The Jungle's Claw #024

General Summary

Game date: 25th day of the Crow, Year 13944   Deep within the ancient dungeons beneath the jungles of Nolavor, Fouk Shadim, Thronn Zamda, and Gherman found themselves witnessing a fierce battle. The Sinister Six, including Krikfleek, Ratek, Vah, and Brasquick, were engaged in combat with Moridec and the remaining members of the Mist Watch. As the clash unfolded before them, Thronn's eyes widened with recognition.   Memories flooded back to Thronn of a time two Years prior when he was still a young soldier in the Bloodclaw. During a defense of one of their mines in the Kananos region, Thronn had glimpsed Moridec from afar. The powerful human archmage had left an indelible impression, his arcane might awe-inspiring and terrifying even at a distance. Many of Thronn's companions had fallen that day, their lives extinguished by magic beyond their comprehension.   In the current battle, Ratek's axe clashed against Moridec's staff, the minotaur holding his own against the formidable mage. Nearby lay two shrouded bodies, recognizable as Mist Watch members the party had defeated in an earlier encounter.   Realizing the intensity of the conflict before them, the group decided to explore other areas of the dungeon. Thronn, ever cautious, set a trap on the steps leading to the room where the battle raged.   As they ventured into a new area, Sherman's keen senses detected a shuffling, rustling sound from a northeastern corridor. Fouk, curious but wary, tossed a stone down the dark passageway. The clatter of rock was answered by an unsettling chitter.   Fouk, his mind racing with alchemical possibilities, quickly fashioned a makeshift "fat bomb" from materials at hand. With practiced precision, he hurled the improvised device down the dark corridor. As it struck the stone floor, the bomb erupted in a brilliant flash, illuminating the passage in a sudden, intense light. The radiance revealed a massive arachnid form - a Ghost Walk Spider, its multiple eyes reflecting the unexpected glare like malevolent rubies.   Though the bomb's primary purpose was illumination, Fouk noted with satisfaction how close it had come to striking the creature directly. The rogue's mind immediately began calculating improvements to the design, envisioning a more potent, damaging version. He made a mental note to harvest fat from future prey, recognizing the potential for a new, deadly addition to his arsenal. The effectiveness of this hurried creation hinted at the devastating power a refined version might possess"   Gherman's unique puppet hands - one sympathetic and one antagonistic - added their commentary to the tense situation. Meanwhile, Meat-Beak, Thronn's vulture-dog companion, paced nervously nearby, its mangled beak emitting strange, gurgling sounds.   Fouk, drawing on knowledge gained during his time with The Shadim and his upbringing in Vorcia, assessed the situation. Despite his recent period of inactivity, Fouk's mind remained sharp, recognizing elements of the spider's nature that seemed out of place in this jungle setting.   As the Ghost Walk Spider advanced, Meat-Beak charged at the creature. The spider's otherworldly abilities manifested as it ensnared Meat-Beak with invisible strands. Seizing the moment, Fouk unleashed a devastating attack on the spider, striking a critical blow.   The spider, though wounded, lashed out again, this time ensnaring Thronn with its invisible webs. Gherman, initially hesitant, joined the fray. His puppet hands worked in unison, landing powerful blows against the creature.   Just as they thought they had gained the upper hand, a second Ghost Walk Spider appeared. The party found themselves facing a new threat, even as the sounds of the ongoing battle between the Sinister Six and the Mist Watch echoed through the dungeon corridors.   Amidst the chaos, Fouk began preparing a concoction, while Thronn considered how to alert their allies about the new danger. The dungeon trembled, a reminder of the unstable nature of their surroundings.   As the second spider advanced, the party steeled themselves for another difficult encounter, aware that their actions in the coming moments could have far-reaching consequences in the complex web of power that entangled the jungles of Nolavor.

Rewards Granted

XP Awards XP TRACKER   Defeating the first Ghost Walk Spider: 5,000 XP (split among party members)
Creative use of "fat bomb" for illumination: 100 XP to Fouk
Effective teamwork against the spider: 200 XP each Roleplaying and character development: 50 XP each
Exploration of the dungeon: 100 XP each

Treasure and Items Found:

Venom harvested from the defeated Ghost Walk Spider (can be used to create potent poisons)

Consumed Items:

Materials for Thronn's improvised "fat bomb"
Any ammunition used in ranged attacks against the Ghost Walk Spider

Notes to Transcript:

Fix meat beaks stat block, so that is ability to roll in
Create stats for Sherman's puppets: German (sympathetic) and the unnamed elf (antagonistic)
Review rules for stacking critical hits with Assassinate ability
Clarify and potentially adjust the damage calculation for Ghost Walk Spider encounters
Flesh out details for potential travel to other realms, including the city on the sun
Develop more detailed mechanics for harvesting and using creature venom

  "Remember, Xolotza still owes Fouk and Thronn two more summons. This ties into the ancient power hidden in these jungles - the forgotten shrines and ley lines. These mystical forces could potentially allow travel anywhere in the world, from deserts to arctic wastes, even to fabled places like cities on the sun. Keep this in mind as a possible avenue for expanding the adventure beyond the jungles of Nolavor, using Xolotza's remaining summons as a narrative hook.".
Dead Gods
Fouk Shadim
Neutral Evil Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
Rogue 4
31 / 31 HP
Thronn Zamda
Lawfull Evil Goliath (Outlander)
Barbarian 4
45 / 45 HP
Report Date
09 Aug 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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