
Hobgoblin Monk, Ascendant Dragon, Outlander

"A sharp blade is useless if left in the scabbard."
Ganbaatar was a hobgoblin monk of the late Fourth Age and early Fifth Age who appeared in Azimuth Anthology: Vikramadi. He was played by J.P.   Ganbaatar was a member of the Temple of Gan Dalavch of Meenakhan. He later helped establish Clan Bactrian at Frozen Fleet Post.



Ganbaatar was a healthy hobgoblin man in his fifties. He was muscular and lithe, even with the heavier mass as a hobgoblin. He wore a beard with no moustache. Ganbaatar's voice was deep, but he was soft spoken.   He wore the blue monk regalia of his temple, which were well kept and humble. These were accented with minor milataristic pauldrons, armor, and furred items for winter wear.   Ganbaatar wore a gong on his back, like a shield. It bore a spiraling design of Zenthai, The Dragon King, and Barduumus, The Battlelord. Paired with this was his enchanted spear. Beneath the head of the weapon was an ornate, metal hammer used to sound the gong.   Ganbaatar was a skilled monk and profecient in unarmed combat. His training gave him the ability to channel divine energy in various ways, including infused strikes, a breath weapon, and creating small bursts of emerald green colored light.


Ganbaatar displayed a monk's sensibilities with a hobgoblin appreciation and respect for battle and martial prowess. He seemed to enjoy battle and was invigorated, rather than hampered, after sustaining damage.   He followed teachings of both Zenthai, The Dragon King, and Barduumus, The Battlelord, and displayed a focus on inner strength over conquest.   Ganbaatar valued experience over rank. He recognized that valuable input could come from any rank, and he displayed strong trust in his allies. This was seen by his willingness to follow Chotgorrin's bucket plan and provide the best support for it, despite initially denying the plan.



Ganbaatar was a member of the Temple of Gan Dalavch in Meenakhan. In the Fifth Age, this temple began to fade after the death of Zenthai, The Dragon King. Ganbaatar was one of the last remaining faithful to this monk monastery.   Ganbaatar was a soldier of the Clan Tarbagan legion. During his career up to 5A 023, Ganbaatar had achieved a rank of Spear in the legion.

