, Ankhan asked if one of the party’s clerics would be more comfortable attempting to cast the spell contained in the scroll. Romsca offered but could not read the draconic writing, and Demitri said he would help to translate. Romulus cast an enhancing spell on her, and Ankhan and Gertrude helped funnel the divine energies as she began to read.   After the spell was successfully cast and the protective barrier was reinforced, Romsca hugged Demitri. Gertrude congratulated Romsca with an enthusiastic slap on the back, and Ilmendwyth said she didn’t stutter even once during the casting.  
Session 12 - Connections
The party regrouped at the Oknar Offices with Godsguard Ankhan. They met with Oknar Jod and Watchguard Inzun, where they discussed their actions in the sewers and their concerns with the Coinguard. Romsca shared that the demons had been removed, and she offered the aid of the Darksteel Foundry to replace the broken gate to the shrine.   At the Oknar’s direction, Ankhan cast a Zone of Truth spell, and Romsca chose not to resist the effects. Oknar Jod asked about Mortimr’s connections with the Tarterian Traders. He was concerned that Mortimr could be a part of a Tarterian Traders plot, just as much as Gim Gorod could. When he asked if Mortimr’s words could be trusted, Chaka and Romsca vouched for him.   The Oknar thanked the group and invited them back to the city for the Champion's Conquest celebration later in the month.   Later, at the Hero Hunters Facility, Haugon paid the group for their service. Romsca tried to deny the payment, but Haugon insisted. He also asked for their aid finding a lost Hero Hunters group in the west.   During the conversations, Demitri told Romsca about the anti-beastfolk laws present in Branca, which Romsca had not known.   After they left, the group went to the Glistening Hog Tavern to east and rest.  
Session 13 - Growing Ties
n the Glistening Hog Tavern, the party ate a late brunch, rested, and talked. At Demitri's suggestion, they played a drinking game and answered questions about themselves.   Over the course of the conversation, Romsca revealed information about herself. Romsca was originally from Gohled Teente in the Gorl Forest of northern Endor. Romsca’s tribe left Parthenia hundreds of years ago to preserve “the old ways” that were rapidly shifting after the Manslayer War. She left her home as a type of cultural envoy, and she was sent out five years ago to learn crafts to bring back to her tribe.   When Mortimr asked why she vouched for him, she said she recognized the vengeance in his eyes aimed at the Tarterian Traders.   The party discussed if it was better to go west immediately or go south first. Romsca said it seemed like everyone else had other motivations over the aid caravan. Gertrude said that they may have other things they needed to do, but they agreed to complete the aid caravan and they would do so. Mortimr asked what Romsca would do if something more important presented itself, and she said she didn’t know.   During the meal, Gertrude and Romsca noticed a green glowing from among Ilmendwyth’s possessions. He excused himself and went outside, saying he needed to use the restroom. He returned shortly after.   After the meal, Romsca wanted to replace her damaged armor and speak with Captain Ruslan, and she left towards the Darksteel Foundry with Romulus.  
Session 14 - Voltha's Walk
As Romsca and Romulus entered the Darksteel Foundry, they saw three covered wagons being loaded by Captain Ruslan. Romsca asked Ruslan if they could bring the orphans Godsguard Ankhan wanted to send south. Ruslan said he’d be happy to help if possible, but he was hesitant as they only had three wagons.   Romsca went and spoke with Parn Snowale at the trade goods shop. She traded for some lead and platinum, and she asked if Parn would be willing to do a quality check over the goods she had made.   Romsca went to her chambers and used her broken armor, Arwin ’s mess kit, and the various partial pieces she had, and she began to forge a new set of armor and make a vial of holy water through her rituals. Then, she went to the Ash Forge and made arrows for Arwin.  
Session 15 - Snakes and Smokescreens
The party regrouped at the Darksteel Foundry and took time to prepare for their evening meeting.   During this time, Romsca gave Arwin the arrows she finished crafting, and in return, Arwin gave her the platinum rings he purchased “as a forward advance on future projects.”   Chaka admired Romsca’s new armor. He also helped Romsca disguise herself using clay and body paint. Romsca instructed Chaka on the desired look as he applied the color, sharing some of the red dye she used with Chaka. As they worked, they discussed their parents.   Romsca said she could help Mortimr with the upcoming conversation. The catch was he would need to join her faith. He passed on the idea, saying, “I don’t buy into it.”   In the evening, they returned to the Glistening Hog Tavern. To prepare, Romsca sat at a table near the stairs with her back to the doorway.   After the Coinguard arrived, Romsca and Gertrude noticed he was disguised as Kororsh. Romsca informed Demitri and Mortimr of this. To avoid suspicion as Romsca spoke with Bradzakk about this, Gertrude served Romsca a drink in the Tankard of Sobriety. When the Coinguard went upstairs, Romsca followed. While Gim Gorod’s conversation with Mortimr continued, Romsca and Demitri approached the door. Romsca listened at the door, which prevented Demitri from getting a good angle to listen clearly.   When the Coinguard tried to flee, Romsca and Demitri were enveloped in a smoke cloud. Romsca yelled out he was running and she jumped down to the bar. There, she saw Demitri and Romulus capture Gim Gorod, and she called for the bodyguard to surrender. When the bodyguard jumped down, Romsca tackled him and intimidated him into surrender.   After Inzun collected the Coinguard, Romsca healed her and she thanked her, saying, “Thanks cutie,” which flustered Romsca.  
