The Adventures of the Big HELP, Session 8 Report in Charyba | World Anvil
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The Adventures of the Big HELP, Session 8

General Summary

  • The party met with Adivsor Lemore to discuss investigating the necromancer. The Catfolk Freehold would pay the party 200GP for information regarding the necromancer. At this point, the party decided to call their group The Big HELP.
  • Bigwig wanted more for the job but was unable to convince. Larka signed quickly while the others read through the contract until they were comfortable.
  • Bigwig noticed that the wall behind Lemore's desk was less faded than the rest. She thought that something had been hanging there before and asked him about it. He suggested it was a nice map but that he had tripped and spilt coffee on it. Bigwig found this unlikely but Lemore did seem to be clutzy.
  • On their way our of Ghispar, the Big HELP encountered an eladrin named Eris Tisani. A warlock from the fey continent of Nirania, Eris had traveled with a circus until some time ago. She was looking for her missing lyre when the Big HELP met her.
  • Just before looking for a thief, Larka realized her bone plushie was missing. She caught sight of a tabaxi child running out of the city. The party and Eris were able to catch up to him. He confessed that he was stealing from the adventurers since they looked so strong. A group of gnolls had attacked him and his parents on the road and only he escaped. He wanted strong fighter to think the gnolls were the thieves and kill them. The boy, Silin, asked if the Big HELP would kill them and get back his parents' wedding ring.
  • The Big HELP tracked down the gnolls but found themselves surrounded. Eris wanted to reason with the gnolls but only the pack leader understood and he thought of the HELP and everyone in Ghisparr as meat. The party was forced to fight the gnolls. Eris kept the pack leader at by with her Crown of Madness spell until the others were dead. She then threatened the leader until he gave the party his spoils and ran away. Larka thought she heard more gnoll chittering from the cave.
  • Petrichor, having read the necromancy book from the necromancer's mansion, realized she sensed the same energy from the book on Eris. Eris revealed that she was necromancer and that the book had been hers before it was stolen. Petrichor remembered that the necromancer had been given that book by sheer luck by a bookseller.
  • Petrichor also found a golden dial with Leonin and arcane script. She activated it and realized that it directly contacted King Hespiro. He was surprised that it was activated at first but recognized the Raziel survivors and was glad of their safety. He recognized Larka and tried to assuage her concern that the Fell Tribe had been scattered by his armies by saying that her parents were his hostages, but safe. He was sorry to say that her brother Kenji had been mortally injured and her sister Reina killed. She shouted angrilly at him, asking why this conquest was necessary. He reached out to Larka psychicly, revealing that he had the same power she was now learning. He asked her to come so that her parents would know she's safe and to teach her about her psionic powers. Hespiro broke off the contact stone's connection.
  • The party returned to the Silin and gave him his parents' ring. Eris decided to join the Big HELP. She offered her familiar, Pistachio the pseudo-dragon, to guide Silin back home. The HELP then began travelling to to Firelda Outpost.
  • On the way, Larka found a pouch containing some potions and gold. There was a letter that indicated this may have been a payment drop for some crime. Larka did not want to take this money but the Big HELP split up the gold among the rest of the party. They continued travelling until they needed to rest for the night.
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Report Date
04 Dec 2023


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