Azimuth Anthology: Vikramadi

In early Naerui 5A 023, Ganbaatar sailed with the khanate’s fleet from Meenakhan to the South Sea on the Vikramadi, along with Kholvek, Braavak, and Chotgorrin. On 12 Naerui, Ganbaatar was present for Grand Khan Drack’s speech on the deck of the ship. During the speech, Ganbaatar calmly listened alongside Rendu, another soldier.   When Drack’s speech was interrupted by the Horn of Storms, Ganbaatar calmly yelled out over the panicked legionnaires, “Soldiers! Breathe! Look, then act!” He created a space of order and calm, leading to more soldiers trying to secure the ship.   The waves crashed the Khartan and the Braza into the Vikramadi. Ganbaatar hung on as he was pelted by falling debris. When the ship impacted the coast, Ganbaatar he jumped between parts of the ships before being flung off the ship into the blizzard.   Ganbaatar awoke in the tundra near to Chotgorrin. Nearby was the wreck of the Vikramadi, and trolls were attacking survivors. Ganbaatar called to Chotgorrin, “Can you fight with honor?” Chotgorrin looked back with a bloodthirsty grin.   Ganbaatar attacked the bears with his spear and breathed a line of radiant fire. The troll savagely clawed Ganbaatar. He moved behind Chotgorrin, who covered the withdrawal.   After the trolls were felled, Rendu called them into the ship. They saw few survivors remained. Rendu clasped Ganbaatar’s arm. He recognized their ranks and the Temple of Gan Dalavch he was from.   When Chotgorrin entered, Ganbaatar held his spear to him and said he fought well. Chotgorrin replied, “For Spear, you could use some work.” Ganbaatar lowered his weapon.   Ganbaatar went to the prow of the ship. He placed the gong he wore on his back and sounded a somber ringing into the tundra, which drew other survivors to the sound.   As the storm continued, Rendu spoke with Kholvek, Braavak, Ganbaatar, and Chotgorrin. He said the only way they could survive was if the horn was silenced. Ganbaatar replied, “Khuchtei demands action.” He said he would silence the horn and asked the others to join him.   They gathered the supplies they could from the wreck. Ganbaatar grabbed a tattered banner from the ship. Rendu approached and gave him a small vial of holy water, saying it was just in case.   As they gathered together, Ganbaatar said as the ranking officer, he wanted to know their strengths. He said he trusted them to make correct decisions. He recognized the Red Blades insignia on Kholvek recognized Chotgorrin as Drack’s weapon of the khanate.   Ganbaatar said, “Soldiers, the fleet is decimated, our khan is gone. Our chances of success and survival are slim, but they will not count on the strength in our unity. Trust that this one will kill, and trust in yourselves.”   They followed the tracks northwest. They crossed the Ice Ways to the snow plains of the tundra. After just over ten miles, they reached the eye of the storm above the mountain of Mösön Uul. They followed the tracks towards the Ivory Glacier and a massive crevasse on its surface.   The chasm was deep, with carved chambers in the ice and wooden and metal scaffolding connecting them. They could see dozens of trolls. Ganbaatar suggested they follow the bodies in case any survivors could help them.   Chotgorrin said, “I have idea. Cho put you all in bucket, and I take you down as troll.” Ganbaatar denied the plan, but the others agreed. Ganbaatar cut one of the nearby pulley carriers free. Chotgorrin picked up the carrier like a bucket and started to descend, and Ganbaatar stayed on the ridge to watch.   Ganbaatar tossed a dart down the chasm to distract a pair of trolls, which gave Chotgorrin the chance to move by them largely unnoticed.   Meanwhile, Ganbaatar knelt in a meditative stance and made a prayer to Barduumus. It filled him with a sense of waiting for the right opportunity to strike. In reaction, he took his gong and sounded it. All the trolls looked up and clambered along the walls and scaffolds towards him. Ganbaatar ensured he was seen, then quickly cut Heitei from the sled rigging. He rode the worg along the ridge, continuing to sound the gong before he jumped down the ice, scaffolding, and ropes towards the bottom.   Just after landing, Chotgorring landed heavily at the chasm’s base, carrying Kholvek and Braavak. They moved into the large feasting chamber, where they found Hagillr. He held the Horn of Storms and had Drack’s weapon, Khavtan, on his neck. Hagillr was ready and called out, “Trolls! Kill this cattle!”   Ganbaatar rushed Hagillr and stunned him with a flurry of attacks. They threw every attack they could at the stunned giant. Ganbaatar struck with divine strikes, and Hagillr was stunned again, giving him the chance to escape an attacking troll. Ganbaatar quickly drank a potion, then blew fire at the giant.   Hagillr then recovered. More trolls entered and attacked Braavak, Kholvek, and Ganbaatar. Ganbaatar yelled out, “Beast! I will make you a Fist if you complete the mission!” Chotgorrin threw the blasting powder kegs to the back of the chamber and ignited them.   With the fiery smash, the kegs exploded. They all knew they had to get outside or be crushed. As Chotgorrin sacrificed himself, Ganbaatar rushed to the exit.   Ganbaatar jumped between the railings and scaffolding as he rapidly ascended. With Ganbaatar’s help, Kholvek and Braavak reached the top as the crevasse filled around them.   After the rumbling ended, Kholvek took a glaive and stuck it into the ice at the crevasse’s edge and draped blue fabric from the Vikramadi over it. Ganbaatar sounded his gong next to it, saying, “Chotgorrin, Fist of the khanate’s army.”   Braavak wrapped Khavtan and gave it to Ganbaatar. He said, “For me, it belongs to Cho.”   At Drack’s order, the group told the grand khan of the events since the storm had started. Ganbaatar spoke of the bravery of the others, and he recommended promotions for Kholvek and Braavak. Drack listened to his recommendation and promoted Kholvek and Braavak to Spear rank. He also offered to promote Ganbaatar to the rank of Fatal Axe.   Ganbaatar asked what should they do now. Drack replied, “We do what hobgoblins always do. We don’t give up and we survive.”   As they prepared to return, Ganbaatar presented Khavtan to Drack, saying, “For the efforts of these men, and your weapon, we return this to you, but it was not free.”   After returning to the Vikramadi, Ganbaatar would help the survivors in establishing Frozen Fleet Post.

The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings

Ganbaatar established a new Temple of Gan Dalavch to spread Barduumus and Zenthai teachings, to support the survivors through the efforts of faith and avoiding despair.   In the years that followed, Ganbaatar would suggest that Khavtan be engraved to read, “Chotgorrin, First Fist of the Khanate” and “No Victory Without Sacrifice”. Drack agreed, saying it was a fitting addition.

Character Information


After the crash of the Vikramadi on 12 Naerui 5A 023, Rendu directed Ganbaatar and other survivors to follow the sled tracks leading away from the ship. They rescued Grand Khan Drack, defeated Hagillr, the Lone Hailstone, and silenced the Horn of Storms.


Notable Items

  • Temple Gong: Ganbaatar carried a shield-sized metal gong from the Temple of Gan Dalavch. It had an ornate design of Zenthai, The Dragon King, and Barduumus, The Battlelord, spiraling. The gong has a planting stake and sounded with a low and clear note.


  • "Soldiers! Breathe! Look, then act!" - AA 06
  • "Khuchtei demands action" - AA 06
  • "Little is more valuable than experience. Please speak up if you have wisdom to share." - AA 06
  • "A sharp blade is useless if left in the scabbard." - AA 06
Character Type
Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Alive (5A 023)