Session 16 - Planting Seeds, Parting Gifts
As the party regrouped, Romsca returned Gertrude’s Tankard of Sobriety. They quickly left the tavern to investigate Gim Gorod's Residence.   Inside the manor, they explored and Romsca was unsettled by the interior’s silence. Mortimr and Romsca tried to crowbar into the locked desk in the manor office, but were unsuccessful. Inside a safe behind the wardrobe they found Gim Gorod’s journal, and they left out the back of the manor.   At the Darksteel Foundry, the group discussed the contents of the journal, and they rested. Romsca was later awoke by Chaka’s nightmare. Romsca tried to comfort him and stayed awake to watch over him. In the morning, Romsca gave an engraved ring to Chaka. She said she planned to make one for everyone in the group.   Romsca wanted to drop messages off at Cardinal Desires, and Romulus offered to send them via Cinis. The bird took the letters and flew off that direction.   The group decided what to do with the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. Romsca told Demitri she wanted to try being a better leader and offered to carry the ring as she was “willing to step up.”   Romsca joined part of the group to the Oknar Offices, speaking with Inzun and handing over Gim Gorod’s journal. After, Romsca asked if Inzun was familiar with gnoll naming customs.   They returned to the Foundry. Romsca hugged Borscha Brickwell and Ambera, and they prepared to leave.   As Ruslan paid the Wheel Tax, Romsca noticed the half-orc orphan, Leena, who wanted to come with. Romulus said if she was going to be a caravan guard, she’d need to be armed, and he gave her a knife, which Romsca tried to take away.   Along with the rest of the Lightbringers, Romsca left Porgorag with the aid caravan, headed south.  
Session 17 - Setting Out
On 4 Adroth 5A 352, Romsca and the others set out from Porgorag southwards on the Orc Highway. On the road the first day, Leena distracted Romsca with her knife throwing practice. Leena also asked to have some of Romsca’s hair and show her how to braid it into a hair tie, which Leena immediately wore.   Romsca asked if anyone knew leatherworking, and Romulus offered his aid. They both offered to teach Leena about knives.   As evening came, Captain Ruslan ordered camp, and the caravan pulled off the road. When Romsca asked if anyone had spare metal they didn’t need, Demitri gave her several sets of finely decorative silverware. Romsca set herself to metalworking.   Ruslan asked her about her near-death experience and Romsca said it had been a long week. Ruslan tried to cheer her up by kidding around with her and patting her back, but she was focused on her work and startled more than she was calmed.   During the evening watches, Romsca used the metal she had worked, and bits of the hide from last night’s boar, and prayed to Morounin, crafting a small set of studded leather armor. Romsca and Gertrude talked about their roles as clerics. Gertrude had always been one, but Romsca had only been a cleric for four years. She didn’t seem confident in her actions yet, but Gertrude reassured her.   The next day on 5 Adroth 5A 352, Romsca gave the newly crafted armor to Leena, which she seemed ecstatic about. Romulus offered to give Romsca some hide from an armadillo Cinis had hunted to help improve the armor as well. Leena’s armor was complete with a new belt with sheathes for Leena’s daggers, and Romsca promised to show her how to properly throw them.  
Session 18 - Cards and Conversations
In the evening of 5 Adroth, Romsca joined Ilmendwyth as he hunted boar. Romsca helped to field dress the boar, and she asked Ilmendwyth about his experience with the Manslayer War. Romsca said, “I was hoping it might help knowing so I might be able to talk to Arwin a little better.” Romsca felt Arwin was making the issue personal to her.   Ilmendwyth replied, “Arwin doesn’t seem to be a brutish soldier. He can think for himself, and I believe that even if he does not see it now, he will see that not all beastfolk are the same. You are not your people. You are Romsca.”   Back at camp, Romsca asked Demitri how he was doing. She had noticed him seeming off since the previous night. This led to the group playing another round of the questions drinking game.   During the game, Romsca said she didn’t enjoy her time in Endor. She said though dwarves say clan is important, they are also very competitive. No one wanted to help or teach her, and she was seen as a competitor without the lifespan to meet the same quality.   The conversation turned into an argument between Romsca and Arwin when Arwin asked, “Why do you worship the god of knowledge, but know pretty much nothing about the world?” She was unsure how to answer, but said the workshop of Morounin was still very new. She was introduced to Morounin through Borscha, which helped her while learning her trade.   Romsca didn’t know what she had done to bother Arwin so much, saying, “I’m sure history is told from many perspectives, and I’m sure that your version is different from the one I’ve heard. But what you’re forgetting is that seven lifetimes ago, I was not alive. Nobody in my tribe was alive.”   In the wake of the argument, Gertrude tried to comfort Romsca, but she quickly left too. The game broke apart, and the group set to night watches.   In the morning, Romsca approached Demitri and quietly gave him a platinum ring. She quickly left before he could reply.  
Session 19 - The Roadside Cairn
As they started the travel on 6 Adroth, Romsca returned Arwin’s wood carving tool, saying she didn’t need his “fake peace offering.” She then approached Captain Ruslan and discussed marching at a faster pace. Romsca said it would be better to make up the time they had spent in Porgorag, and Ruslan agreed.   During the overnight watches, Gertrude, Romsca, and Mortimr took the final watch. Gertrude asked if Romsca was excited to be in a new city. Romsca said no, and she didn’t like crowds. Romsca said, "I shouldn’t get promoted for this, because I shouldn’t even still be at the guild. I have other things I have to do." Gertrude tried to encourage her.   On 7 Adroth, Arwin made the call to keep the caravan wagons set farther apart. Romsca can to question him as to why, saying she was making the effort to be the leader he encouraged her to be. Arwin taunted her questions and did not explain his reasoning. When she pressed further and the argument grew, Demitri interrupted to distract Arwin and give Romsca the chance to leave.   At the evening’s camp, Romsca spent time checking in with the other guards. One had caught a cold in the rain, and she cast a curative magic to aid her.   After, Romsca approached the nearby cairn, which seemed to draw her sight. It uneased her and she resonated with some of the history it represented. Romsca turned away and took the first of the evening’s watches alongside Arwin.   Romsca approached and offered Arwin a platinum ring in return for the platinum he had given earlier. The pair talked, and Romsca explained her use of the term “pack” and that it was fluid and changed as her life did. This place along the road made her uncomfortable and wanted to not be angry with each other for the rest of the journey.   They discussed how the events of the past wars could affect so far in the future, and how 350 years was different for humans and for gnolls. Romsca said she didn’t know what to do being stuck in the middle of that racial animosity.   Arwin reached to accept Romsca’s gift, but stopped to suddenly shoot the maned wolf that had been following the caravan as it snuck in towards the camp. Romsca turned to see what it was, startled. After a moment, she gave Arwin the ring. He thanked her, and said he wouldn’t wear it until he had earned her trust.   She then went to go check on Leena. She found her kneeling in the grass, looking at a spiderweb she had found. When Romsca approached, Leena reached forward and scattered it. Romsca said Morounin teaches to create, not destroy. In reply, Leena said her favorite part of coloring was starting a new, blank page.  
