Kholvek Vundruk

Hobgoblin Fighter, Cavalier, Soldier

"I am a simple cavalryman."
Kholvek Vundruk was a hobgoblin fighter of the late Fourth Age and early Fifth Age who appeared in Azimuth Anthology: Vikramadi. He was played by K.B.   Kholvek was a member of the Red Blades of the Hobgoblin Khanate. He participated in the Tarterian War and later helped establish Clan Bactrian at Frozen Fleet Post.



Kholvek was an older hobgoblin soldier. He was very stout and solid, nearly as wide as he was tall. He had a shorter beard that had gnarls in all directions. Kholvek often maintained a dour and stern expression.   He was equipped with rider's armor and had a guandao. He wore various insignia of the Red Blades.   Kholvek's mount was a worg named Heitei. Heitei was old and gnarled, with many battle scars. He had one milky eye, and his tongue often hung out of his mouth. His brown-grey fur was whitened with age. Most of Heitei's underbelly and legs were permanently stained black from demonblood.


Kholvek was a very dutiful and loyal soldier of the khanate. This was repeatedly seen as he strove to immediately fulfill any orders given to him.   By the sinking of the Vikramadi, Kholvek was an old soldier. He didn't seem to have much elasticity to pivot from what he had been trained for. This affected his early actions in Frozen Fleet Post to a military focus, but his experience would prove extremely useful to the establishment of Clan Bactrian.   Kholvek stated he did not like the cold. He seemed particularly susceptible to the effects of frigid weather.



Kholvek was a soldier of the Clan Tarbagan legion in Meenakhan.   He participated in the Tarterian War, where he and other members of the worg cavalry traversed dangerous forest and mountain passes west of Hezrou Pass to reach the Southern Orcish Plains. Their unit engaged in a long series of hit and run battles with the rear lines of the demons, slaying many and distracting their focus.   Kholvek was recognized for his efforts during the war, becoming a member of the Hobgoblin Khanate's Red Blades.   During his career up to 5A 023, Kholvek had achieved a rank of Fist in the legion.

