Galifor Empire's Pantheon in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Galifor Empire's Pantheon

Empire Approved Deities

These are the deities that are openly worshiped and approved by the Empire.  
Name Portfolio
Taiwei, the Gold Emperor Vitality, Wealth, Power, Glory
Rabō, the Blade Calamity, War, Destruction, Combat
Kelemvor, Lord of the Dead Death, Fate, Balance
Xu Feng, the Phoenix Fire, War, Rebirth
Ebisu, the Sorcerer Arcane, Commerce, Strategy
Ceres, the Free Spirit Life, Freedom, War
Camus, the Sea King Water, Destruction, Chaos
Hextor, The Warmonger War, Conflict, Discord
Busoma Crafting, Destruction

Empire Banned Deities

If you are caught worshipping these deities you are considered a Heretic.  
Name Portfolio
Tiamat, the Dragon Queen Chaos, Destruction, Power
Auril, the Frostmaiden Winter, Tempest


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