Session 20 - Drawn to Fire
Romsca awoke to Ilmendwyth’s alarm whistle in the night, and rushed with Arwin into the grasses after the retreating bandits. She found a young half-orc named Drok, who became frightened at her appearance. He tried to flee but she easily brought him back to camp, holding him in place with her foot on his chest.   After Arwin removed his arrow from Drok’s leg, Gertrude asked if Romsca would be healing him, and she replied yes, but as a reward for answering the group’s questions. They interrogated him and Romsca healed his wounds.   They discussed what to do with him, and Romsca suggested he be brought north to work at the Darksteel Foundry. Romsca was uncomfortable turning Drok in if it meant his death, but Demitri cautioned the trouble the Darksteel Foundry could get into if Drok was found working there later on.   When ghosts attacked the caravan, Romsca tossed Drok’s sword back to him and told him to protect Leena or die. She rushed forward and attacked one with a fire spell. The ghost was set aflame, but her magic didn’t hit the ghost to full effect. With much of the party fleeing, Romsca grasped her medallion of Morounin and channeled divine energy. Three of the ghosts reeled from the energy and fled, rushing away from Romsca towards the fields. As it fled, Romsca scattered one with another blast of magic.   In the wake of the combat, the group sought a way to keep the ghosts at bay. Romsca began a Ceremony of repair on the fallen stones of the cairn, and Demitri also offered his Stone of Good Luck to the ritual.  
Session 21 - Axe-Breaker Blessings
In the morning, Romsca buried the fallen caravan guard who died from the ghost attack in the night.   During the days travel, Romsca provided supplies to the tired and hurt members of the caravan. They discussed Drok during their travel. Romsca was uncomfortable turning him in but wanted to try reasoning with the military to excuse him as a deserter in some way. After Drok said he had nowhere to run to, Romsca untied him.   In the afternoon, Romsca heard the sounds of a Dire Pangolin in the grasses. Romsca gave Gertrude a platinum ring in the shape of Gertrude’s shield to protect her, however the caravan managed to stay out of sight and the creature did not catch their scent.   At Axe-Breaker Thicket, they spoke with Lieutenant Vramas. Romsca explained who they were and during the conversation, Romsca offered to contact Oknar Jod for him. Using a Sending spell, she informed Oknar Jod that Vramas’s group were on their way learned Borscha Brickwell was Porgorag’s new coinguard.   They camped in the forest and Romsca scavenged for some of the axe-breaker wood. Romulus retrieved a large branch directly from one of the trees and offered it to Romsca, saying he hoped she could put it to good use.   Arwin took the first watch. During the night, he noticed that Romsca was fitful and not sleeping. He suggested she take what rest she could. She couldn’t sleep, so Arwin told her of an event during his time with the Brancana Rangers. Romsca listened and talked with Arwin about the event, sharing some information about her own experiences with the Tribe of the Golden Fur.   During the rest of the night’s watches, Demitri began to teach Romsca draconic.  
Session 22 - Raised Voices
In the morning of 9 Adroth, Romsca joined some others to speak with Lieutenant Vramas. She explained Drok would make a poor soldier and may serve the military better by working in the Darksteel Foundry. They convinced him to take Drok northwards. Before departing, Romsca gave Drok one of her holy symbols of Morounin.   After, Demitri suggested to Romsca that she contact Borscha about him as well. Romsca messaged Borscha, saying, “Borscha, congratulations, Coinguard. Travel goes well, delivery soon. Boy named Drok arriving with Keel’s Band. Trying to secure job with Foundry for him. Contact Ghuzzakk.”   During the travel, Romsca also sent a message to Hceehc of the Golden Fur. She asked for clarification on her intended goal and expressed concern that any cultural exchange seemed one-sided. Hceehc replied and said to learn and return to them.   On 10 Adroth, they discussed the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. Romsca wanted to get rid of the ring and said they could bring it to one of New Keeleon’s guard positions or to Argilla, son of Kla.   When concerns about Mortimr came up, the group prepared in case he was compelled to take the ring. Romsca cast Hold Person on him during Demitri’s investigation.   Romsca was concerned with the secrecy Mortimr and Demitri were displaying. She didn’t like being asked to trust without knowing what was going on with him, and an argument broke out. As Demitri and Gertrude fought, Romsca cast another Hold Person, but her divine magic activated the ring, harming Demitri, Gertrude, and Romulus.  
Session 23 - Acid and Fire
The argument over the green ring was interrupted by tunneling ankhegs that attacked the group. An ankheg adult and a youth attacked Romsca, and she was splashed with acid from another. She engaged by biting back.   When a huge alpha ankheg erupted and attacked, she was his hard with more acid. She tried to maneuver away, it attacked and grabbed her in its mandibles, which knocked her unconscious. The party moved to her aid, and Gertrude healed her, though she was quickly knocked out again.   The alpha was forced to drop her, and Romulus healed her again. He used Cinis to teleport Romsca away, and, exhausted, she stood back up and started healing herself.  
