
Minotaurs are a rare race on Azimuth. They are large monstrous bipedal creatures sharing aspects of a humanoid and a bull.



Minotaurs are barrel-chested humanoids with heads resembling those of bulls. Their horns range in size from about 1 foot long to great, curling weapons easily three times that length. They often ornament their horns with metal rings or sheathe them in metal to protect them from damage.   Their bodies are covering in fur, which can become shaggy manes around the head and neck or around the ends of their limbs, though this is not always the case. The fur colors vary from shades of browns to blacks.


Minotaurs are tall and heavy creatures, typically standing between 6 to 8 feet tall and weighing between 250 to 350 pounds.   Minotaurs develop more slowly than humans, reaching full maturity around the age of 20. Once they reach maturity, though, minotaurs age quickly. A minotaur allowed to die of old age would rarely live beyond 40.


Early history and supposed creation

Beastfolk is a term used by the races of Azimuth to separate several separate cultures, including gnoll, minotaur, and bugbear, considered "native" to Parthenia. These races were crafted in the Age of Creations at the influence of dark-aligned gods during the battles against the Primoridials. Since then, they have existed in tandem with those of humans, dwarves, and elves, though often at conflict with one another.

Additional History

During the ending events of the Great War in the Third Age, many kingdoms were forced to flush out these races from their lands as a result of Esturk, The World's End’s invasions across Azimuth. While some could seclude themselves in the corners of the world, many tribes had no place else to go, so many sought refuge in the far-flung land of Partheniaas they were driven away. Though the Lordship of Gardenbur was founded here, it was not long before this kingdom fell after the death of the Zenethian Champion Ruin, Wielder of the Zenethian Axe, and the bestial races took over this land.   For gnolls, this place became one of subjugation under those of the minotaur, who controlled the more fertile lands of Parthenia to the north and who were physically and militarily more powerful than the smaller gnoll tribes in the south. However, this dynamic would change drastically during the events of the Manslayer War, where the gnollish forces betrayed and abandoned the minotaurs to fight the allied armies alone. As a result of this, entire tribes of minotaurs were slain, and their population is still in recovery.   With the formation of the Parthenian Federation, a movement away from tribalism has been forced onto the bestial races by the likes of gnolls, who now hold much more power in this dynamic. Though they are now a legitimate political entity with relations with other nations of Azimuth, many still hold the bestial races at best at arm’s length and at worst with open hostility. They view these races as monsters and threats, with ties to The World’s End, and in some ways they are correct. The bestial races can be naturally aggressive and physically intimidating, and minotaurs have an intrinsic love for battle. Even still, one can now see minotaurs, though rarely, in the ports of Azimuth on trade ships or as mercenaries, as well as bandits and bodyguards.


In minotaur culture, there is a great focus on lineage and history. Loyalty and duty to one’s tribe are paramount, and is reflected in their naming conventions. Since each family line has so many members, minotaurs don't usually find it helpful to connect the name of the line to their personal names. Instead, they may use heroes from their tribe’s history as identifiers, to honor those that came before and carry on their memories and sacrifices. Alternatively, they may choose to go without one, choosing to carry their own strength with their own name.   For tribe-names, minotaurs may use heroes from their tribe’s history as identifiers, either the sire that founded the family line or the greatest hero from that line’s history. This is usually referenced in the name as “Kin of” or “The Kin of”. A minotaur may refer to themselves this way if they choose. Other races may convert a minotaurs tribe-name to something closer to their cultural leanings and understanding, though cases of multi-generational minotaurs are rare outside of Parthenia. Particularly humans that have a different importance they put on the family name itself rather than those who spawned it, may convert a minotaurs tribe-name to something more alike to their culture. Alternatively, orcs who tend to refer to one’s direct parentage, may refer to them patrilineally or matrilineally as they do in their culture.   For villages and constructed places, they are almost all named after the tribe or the minotaur that founded it or built it, usually with a possessive in the name. Places tend to not be named after important figures in the past, rather they are named after the ones that made it exist. This can help quickly understand the age of such a place in some cases, if the one it is named for is a well-known minotaur from a long time ago. This place naming rule can be broken, usually in cases where the construct is a direct reference to another minotaur, like a statue, effigy, tomb, or some other honorific.   A main proponent of the conflicts between gnolls and those of humans, dwarves, and elves in history is is the large acceptance and worship of Nadiria in beastfolk cultures. Their reliance on traditional tribalism and hunter-gathering culture also puts them in direct competition and battle with other races.

Minotaurs in Gimora Major

Seeking refuge and opposed to the cultural shifts resulting in the formation of the Parthenian Federation, the Tribe of the Golden Fur left Parthenia and has existed in the Gorl Forest of the Kingdom of Endor since early in the Fifth Age. Though the tribe is mostly gnolls, a number of minotaur are a part of the community as well. The original band was around 20 to 30, but they have grown to a small tribe of between 200 and 300 members.   In the lands of Branca, the Kingdom of the South, bestial races are incredibly rare due to the laws of the land allowing the hunting and killing of races like gnolls, minotaurs, and bugbears.

Minotaurs in Gimora Minor

Gnolls can sometimes be seen often in the Wild Lands in and around the settlement of Port D'Silva. They rarely venture far from town due to the dangers presented to them by the tribes of the Wild Lands to the north and the Brancana Rangers that patrol to the west.

Minotaurs in Tarteria

Minotaurs suffered greatly at the end of the Manslayer War, and their population dwindled greatly. Minotaurs are prone to wander out of boredom, melancholy, resentment for their people's lot, or the desire to make their own way by the strength of their own will. Many such wanderers find the lands of humans and elves difficult to live amongst, as they are seen as bestial and easily feared. However, many minotaur find their natural strength and abilities of value in Tarteria, where the orcs respect power and strength.

Minotaurs in Northwest Seas

Among the many islands of the Northwest Seas, many races can be found. While minotaurs and other beastfolk were driven from the lands of other continents, the same is not true of the area of Stancia.

Minotaurs in Parthenia

The nation of the Parthenian Federation is a conglomorate of several bestial races. The minotaurs hold less power in this current dynamic than they have in the past. They are widespread in Parthenia, though their population is still somewhat in recovery and they mostly are localized in the Fields of Minos in the north and the Parthenian capital, the City of Rings.

Notable Minotaurs

Campaign One: Zenethian Heroes

Non-Player Characters

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Player Characters

Humanoid   Size
Medium   Age of Adulthood
Around 20   Lifespan
Around 40 years   Average Height
Between 6 to 8 feet   Average weight
Between 250 and 350 pounds   Fur color
Ranging from browns to blacks   Planes
Material Plane   Primary Locations
  • Parthenian Federation
Romulus Image.png
2024 Character Art by Hero Forge, supplied by G.F.