Udarich Campaign Session 7 Report in Charyba | World Anvil
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Udarich Campaign Session 7

General Summary

  • Leaving Whitepaw's, the party decided to spend the day shopping until Zinnia summoned them for their audience with the Catchief.
  • Bigwig, needing some thieves' tools, stopped at the general store Things You'll Need to look for something thieves' tools adjacent. She purchased a modified jeweler's kit off of the store owner. Larka sold a spear she no longer needed and Petrichor sold the model ship in a bottle she had stolen.
  • When leaving the store, they saw that a tabaxi girl, Frieda, had set up a food stall outside of the store. Timorra told her to leave and not force her "ancient food" on any unfortunate customers. Frieda offered the party some lunch meals, tomato soup and sandwiches. The entire party decided to risk their stomachs after Timorra's review of Frieda's food. They were lucky and ended up with good meals instead of food poisoning.
  • The party came across a robed man in front of an alleyway preaching to the crowd. Behind him were a curtain blocking the alley entrance and an altar. Petrichor went on her way searching for the armory while Larka and Bigwig listened to what the man had to say. He talked about a cleansing fire spreading over Udarich and that the Cult of Arazid, with the Fireblood as its leader, would build a paradise from its ashes. He mentioned that the Fireblood had sent her followers out to find ancient artifacts that would help her harness the power of fire. The two heard cries for help coming from the alleyway behind the curtain.
  • Bigwig pretended to be interested in the Cult's ideas to give Larka a chance to sneak in and free the distressed person. She recognized the person as Amroth, the elf Petrichor had stolen sausages from before. Two other cultists were assautling Amorth, trying to take a necklace from him. Bigwig ripped this necklace from their hands to win the cultist's allegiance, leaving Amroth bawling at the loss of his necklace. Larka used the opportunity to knock out one of the cultists while Bigwig accidentally killed the leader. The third cultist begged for his life, offering information. Bigwig asked if all of the cultists have dreams like she did but the cultist said he'd only heard of the Fireblood having the type of dreams she described.
  • Amroth was thankful for the return of his amulet and offered to repay them by paying for their meals and inn tonight at the Cat's Paw Inn where he would be performing. He let slip that they returned "her" to him when he reclaimed the necklace. Larka asked if Amroth had someone's soul in his amulet like Hest. At the mention of Hest's name, Amroth opened up. He said that the amulet contained, not a soul, but the final moments of his wife Caerda crystalized in time. He said that a wizard had told him to look for the sorceror Hest, for she had faced a similar issue and would be able to cure Caerda and release her from the amulet. Larka corrected him by saying that Hest had not actually saved Ravenna yet. This news left Amroth despondent and he left to decide what he would do next.
  • During this event, Petrichor found the armory. She talked to the owner for a bit, learning what types of armor were for sale, before buying a shield. She found the rest of her party just after Amroth left and got caught up on what happened.
  • Larka got lost on her way to a barbershop and managed to squeeze in an appointment just before closing time. One of the owners, Robin, mentioned that he had done a lot of travelling with his wife before settling down here, inluding spending time in the Ribahrn Territory.
  • The party met up once again at the Cat's Paw Inn for a drink. Amroth was already playing when they got there and the party listened while ordering drinks.Petrichor and Bigwig got a good laugh when Larka kept ordering beer after beer, even though she couldn't hold her alcohol.
  • One of the round was brought by the group's friend Felgo. He apologized that Zinnia hadn't summoned them to see the Catchief like intended. The Catchief and her Councilors were worried about King Hespiro's army advancing northward and had decided to disband Zinnia's Platoon in order to spread out their scouts and rangers to other groups. Felgo would stay in Ghispar to finish his studies and act as a close-range scout.
  • Felgo also mentioned that his girlfriend, Yseld, would be happy about him sticking around. Petrichor felt a little disappointed hearing he had a girlfriend, thinking he had been flirting with her when talking about art before. The party tried to tell her that this was him trying to provoke a reaction from Petrichor (which it did), but was quickly proven wrong when they realized Yseld was their waitress. A drunk Larka accidentally told Petrichor to go for it anyway while Felgo was in earshot, causing him to leave awkwardly while Larka collapsed.
  • Amroth finished up his set and decided to join his new friends for a drink, though he was a little surprised that they let Larka sleep on the floor for so long before propping her up. It wasn't long before the party took Larka to bed.
  • The next morning, the party was awoken by Zinnia summoning them to meet with the Catchief. Larka was feeling unwell, and had been sick in the bed she shared with Hest, but the rest of the party was ready to go shortly. They picked up that Zinnia had some tense feelings regarding the Catchief, likely since her platoon had been disbanded.
  • Catchief Urthpaw introduced herself alongside her Councilors: Advisor Lemore, Cleric Citrinne, and Librarian Sleet. Upon seeing the Catchief, Bigwig and Petrichor realized she was the tabaxi woman they had rescued on the Raziel. She thanked them, giving the party 200GP for helping Zinnia and learning about the necromancer. Bigwig and Petrichor received an additional reward for saving Urthpaw.
  • Urthpaw was suspiscious of Larka given her people regularly raided the Catfolk Freehold, but let her be due to Larka's awkward nature. She revealed that Hespiro had scattered the Fell Tribe and the Brightfur Tribe while marching north. Her scouts also reported that the Church of Gorthag was moving to counter Hespiro before they could cross the Stalwart Bridge. She hoped that the church would be able keep the Rusha Kingdom from passing the bridge and halt their land invasion. Urthpaw mentioned that Zinnia would be sent to scout deep in Ribahrn and Rusha territory.
  • With so many Freehold soldiers preparing for a possible invasion, Urthpaw wanted to hire the party to look into the necromancer business, especially after Larka informed her that the necromancer may have been from Ghispar. Advisor Lemore informed them that undead have been seen around an outpost on the Freehold border with Pascatia and that they should investigate those sightings. Kilgrid had been dispatched to the outpost and would provide support if they needed it. Should they choose to accept this job, they should meet with Lemore the following morning for further details before heading west.
  • As the party left the Oaken Hall, they saw Zinnia wild shape into a giant hawk and fly south.
  • Larka decided to buy some flowers but got ripped off and only ended up with one daffodil. She planted this and some of her fur in a park to honor her family, potentially lost.
  • The party rested until the evening when they decided to follow up on the job Niamina had offered them. When they entered her shop, the entire room was dark except for the storefront. Niamina asked if the party had ever heard of the Soulblaze Sword. Larka and Petrichor had heard vague references but nothing significant. She says that it was forged by Scrios for a general in his army, a general who grew ambitious and sought to seek his lord’s favor by destroying one of the other gods. As he campaigned across Udarich to destroy Gorthag, his hate and ambition warped both him and the blade. He nearly succeeded in destroying Gorthag. The other gods, even Scrios, feared what a god killing sword could do and united to stop the general. He was killed and the sword sealed away somewhere on the continent.
  • Niamina could feel that someone was searching for ancient artifacts and feared what they would do with a god killing sword. She offered to pay a large amount of gold and magic items to the group if they sought out the sword and information regarding it for her. She told the party that the magic items would sicken them if they did not fulfill the deal, though.
  • The party was wary but Petrichor became interested in one of the items. Niamina provided a contract for Petrichor to sign, dropping her tabaxi disguise and revealing herself to be a human woman named Demensaix. Petrichor read through the contract and decided not to accept. When the party left the shop, they looked back to see that Whitepaw's had disappeared.
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Report Date
20 Nov 2023


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