Session 24 - A Dream of Iron
Demitri informed the group the newcomers were the Warden Rangers, which Romsca had heard of before. One of the ranger’s medics tended to Romsca’s wounds. Though they didn’t share a language, the ranger communicated through pointing and hand signals.   Gertrude made sure Romsca made it back to camp. Leena asked if Romsca would repair the acid damage on her armor and she idly used her magic to do so while Leena watched.   During the travel on 11 Adroth, Romsca aided the struggling Chaka by casting healing magic on him.   That evening as they discussed Chaka’s nightmare and marking, Romsca asked if Chaka was worried about his death being just postponed in some way.  
Session 25 - Rose Glasses, Clay Compass
During the discussion about Mortimr’s entity, Romsca made mention that Mortimr had initially said to not let him have the ring.   After the party agreed to let him see it, Romsca retrieved the box. The group prepared for Mortimr to see the ring, and Romsca chose to stay close to him. She cast Resistance on him before he started.   During the investigation, Romsca saw a pink tint overtake the gnome’s glasses and ephemeral flower petals in the air. Concerned with the lengthy quiet once he started, Romsca grabbed Mortimr’s shoulder, and he raised a hand back to her calmly.   After, Mortimr shared the details from the entity. Romsca bemoaned the seriousness of the task. She said at least the others were adventurers.   Demitri suggested Romsca reach out to Morounin for guidance. She made a forge fire and began rhythmically repairing her shield. She felt a strong presence over her shoulder and quickly turned, finding herself faced southwards.   Before bed, Romsca cast a pair of Sending spells to members of her tribe. To Hceehc, she asked if she was exchanging their culture, what could she or the tribe give? To her mother, Thrin, she said she missed her family.   The next day, at the Cereus Compass, when city guards asked the party about the preacher who had been addressing the crowd, Romsca relayed truthfully who the orc was.   Just after midday, Romsca entered New Keeleon through Argil’s Gate along with the aid caravan.  
Session 26 - Names, New and Old
Inside Argil’s Gate, Chaka took down a missing persons poster for Mortimr. Romsca pointed out it was likely a ploy by the Tarterian Traders.   They reached the Breakwater Keep and entered to speak with Nalt Oknar Rulla, Watchguard Stuzrog, Godsguard Shumedzar, and Lord Lortuk. Ruslan said they encountered difficulties on the road and asked the group to speak to the journey. Romsca quickly listed the battles they fought.   Romsca asked if there was anything needed from her as a representative from the Hands of Ore guild. Rulla said there was not, as the negotiations of the caravan had already been completed beforehand.   They were directed to wait nearby for the arranged payment, which was brought and distributed shortly, including payment for Romsca. After, they were escorted outside to the bailey.   Romsca seemed put off, and Gertrude reassured her that the job was done. Romsca said her presence meant nothing to the whole trip. Back outside, Ruslan thanked the group for the journey. Romsca said his company was good, but the journey was not.   They departed for the Far Bar Inn. On the way, Romsca suggested Gertrude seek out the ex-soldier they had heard at the Cereus Compass, in case it related to her goals.   Arwin asked what their plan in the city was. They started talking about tasks they should accomplished, and Romsca interrupted, saying, “Before we get to far into this, am I to understand that you want me to carry on with all of you?”   Arwin asked if that’s what she wanted, and she replied she had many other things she was responsible for. Arwin said she was not obligated to stay. Mortimr asked if she was aware of the stakes. He knew she cared about her clan and the Darksteel Foundry, and said those could be under threat from the genasi’s plan.   Romsca said she was not useful to them and was a hinderance. Demitri pointed out how many of the group had been healed by Romsca during their journey. He told her to not lie about herself to them.   Ilmendwyth said, “Regardless of how useful you feel, if this is something that you feel you should help with, then you should help.”   Romsca said, “The Traders are everywhere. If what we say in Porgorag and here… They basically ARE the government. They know how to do everything they want.”   Mortimr asked, “So you wanna help burn it down, or you wanna go and hide?”   Romsca said she would come with because everything could be in danger from the genasi. She also said the group needed to stop spending time arguing in circles, and start acting like a pack.   After the discussion, Mortimr initiated a Gnomish Gem Binding ritual. Romsca participated and bit her paw pad to draw blood. Mortimr then burned the parchment with magic, and he turned to Romsca and said, “Fucking locked in now.”   The group went to Victory Market to purchase supplies. Romsca asked Arwin about the arrows he could make so she could assist with their production on her side.   During their time at the markets, Romsca seemed to be taking measurements of Demitri for new armor. Demitri was first confused, then thanked her.   At Brickaday's Smithing, Romsca purchased raw platinum and lead. The minotaur proprietor was not pleased by Romsca’s presence, but sold her the items. When Romsca asked about it, Brickaday said, “Your people screwed over mine pretty well.” Romsca said she was sorry if he held a grudge.   Later, Romsca asked Romulus if he had any issues with gnolls, and he said he did not. He said his family was pretty isolationist, and Romsca was the first gnoll he’d personally met.   After the group’s shopping was done, Romsca asked Demitri if he would accompany her to bring Leena to the Equus Orphanage. She said he may relate to the orphans, being without his own parents.   There, Demitri met Zofi and learned she was his mother, and the group was invited inside. Romsca said it was strange that Zofi seemed to be repeating certain phrases. She interjected at Demitri’s remarks to Zofi, but Demitri said this didn’t concern her.   During the conversation, Romulus noted an old enchantment on Zofi and altered Gertrude and Romsca to it so it could be removed. Romsca held Zofi’s hand and cast a spell to remove curse.   As the heavy rain pelted the chapel, they chose to head back to the Far Bar Inn for the night. They said their goodbyes to Zofi and to Leena. Leena shared she wanted to go on the adventure with them. Romsca called Leena one of her favorite people in Tarteria.   On their way back, Demitri apologized to Romsca for snapping at her, and she said to think nothing of it. Gertrude said that Maalik was a problem. The group agreed, and even Romsca said that she may be willing to kill Maalik along with the pack.  
