Urskans Myth

The Urskans Myth is a series of cultural stories, tales, and beliefs about a suposed race of polar bear-like humanoids. These cultural myths are prominent in the hobgoblin culture of southern Tarteria.


Hobgoblin stories and myths speak of a fabled polar-bear like people called urskans. Depending on the story, the urskans served as antagonists, threats, or symbols of strength. What is common in renditions of the urskans is their skill at metalwork and their profeciency with ice magic. These stories are of great importace to hobgoblin culture, and iconography of bears recur often as symbols of strength.   Despite their prevalence in hobgoblin tales, few believe urskans actually exist. Most claimed sightings of urskans are explained away as werebear sightings or encounters with the yetis that are common in the southern Drackhan Tundra.   Only recently has evidence come to light which claims to be proof of the urskans. In the early Fifth Age, survivors of the shipwreck of the Vikramadi found the Urskan Crevasse. Though at the time it was used by a giant and his troll followers, evidence of a culture that existed there beforehand was discovered. This culture had prominent and repeated symbols of bears, and they showed apparent skill in both metalworking and ice magic. However, due to the remote location and the dangers of the Drackhan Tundra, these claims are disputed and still being investigated.  

Urskan Abilities

The primary recurring abilities said to be possessed by the urskans are skill in metalworking and profeciency with ice magic. They are also believed to be physically strong and skilled at war, though it is unknown how much of this is due to hobgoblin stories revolving around war needing strong antagonists.   The metal is said to be a specific variety of steel or iron. Through whatever process is used to work the ore, a distinct dark color and heavy thickness is put into the metal. This metal was used extensively in their constructions. Several solid metal items found at the Urskan Crevasse match this description, including bladed heavy armor, sleds, scaffolding, tables, ballistae, and statues.   Ice magic and enchantments are also common elements of these stories. Evidence of an ice-based cage of supercold shards of ice was seen by survivors of the Vikramadi at the Urskan Crevasse. Additionally, the Horn of Storms, believed to have been constructed from urskan metal, is enchanted with strong elemental magic.  

Urskans in Hobgoblin Culture

Urskans are popular story elements in the war-focused hobgoblin culture, and they are included in many stories and children's tales due to their alleged strength in war. Great heroes of hobgoblin culture are said to have done battle with them.   Some of the stories involving the mythical first hobgoblin Orog speak of engagements he had with an urskan camp.


The Third Age: The Age of Zenethia
At some point, a settlement of urskans occupied the Urskan Crevasse of the Ivory Glacier. During this time, they mined the metal ores of Mösön Uul.   At some unknown point, the Crevasse was attacked and occupied by frost giants, which either killed or drove out the uskans of the area. Evidence of this battle was shown by the damaged and buried metal ballistae in the feasting chamber of the crevasse.  
The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
On 12 Naerui 5A 023, Kholvek, Braavak, Ganbaatar, and Chotgorrin entered the Urskan Crevasse. They found many metal details that reminded them of stories of urskans, including metal sleds, scaffolding, statues, and armor pieces.   During the years after this, expeditions would begin digging into the Crevasse, finding additional metalworking and supposed evidence of urskans.