BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Summer Camp 2024 reading challenge.

In a way I'm happy that Summer Camp is finally done and over with this year. I had a lot of fun with this and managed to hit my goal of Diamond. It is nice to be able to look back on what I've wrote so far and reflect on where I'm going from here. It feels good to have accomplished something.   I've gotten a few things out of this world that I didn't get last year. I've got an accountability buddy now and I've got more concrete ideas for this world. I also got a new world too, I guess! Most importantly I've got some plans and inspiration for this world that will hopefully carry me for a while!  
This Years Goals
  • Write every day! I don't care what it is, or if it's even on this website, so long as I'm doing it.
  • Practice drawing! I've spent more than enough money on sketchbooks that rarely get used.
  • Read more! I listen to audiobooks a lot, but I need to start looking into physical copies.
  • Read even more! I'm really bad at reading. I need to actively read through the articles and stories on this site.
  • Cut back on YouTube Shorts. It's insane how addictive YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram are. I need to really cut back on that.
  • Stop using generators. I used to use sites like Donjon a lot to generate ideas, but I find that doing it makes it more difficult to make those ideas 'mine'. Even Azgaar needs to be put aside.
  • No more making new worlds. There's no point in making worlds that I'm not going to use for anything. Stick with this world until I'm fully content with it.
  • Less worldbuilding at night.
A Storyteller, Author, or Bard
Archivist Tyōnè
Character | Jul 26, 2024

A archivist who recorded events during the First Age in the eastern Nīwulá Valley.

My Thoughts
I liked this article a lot! Tyōnè lost three families in a way and still managed to do a lot in life, despite the responsibilities thrust upon the character. It's one of my favorite 'tropes' in fiction, and Soul Sorbet does a phenomenal job presenting it.   I thought that having some written in their own language was a great addition as well!
Character | Sep 18, 2024

My Thoughts
I thought this article was very well written! I liked how detailed the character's history was, but my favorite part was at the end when it talked about Rune and his lute, and how he tries to make art despite his lack of self-confidence. It was a comfy read, and I liked how even though he's not the best, his friends are there to support him every step of the way
Dame Louise of Glass
Character | Aug 3, 2024

An ex-child spy, she is now the head of the arme forces of the Fief of Glass and Lady's Olénie bodyguard and close friend. She is very admired in the fief and very influential on its politics and is also a hobbyist artist.

My Thoughts
I love the design that was used for this article! The way it was all put together made it a simple read, and the use of example portraits was a very nice touch. I thought that the jokingly drawn characters at the bottom were a lot of fun. I love the creativity behind this character and the light-hearted approach to the personality of the character
Babble the Bard
Character | Jul 29, 2024

My Thoughts
I liked this article. The air of mystery involved everyone involved. I like how the character isn't doing it for money, or recognition, but because of a genuine passion for the craft. I'd like to know more about what the lies look like, and how easy or difficult it is to identify them.
Alfons the Fabler
Character | Aug 2, 2024

My Thoughts
This article made me laugh out loud. As I began reading it all I could think was 'that's me at work'. I love the idea of an entire group of people making up lies just to keep outsiders away!
Character | Aug 1, 2024

My Thoughts
Something about the line 'Chosen by the art of song' really stuck with me reading this. Something about how it was worded really got to me. I love how adaptable they are to different places, but overall they are all still connected by their passions and powerful voices.

A character who goes through a great change or metamorphosis
Character | Jul 1, 2024

My Thoughts
I like the sense of mystery involved with this article. It really makes you wonder what kind of personality/morality the Dragolich would have. I also love themes of sacrifice, or believing that there is no other choice but the path the character is taking. I'm interested in what the final results of the choices are.
Sadie Kirwin
Character | Jul 29, 2024

My Thoughts
Sadie was a fun read! I liked the character art and the design of the character! She is very focused on one goal, but the character never feels flat or one-dimensional! Overall, she was very well-written!
Kore Tazuka
Character | Jul 15, 2024

My Thoughts
I like the character a lot! I think that orphidor did a great job showing what an obsession with pride and ambitions can bring to its fullest. I also like how unique and meaningful the ailments that the character suffers are.

An evil spirit or divine antagonist
The Fellwind
Character | Jul 22, 2024

My Thoughts
The Fellwind hit close to home. They remind me a lot of Mephits from 5e, and the Spren! I love the idea of being able to potentially capture a little part of these creatures and have them as companions! Their nature, despite being evil, made me smile a little when Delioth describes them as being 'convinced' to harass their enemies only to be convinced to harass them back. Overall a fun read!
Character | Jul 21, 2024

My Thoughts
Fern is a character filled with emotions. Everything that I've read in the article makes me sad, and I love it. Everything she does seems to be in the name of the 'greater good', though it seems to only get worse. The character relations really shows how sad the betrayal feels.
Character | Jul 20, 2024

The Fading Divine of Snakes and Poison on Hallus.

My Thoughts
Coilkin is a god that is fading away, and so resorts to promoting necromancy to keep gaining followers. I think that is a really cool concept for a god to encourage. Coilkin reminds me a lot of an old supervisor I had years ago in a strange sort of way.

A myth or prophecy about the end of the world
End of Days
Myth | Jul 21, 2024

My Thoughts
Another great article! Although I liked all three veils, I thought the Veil of Dawn was fascinating. The concept of the past and the many branches of the unknown future coming together is interesting. I'd love to see this happening from a character pov.
The New Moon
Myth | Jul 21, 2024

My Thoughts
It's a short article, but just as good! I thought the moon changing the inhabitants to Carbon-based was an interesting and unique concept. I also love moons!
Nine Gates, Thirteen Seals
Myth | Jul 24, 2024

My Thoughts
I like the amount of mystery there is in this article! I'd like to see what the Thrice Broke Wheel represents, and how these mysteries are connected.


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Aug 31, 2024 16:01 by Adam Tingley

Thank you very much for including my article! I'm very glad that you took the time and that you enjoyed it!

Sep 3, 2024 12:40 by Salmon Man

It was really good!