Session 27 - River and Sky
At the Far Bar Inn, Romsca created a new box to hold the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. She salvaged the lead from the old box and gave the only key to Demitri.   In the rented rooms, they discussed their plan. Romsca suggested going on the offensive. She said the Tarterian Traders had a strong hold on the economy. She suggested they find Holarust and assist Ranger General Labb with the corrupted ankhegs to allow them to take their guard seats with the city.   In the morning of 13 Adroth, Romsca awoke early and crafted a set of studded leather armor for Demitri and a platinum ring for Romulus.   They met Captain Ruslan in the lower level of the inn. Ruslan apologized Romsca wasn’t involved with turning in the wagons. He said because of a “Santeemite habit” he kept Romsca’s name off the caravan paperwork.   After Demitri crossed out his name from Ruslan’s notebook, Romsca asked him if he preferred the name Demitri or Kugo.   Demitri and Romsca reached the Breakwater Keep and spoke with Nalt Oknar Rulla and Watchguard Stuzrog.   Romsca said she had a relationship with the new coinguard of Porgorag, Borscha Brickwell. She wanted to establish a connection on her behalf. They asked about the missing coinguard. Rosmca offered their group’s aid free of charge to search for Holarust.   Romsca shared concerns about their previous dealing with Gim Gorod, but said she couldn’t confirm anything in New Keeleon. Romsca told them about their dealings with Gim Gorod, the aid caravan, the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring, the names Azariel, Nabat, and Maalik, and the similar timeline between the diminishing light and the increase in Tarterian Trader fees.   Romsca said, “It just feel like too much connects for it to be all coincidence.”  
Session 28 - An Interrupted Meal
At the Breakwater Keep, Stuzrog said their claims were ridiculous and suggested they had ulterior motives. Romsca growled at the implication.   Demitri asked if Gertrude could speak with Cole, the preacher arrested at the Cereus Compass. Romsca asked for clarification to ensure Gertrude would have permission to speak with him.   Thanking them for their time, Romsca and Demitri departed.   On their way back, Demitri suggested they prepare checklists when they enter town. Romsca said she'd only seen civilization work in Endor, and Demitri said that's why the city is a beacon.   They regrouped at the Far Bar Inn and shared what they’d learned. Arwin said he tried to set a meeting with Sir Talmid. Romsca said as a member of the Hands of Ore, her presence at such a meeting could be a hinderance.   Romsca relayed she’d informed Rulla and Stuzrog everything they’d learned. Arwin asked if that was a good idea, and she replied they didn’t have other options. Romsca said they should also try to connect with Argilla as a priority.   The group met Captain Ruslan for a Santeemite-themed lunch downstairs. Romsca tried the pickled mushrooms, finding it too spicy for her. She said, "My father makes them much better."   During the meal, Ruslan said he would be headed back north. Romsca said Ruslan could stay at the Darksteel Foundry on his way back through Porgorag.   When city guards came to arrest Ruslan, Romsca and the others followed and spoke with the watch commander. Romsca said they’d spoken with the watchguard earlier about Gertrude speaking with the prisoner, but the commander’s records showed no record of that.   When the spoke with Rulla, Demitri and Romsca quickly informed her about the arrest. Rulla and Shumedzar joined the group to the cells. When Rulla drew their attention to nearly all being here and the green ring elsewhere, Romsca took off running towards the Far Bar Inn.  
Session 29 - A Lord’s Investigation
Romsca reach the Far Bar Inn. She checked that everyone was safe and the box was secure. After catching her breath, she put the lead box onto her back. They caught each other up about the message from Lortuk and Ruslan’s arrest.   Romsca sent a Sending spell to Demitri and said to regroup at Victory Market. There, Romsca helped look for the door from Lortuk’s message. Romsca magically repaired it and, with Romulus, set it against the brick archway.   Most of the group went in. Chaka, Rosmca, and Ruslan remained outside. Chaka cast a magical hut in the alley and they watched the door from nearby. To pass the time while waiting, Chaka began to teach some painting skills to Romsca. Romsca took out several notebooks to find a blank one.  