Azimuth Anthology: Vikramadi

In early Naerui 5A 023, Kholvek sailed with the khanate’s fleet from Meenakhan to the South Sea on the Vikramadi, along with Braavak, Ganbaatar, adn Chotgorrin. On 12 Naerui, Kholvek was present for Grand Khan Drack’s speech on the deck of the ship. During the speech, Kholvek stoically joined the cheers by slamming his weapon on the deck.   When Drack’s speech was interrupted by the Horn of Storms, Kholvek called to secure the masts and grabbed the ropes with other nearby soldiers. They kept the central mast steady, until the waves crashed the Khartan and the Braza into the Vikramadi. As the ship rocked to a steep angle, Kholvek was hit with shrapnel and debris. The ship impacted the coast and broke in half, sending Kholvek into the blizzard.   Kholvek awoke in the tundra near to Braavak, where they saw sled tracks in the snow. Nearby was the wreck of the Vikramadi, and trolls were attacking survivors. Kholvek’s worg, Heitei, had also survived. He whistled to the worg and quickly mounted it.   As the trolls attacked, Kholvek charged forward beside Braavak. Kholvek supported Braavak with his fey gift, and they traded blows with the troll near them. Kholvek slashed down and cracked the troll’s skull open. As it began to regenerate, a fire bomb from Rendu killed it.   Rendu called them into the ship, where they saw few survivors remained. As the storm continued, Rendu spoke with Kholvek, Braavak, Ganbaatar, and Chotgorrin. He said the only way they could survive was if the horn was silenced.   They gathered the supplies they could from the wreck, and Kholvek left some of his rations for the survivors. Kholvek looked for any items from the Grand Khan but was unsuccessful.   Braavak formally said Kholvek fought well. He then shifted his attention to Heitei and fed him, though the worg bit his hand. Kholvek said, “Heitei has been with me since the battle of Hezrou Pass.” Ganbaatar saw the Red Blades insignia on Kholvek and knew of the battles in Hezrou Pass.   Ganbaatar gathered them and said their strengths and experience were more important than rank. He asked what they were capable of, and Kholvek said, “I am a simple cavalryman.” Kholvek didn’t know what to think of Chotgorrin, as his unit never had much interactions with Chaff.   They followed the tracks northwest. They crossed the Ice Ways to the snow plains of the tundra. They were bundled against the frigid wind and snow, but the piercing cold exhausted Kholvek and Heitei.   After just over ten miles, they reached the eye of the storm above the mountain of Mösön Uul. They followed the tracks towards the Ivory Glacier and a massive crevasse on its surface. The chasm was deep, with carved chambers in the ice and wooden and metal scaffolding connecting them. They could see dozens of trolls.   Kholvek commanded Heitei to stay at the top and hooked Heitei up to one the bloodstained ice sleds.   As they planned what to do next, Chotgorrin said, “I have idea. Cho put you all in bucket, and I take you down as troll.” Kholvek didn’t know how feasible the plan was, but said he would go where he was ordered. Khovlek and Braavak got inside. Chotgorrin picked up the carrier like a bucket and started to descend, and Ganbaatar stayed on the ridge to watch.   They snuck into a chamber they’d seen bodies and supplies taken into. Inside were captured survivors, including Grand Khan Drack, who was missing an arm. Kholvek immediately handed a healing potion through the bars to the soldiers tending to the khan. As he reached, the supercold bars of ice started freezing his hand.   Drack asked if there were others and explained how he lost his arm to Hagillr, the Lone Hailstone. Drack directed them to nearby wooden kegs of Dwarven Blasting Powder He ordered them to blast them out so the survivors could make a distraction, then blow up the glacier and bring it down on the giant and the trolls.   Outside, they heard Ganbaatar’s gong ring, and they saw the trolls in the chasm react. They used the blasting powder to destroy the cage. Drack then led the survivors onto the scaffolding to engage the trolls.   Chotgorrin put the remaining blasting powder kegs over his shoulders. He grew in size with rage energy, picked up Kholvek and Braavak, and leapt from the scaffolding. They landed heavily at the chasm’s base and rejoined Ganbaatar.   They moved into the large feasting chamber, where they found Hagillr. He held the Horn of Storms and had Drack’s weapon, Khavtan, on his neck. Hagillr was ready and called out, “Trolls! Kill this cattle!”   As fighting broke out, Kholvek moved forward to engage trolls on the right flank to cover Braavak’s advance. The trolls clawed into Kholvek as they advanced, but Kholvek kept it occupied to protect Braavak.   Chotgorrin and Ganbaatar stunned and outmaneuvered Hagillr, and Chotgorrin threw the powder kegs into the glacier. With the fiery smash, the kegs exploded. They all knew they had to get outside or be crushed. As Chotgorrin sacrificed himself, Kholvek rushed to the exit.   Kholvek climbed the scaffolding. He was hit by falling debris and troll attacks as he rushed by. As the walls and scaffolding came crashing down, he grabbed directly on the ice. Far beneath him, a bloody Hagillr burst through the rubble and slammed the collapsing walls. With Ganbaatar’s help, Kholvek reached the top as the crevasse filled around them.   After the rumbling ended, to honor Chotgorrin's sacrifice, Kholvek took a glaive and stuck it into the ice at the crevasse’s edge and draped blue fabric from the Vikramadi over it. Ganbaatar sounded his gong next to it.   After Kholvek recalled Heitei and attached him to a sled for the wounded survivors, Drack approached. At his order, the group told the grand khan of the events since the storm had started. Ganbaatar spoke of the bravery of the others, and he recommended promotions for Kholvek and Braavak. Drack listened to his recommendation and promoted Kholvek and Braavak to Spear rank.   After returning to the Vikramadi, Kholvek used his experience to identify threats in the tundra to ensure scouting parties were as successful as they could be. He learned what beasts and monsters there were, and what wildlife could be domesticated.

The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings

After Heitei died, Kholvek never rode again. In the years that followed, he maintained the stables and animals and taught others how to ride and mobilize in the tundra.   Kholvek bred a new breed of ibex for Frozen Fleet Post called Kholvek’s Ibex. They were bred for carrying capacity and endurance in the tundra, and they would become vital to the defense of the new Clan Bactrian.

Character Information


After the crash of the Vikramadi on 12 Naerui 5A 023, Rendu directed Kholvek and other survivors to follow the sled tracks leading away from the ship. They rescued Grand Khan Drack, defeated Hagillr, the Lone Hailstone, and silenced the Horn of Storms.


  • Kholvek domesticated a subspecies of ibex to better suit the needs of Clan Bactrian, which came to be known as Kholvek's Ibex. They were bred for carrying capacity and tundra battle.

Notable Items

  • Heitei: Heitei the worg was Kholvek's mount during his military career. Heitei was with Kholvek during the events of the Tarterian War up to the shipwreck of the Vikramadi. Heitei would survive the battles that occured in the aftermath and live alongside Kholvek in Frozen Fleet Post.


  • "Heitei has been with me since the battle of Hezrou Pass." - AA 06
  • "I am a simple cavalryman." - AA 06
Character Type
Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Alive (5A 023)