Udarich Campaign Session 4 Report in Charyba | World Anvil
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Udarich Campaign Session 4

General Summary

  • The party continues to track Zinnia's Platoon to the Raziel crash site on a bright, sunny day.
  • They are distracted early on finding an abandoned caravan, overgrown with vines and branches. Larka investigated the inside to find a cursed vine creature. The creature, named Trent, begged the party to break his curse, saying he needed feel physical passion once more. Fourty years ago, he had been cursed by a forest witch into this form until he learned to love another as much as he loved himself. Over that time, Trent became lonlier and lonlier.
  • Petrichor asked if Trent could be transplanted and he mentioned he tried to do that before his arms turned to branches. Bigwig found Trent's old axe and began to cut Trent's head away to replant it where other people are. After a few swings, fluid began leaking from the vines. Larka found it smelled syrupy with a metallic tang. Petrichor prepared her floral basket to carry Trent's head so that it could take root.
  • One Trent's head was cut free, it fell to the ground and slowly started transforming into a pumpkin. Larka tried to water the head but that didn't stop it becoming a pumpkin. Bigwig picked up the pumpkin-head by the stem, only to have the stem break and the pumpkin-head fall and shatter. The party decided to pick up the seeds and plant them sometime in the future. They returned to tracking Zinnia's Platoon.
  • The party found Zinnia's campsite just before nightfall. Larka tried to sneak around and make sure no one else was around but was caught by Felgo who walked them into camp.
  • Felgo tried to impress Petrichor, picking out that she was from the Rusha Kingdom. He mentioned that he was one of the most gifted archers in his class before being invited to join Zinnia's Platoon.
  • At the campfire, Zinnia asked Larka what a member of the Fell Tribe was doing in the Catfolk Freehold but was convinced that by her story that Larka is just a crash survivor. Zinnia did get Larka to admit that her father was the tribe chief and strongly suggested that she visit the catchief in Ghispar. Petrichor and Bigwig had less success convincing Zinnia that they were nobles.
  • Petrichor walked over to talk to Felgo, who was working on a charcoal drawing of his home city of Ghispar. He also told her not to worry too much about being from the Rusha Kingdom. Some older tabaxi who fled the kingdom may still hold grudges but the tabaxi his age didn't really care.
  • Bigwig spoke to Zinnia in order to sneak a peak at the map. She realized they were actually closer to the crash site now than when they landed several nights ago.
  • Upon going to bed, Larka tried to make a makeshift kotatsu. Only Petrichor was awake and nearby to see the kotatsu collapse into the smoldering flames. She helped Larka awake and pulled her from the burning blanket. Larka went back to bed and Petrichor decided to go to sleep, feeling more tired than she realized.
  • The party and Sera were woken up in the morning to Felgo crying out in pain. Larka and Sera hurried to bandage the wound while Felgo explained he saw Zinnia, charmed and following a strange woman in the distance. He tried to call out but was stabbed by another man.
  • Sera asked Larka, Bigwig, and Petrichor to go search for Zinnia and Kilgrid while she and Hest kept an eye on Felgo. Petrichor led the way as they left, only for Felgo to point in the actual direction they were taken.
  • On the way, the party stumbled upon a strange golden pine tree from which prickly fruits hung. Larka decided to take one of the fruits but Bigwig and Petrichor stayed away.
  • The party eventually found a mansion hidden among the forest. Petrichor deduced that it was delicately crafted to look time-lost and forgotten. She snuck in to investigate while Larka walked the perimeter. Petrichor watched the various housekeepers, observing that they were unusually stiff and rigid. She also found a secret door in the mansion's lounge room. Petrichor left the mansion to reunite with Larka and Bigwig.
  • The three decided to go through a back door Larka had found. Larka unlocked the door and Petrichor snuck through. She avoided catching the butler's attention initially but failed trying to knock him out. Surprisingly, the butler just seemed surprised that there were guests. He asked them to sit down for dinner while he summoned the mistress of the house. He seemed to struggle with the genders of the party in addition to being stiff and rigid.
  • The group immediately went to investigate the secret door Petrichor had found. They had to take fight one of the caretakers but came to the realization that the mansion was staffed with zombies after they killed him. Petrichor investigated the wall but found it locked.
  • Bigwig, looking around the room, found a copy of The Adventures of Oten Vol 5: The Wandering Dog and decided to keep it. Petrichor grabbed a cloak that was hanging off a mounted elk antler. She put it on and realized that it had a minor enchantment but could not identify it. Petrichor thought she could use this to open the secret door and thought it was working, before realizing it was being opened from the other side.
  • The party tried to hide but Petrichor and Bigwig were immediately found. The figure that stepped through the door appeared to be the butler but was dressed in fine wizard robes and seemed more spritely. He sealed the secret door further before addresing the party. They tried to say that the butler had invited them in of his own will but the person referring to themselves as the Master of the House said that was not possible. His necro-thralls, the housekeepers, should not have enough will to express such a thought. He then posited that was the problem, the lack of a strong will made them too suggestable. The Master of the House said that he would factor this into his next experiment when using the party's corpses.
  • The Master of the House tried to summon his necro-thralls for assistance but was defeated by Larka before he could. When the body fell, Petrichor noticed an aura that had been energizing the zombie faded away, resulting in the body looking as stiff and lifeless as when it had just been the butler. Larka searched the corpse and found 20GP, some arcane notes, and a key. The arcane notes seemed to match the sigils carved into the skeletons that attacked Popoki Village.
  • The party decided to investigate the second floor. They went straight for what appeared to be the master bedroom and unlocked it using the key Larka had found. Inside, the party searched the room. Larka decided to take the bedsheet to replace her burned blanket.
  • Petrichor opened a chest at the foot of the bed and found what looked to be an ancestral blade. On the top of the inside of the chest was a knitted depiction of the Goddess of Water, Cerisa. The tapestry put her in the role of moon goddess, blessing the moon with her radiant power. This suggested the sword was a Moontouched Sword. Bigwig decided to take the sword. Petrichor also found a wax seal with the image of a sword and moon.
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Report Date
08 Oct 2023


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