Session 30 - On the Riverbank
While waiting, Chaka led Romsca and Ruslan in creating artistic sketches. Romsca felt her art was terrible, but Chaka encouraged her and said the piece showed growth. As they worked, Romsca stopped thinking about the process and was just creating. She felt a pressure over her shoulders and the feeling of the question, “What have you learned?”   In the alley, they overheard Shur talk with a concerned woman about faith. As they talked, the broken door again created a doorway, and the pair quickly left.   The Lightbringers regrouped and shared details of their conversation with Lortuk. They were concerned about the Far Bar Inn, and Romsca suggested they take watches during the night. She also suggested they see if Soveigh was still in town to help the Warden Rangers. Before leaving the Victory Market, the group spoke to merchants around the area about the missing coinguard.   In the late evening, they returned to Far Bar Inn, ate, and rested. Demitri asked Chaka and Romsca to add a design of a roaring lion’s head to the back of his armor. Romsca said she could reshape the armor and suggested a gold inlay. She melted a gold coin for it.   Romsca cast a Sending spell to Borscha, saying, “Dealing with contraband. Unsure when I’ll return. Might also be time I continue my mission from home. You are always tribe, Shelterer-of-the-Lost.” Borscha gave a warm reply. Then, Romsca sent a questioning Sending to Hceehc to ask which sister went to Endor. Hceehc gave a short reply, saying Yeempa was fulfilling the role they needed. Romsca decried the vague reply.   During the night watch, Romsca used channel divinity to make axe-breaker tools and the last platinum ring. In the morning of 14 Adroth, Romsca presented the ring to Ilmendwyth.   They took the main roadway into the Embankment district. At the Augurs, they found an offering to Esturk’s shard. Romsca knew that offerings like this were normally not public due to the stigma against Nadiria worship. Romsca left her created art piece as an offering to Morounin’s shard.   They saw Nedurr, the Mud Mage, on the riverbank nearby. They approached and questioned him. At Nedurr’s raised voice, they were ambushed by a pack of mudmutts. Romsca resisted the sonic croak effect. She couldn’t see Gertrude and Mortimr in the water, so she cast Locate Object on Mortimr’s custom mask. She jumped in and dragged them back to the shoreline and healed Gertrude.   Hearing Chaka’s call for help, Romsca, Gertrude, and Romulus turned to the fallen Ruslan. However, Mortimr reached him first and revived him. Nearby, Argilla called to the group, “Quickly! Away from the water, this way, this way!” Romsca grabbed Nedurr by the scruff, and the group rushed northwards towards the Watermill Gallery.  
Session 31 - These Old Artists
The party fled to the Watermill Gallery, and Romsca cast a healing spell on Ruslan.   Romsca asked Nedurr about the mudmutts. He said they’d been “bothering him”, and he made food for the creatures to attempt to get them to leave him alone, but Romsca pointed out that would just make them stick around. She examined the arrow in Nedurr’s leg. She gave him some bundled cloth to bite on, but he pocketed it instead. She roughly removed the arrow and healed him.   Many of the group were still soaked and dirty from the battle. Ilmendwyth gave Romsca a kerchief, which she wiped twice before holding it out to return.   Argilla formally introduced himself and invited them to meet his patron, Al'phonas Muchaelas. They spoke at length about many topics.   As Argilla and Al’phonas examined and commented on Chaka’s art, Romsca took notes in her books.   Romsca noticed Nedurr rummaging around the room and pocket a few trinkets. She warned him. Nedurr seemed unconcerned.   Romsca and Demitri said Godsguard Ankhan had said Argilla may know something about the residuum ring. Mortimr and Romsca were hesitant to talk openly about the residuum ring in mixed company. After Al’phonas excused himself, Romsca brought out the box so Argilla could investigate the ring. Romsca said the ring was based on a different item, but didn’t know more. She wondered if the ring needed to absorb more elemental energy and if the Prophets intended to create a new Severance.   Romsca asked what other elemental founts were in Tarteria in addition to Red Lake, and Argilla listed the ones he knew.   Al’phonas presented a plan to create a decoy Unsigned Painting of the Great Beasts to learn where his real painting may be and if the Tarterian Traders were involved. They agreed, and the party prepared to help Chaka as best they could.  
Session 32 - To Paint a Phoenix
On 14 Adroth 5A 352, Romsca rented a forge and hired a worker to assist her. During the first day, she constructed the beginnings of a folded-steel blade.   At the end of the day, she sent Sending spells to Hceehc. She said, “Hceehc. Debrief. Two spells. Initial integration difficult. One year establishing, one year learning languages. Tutor reassigned, followed to Tarteria. Mastered blacksmithing and jewel crafting. Hope groundwork… Conflict here. Compelled to help. Allies, community threatened. Danger imminent, possibly globally. Will return if I survive. All for the sake of Golden Fur.”   Hceehc replied, frustrated, “Your words are efficient but difficult. This magic is frustrating for such sporadic talk, Romsca. When will you be back to speak words with me, Far-Wanderer? Trades and languages of dwarf-folk are good if they can be taught to our future litters. I don’t care about battles in Tarteria, Far-Wanderer. Connections to dwarf-folk in the mountains can’t be made across the ocean.”   To help Chaka, Romsca cast Heat Metal on her shield to make it glow the colors of molten metal, to inspire the colors of the Great Phoenix.   While resting with the rest of the group, Romsca shared the difficulties facing the Tribe of the Golden Fur. She took out her notebooks and asked someone take them back to Gohled Teente if she died. Ilmendwyth felt he may not be allowed to do so, but said he’d deliver her books. Gertrude said she would as well.   On 15 Adroth 5A 352, Romsca continued her smithing work. She finished several weapons, including a sword, hand axe, and a Flind Flail.   Afterwards, Rosmca asked Gertrude questions about faith and what it was like to be part of a faithful order. Romsca said Morounin had felt closer, almost over her shoulder. Gertrude said perhaps she was guiding her along. She said any self-doubt Rosmca felt was only within herself. Romsca could tell that Gertrude spoke with experience and wisdom from a long life in the faith.   To help Chaka, Gertrude and Romsca cast mending on Chaka’s brushes and supplies to keep them in pristine condition.  
Session 33 - History and Heroes
As Chaka continued working, Romsca said it was the finest art piece she had seen. Chaka blushed in response.   They discussed the plan for the opening. Romsca said Romulus was good at getting into places unnoticed and Ilmendwyth was the swiftest and stealthiest. Weapons weren’t allowed, and Romsca said Mortimr didn’t use weapons or armor.   Gertrude asked Romsca, if she was staying outside, to hold her shield and warhammer. Ruslan asked where he could be useful, and Romsca suggested helping carry the group’s gear. He joked with her, and she said she didn’t like jokes.   Romsca said she wasn’t stealthy and wouldn’t fit in at a gallery showing. Chaka pointed out that Romsca had an interest in art, but Romsca said she was the exception to her tribe. Mortimr said, “Find a way to be useful, goddammit. Quit your bitching.”   Argilla asked about Nedurr. Romsca said Argilla was free to do what he wanted, as it was his house.   Gertrude gave Romsca a soft leather sash from Leka Fabrics. Romsca said she didn’t have anything to return, and Gertrude said she didn’t have to.   As Chaka’s unease at the showing grew, Romsca said, “You will eventually get used to it. And you deserve it.”   Romsca presented Lion’s Fang to Demitri. She said his current blade wasn’t made for combat and this would better suit his needs. She said, “You were never meant to be Demitri, but you also never got a chance to be Kugo. But I think you’ve been doing a wonderful job of deciding who you are here, and I think that you could very easily become a great hero of Tarteria.”   At the opening, Romsca cast a protective bonding spell on Gertrude. Then Romsca and Ruslan moved off with the group’s equipment. However, they were quickly approached by patrolling guards and made to move farther back.  
Session 34 - Watermill Melee
Romsca and Ruslan saw the fight at the gallery break out. Romsca gave Ruslan the group’s items and told him to get to the rest of the Lightbringers. She cast a Locate Object spell on Chaka’s painting and rushed towards the gallery.   A short time later, Romsca saw Shur flying away from the gallery at high speed. She feigned surprise and ducked into an alley. When he flew past, she pursued a parallel path and followed her magical sense of the painting.   As she pursued, she was joined by Ilmendwyth, Romulus, and Arwin.  
Session 35 - On the Scent
Romsca suggested they keep their distance as they pursued Shur. The party regrouped and Romsca cast another Locate Object spell on Chaka’s painting. They headed to a warehouse near the Commandment of Sky Guildhall. Romsca felt the painting descend and disappear.   After dispatching sentries, Romsca slid open the door. She followed the steak-flavor scent and found a sigil. Romsca used Detect Magic and learned it was an enchanted lock. Opening it, it revealed a tunnel to the main guildhall. Romsca gave the Residuum Ring backpack to Romulus in case they needed to flee. Romsca asked to see Demitri’s sword and imbued it with fire energy.   Arwin found an accessway to a large metal door bearing an elemental plane sigil. Chaka unveiled “Work # 58: Ma's Award-Winning Bread” to Romsca to aid her, but as the party crossed, they were noticed.   Ilmendwyth and Romsca led them quickly down. At the base of a staircase, Romsca triggered a pitfall trap and fell to the bottom. Arwin lowered a rope to help her back up.   Beneath the guildhall, the group found the Chamber of Titles. They overheard conversation between Talmid and Shur, but they triggered a trap. As Demtiri and Romsca moved towards orbs set in the walls, two large elementals apparated in front of them and attacked.  
Session 36 - The Chamber of Titles
Romsca said, “Either focus on the air or go catch Talmid. I can handle fire.” She reached into the fire and cast a massive harm spell. The fire elemental moved onto Romsca, setting her on fire.   Romsca stepped out of the flames and cast them towards Talmid’s armor. In response, he pulled his greatsword and rushed towards Romsca.   Romsca shook off a Fireball from Gertrude and Tidal Wave from Romulus. As Talmid stood up steaming, he said, “Gim Gorod mentioned something about a pesky fucking gnoll!” He and the air elemental attacked but Romsca defended all the strikes.   As Talmid burned, Romsca took out her Flind-flail and attacked. Talmid called to the fire elemental and it crossed over Gerturde, Romsca, Mortimr, and Demtiri, setting them on fire.   As the group attacked, Chaka cast a spell on Talmid, subduing him. Romsca put out the flames and bound Talmid with shackles.   Mortimr drew his crossbow and aimed at Talmid’s knee. Romsca intervened and asked what he was doing, saying, “Why do you need to injure him more when we’re trying to keep him alive?” She said there was a better time and place.   Mortimr said, “Do you know how long I’ve waited to look this goddamn ingrate in the eyes? To take back what he took from me?” He called her an idiot.   Romsca grabbed him and snarled. “I am not in the mood for this! I understand—”   “You don’t fucking understand!”   Romsca said, “I don’t, but I told you I could see something way back when we first met. But this is only go to do us harm when we are drained! You need just a tiny bit more patience. Just a little! I’m not saying you can’t ever. This is the wrong place and time! We still have to drag his ass out of here, there are still people upstairs, we are still injured, and we are all out of magic.”   Mortimr looked at Romsca holding him, took off the platinum ring she had made, and tossed it to the ground. Romsca shoved Mortimr to the side and moved Talmid towards the room with the cages. As she moved away, Mortimr’s arm shot up strangely and fire a crossbow bolt wide of Romsca.   An extra voice in him said, “That was a warning shot. Give me my prize.” Arwin shot Mortimr, but he didn’t react to the wounds. Romsca continued walking and locked Talmid into one of the cages.  
Session 37 - Petals, Paintings, Pasts
Romsca stood in front of the door to the cage during the interrogation. Talmid said he’d been sent originally to kill someone, and Romsca asked who.   Talmid became dismissive and evasive. The group could tell Talmid was trying to get killed, instead of giving more information. Romsca said she didn’t care anymore and left the room.   Outside, she overheard Arwin suggest torture, saying, “This technique worked wonders on gnolls.” She retched and moved fully away from the room.   The sigil in the research room activated, and the group gathered at the sound of voices. They had a tense conversation with Maalik and Azariel.   After, Romsca returned to Gertrude and asked if she was alright.   Rulla arrived and asked what happened. Romsca began to fill her in on the events here. After Rulla took Holarust from Romsca, stationed queensguard soldiers nearby, then moved upstairs to continue clearing the guildhall.   The group was tired and it was past midnight, but they chose to stay and continue looking through the rooms. Chaka and Romsca identified the various magical items they’d found.   Romsca asked Gertrude to ask Bishop Rannyl to watch over Romsca’s sister, Yeempa. Gertrude said she would contact him as soon as she recovered her magic. Romsca planned to reach out to Yeempa and Hceehc directly, too.   The group settled down in the rooms to rest, thinking over the events of the day and the genasi they were involved with.  
Session 38 - The Prophets of Regression
In the morning, Romsca warned Hceehc of the Prophets of Regression and to beware repeating history from empty promises. She also reached out to Yeempa, telling her to be ready for Gerlach’s contact.   Over the next days, they dug into the research, journals, and materials they found. They discovered information about the Prophets of Regression and the genasi’s actions. At the end of studying all this information, they theorized what this all meant. Gertrude and Romsca didn’t know what redoing or undoing the Severance would mean for the Dragon pantheon.   Arwin with Romsca’s help, attempted to reverse engineer the smoke grenade.   Romsca offered her assistance in repairs to the Watermill Gallery. Chaka consulted with the party about sharing the Great Leviathan painting with Al’phonas. Romsca felt okay since they had the Great Leviathan Bearing Stone.   In the late afternoon of 18 Adroth, Rulla sent Lord Lortuk to gather the Lightbringers. On the way, Chaka split Al’phonas’s gold with the party. Demitri asked Romsca to turn some of the coins into powder.   The group discussed what next move would be best. Romsca’s plan was to accompany Gertrude on her quest to Red Lake. She said, “I think with the assistance she’s given, we owe that to her.” They chose Red Lake as priority, then they would cycle back to the ankheg nest.   At the Breakwater Keep they were brought before Nalt Oknar Rulla. Romsca promoted Chaka’s sketches of the genasi. When Rulla asked about the static, Romsca said it was accurate to what they’d seen.   As reward for their actions, the Lightbringers were given the Rill Priory and invited as guests of honor to the Champion’s Conquest festivities.   Romsca asked Rulla if she could have one of the old city guard armor sets, however, Rulla said they were needed for the new guards she intended to hire.



Romsca has said, "My parents aren't married." She has said she has "a lot" of siblings.   Romsca has a memory of her mother, Thrin, holding a spear, saying "The pack is always most important. If one dies so that the rest live, that is what must happen. This is what our family in this tribe has always been proud to do." Romsca's mother taught her about hunting strategies.   Romsca said her father instilled her belief that you should always choose the best person for the task at hand. Her father also makes pickled mushrooms, which Romsca preferred to the ones at the Far Bar Inn.   Romsca has a number of siblings. Her sister, Yeempa, followed in her footsteps and went to Endor.

Borscha Brickwell

While in Endor, the First Mountain, Romsca met Borscha Brickwell and began to work with her in the Hands of Ore. During this time, they developed a friendly relationship. Borscha showed care and concern with Romsca and seemed to think fondly of her. This was shown by how quickly Borscha ran to Romsca's aid after the battle in the Foundry, and by Borscha's belief that Romsca was ready to prove herself for promotion within the guild. Romsca has said, "These people matter a lot to me."

Ambera Lightbraid

Romsca had a good working relationship with Ambera, who showed familiarity with the gnoll and her work. Ambera was very aware of Romsca's performance in the Ash Forge and seemed to care about her wellbeing. This was shown when Ambera tried to turn Romsca away from returning to work after she went uncoinscious in the battle in the Foundry's yard.

Character Information

Notable Items

  • Emblem of the Hands of Ore: A round medallion with the symbol of the Hands of Ore.
  • Emblem of Morounin: A rectangular medallion with a silver bell tower and etched script.
  • Notebooks: Romsca carries a number of notebooks containing the knowledge she's gained on her journey. There are dedicated notebooks to Dwarvish, Common, jewel smithing, jewel carving, and painting.
  • Residence Quarters: Romsca has assigned quarters in the Darksteel Foundry residence facility. It is a simple room with no bed, but a mattress and a pil of blankets. She has a desk with many papers and ink stains. There is a metal safe where she keeps pieces of forged equipment and items she keeps to show her progress.
  • Flind Flail: A gnollish weapon crafted by Romsca. It consists of three segments with a hilt of Axe-Breaker wood. There's a thorn pattern on the metal from the forging.


  • "I'm bad... with talking..." - 2.0.4
  • "I said I would make up the time." - 2.0.4
  • "Conviction is more powerful than answered questions." - 2.3
  • "Why? Because I want to work fast and get the job done, instead of get paid for doing nothing?" - 2.5
  • "I’m not a hero, I’m not a mercenary, I’m just the blacksmith here, and I’m not even a good one." - 2.8
  • "Misinformation causes more harm than good." - 2.11
  • "I thought about what you and Arwin said, and I would like to try and be a better leader. And a good leader does not ask someone to do things that they would not be willing to do." - 2.16
  • "I wanted to show that I am willing to step up." - 2.16
  • "I’m sure history is told from many perspectives, and I’m sure that your version is different from the one I’ve heard. But what you’re forgetting is that seven lifetimes ago, I was not alive. Nobody in my tribe was alive." - 2.18
  • "All I was supposed to do was make a delivery. Just finished my work. At least all of you are adventurers, mercenaries, and capable people." - 2.25
  • "I can handle fire." - 2.36
2023 Character Art provided by I.W.
Character Type
Player Character   Actor

Current Location
Date of Birth
5A 335
Aligned Organization
Related Reports
Romsca Image 2.jpg
2023 Character Art provided by I.W.

2024 Character Art by Hero Forge, supplied by G.F.