Session 059: Outding Homecoming Report

The Wild Cards learn more about what has occurred since they left Outding

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Redfall 11, 2023 KC, afternoon

  Outding Refuge Docks, Outding Refuge   Recap
We are at the Outding Refuge layover as the party wants to learn more about Ursa and the Blue Dragon attack...   They had run into Jeets who has questions, he is working with the kobolds of the Fossilized Forest. He also brought up Vyerith's name. Also no one has seen Tharros the Wanderer in the past three years, according to his research.   And much has changed in Outding.  
  table talk for plans...
The players discussed how to confront Lars. Should they try a Dispel Magic handshake? recon on the locals. Check in with Kyleanne...  
  The captain goes to take care of things with the harbormaster.   **PERCEPTION CHECK**
Calliope: 22
Bastion 25
Barlo: 11
Sas: 15
Bastion: 19
Calliope: 20
Chucko: 7
Sas: 10 (1)
Shadow: 19
    As they take in the sights they notice a row of "shops" made of temporary daytime canopy vendors of various wares, more than likely as the city is growing and has traffic again. Due to the high scores they see a few individuals with "prosthetics". One person has a shoulder to hand replaced, another has a leg -- with some "device" of Metal and Wood. They saw two other ships in the harbor and another coming in as they landed.   The pop-ups do not look brand-new and probably were used even before the Dragon, but not so apparent.    

Captain Johnas Scott: "I talked to the harbormaster, it will be 5 sp a day to dock the ship. he did ask about you, said you were expected. They are waiting to see if Ursa was going to waive the fee, but they hadn't gotten confirmation yet. He also gave me these for you."   He hands over a stack of "passes" large pins 2" x 4", it has a map of outding on it and says "GUEST" across it. (was originally stated to be 6", but retconned at Wavecrest as the DM meant closer to 4")   Shadow: "Guests? We are residents!"   Captain: "My understanding is those are not for the village, but if you want to to the 'Crown'. I guess they call it, but it is officially called "Xorlarrin's Crown". Those passes are to get you up there, since you guys have a connection to the mayor   Shadow: "Lars?   Captain: "I believe that was the name they used. They said you need to have those passes and they need to be visible to get up there and explore.   Barlo: "Who is this Xorlarrin guy?   Captain: "I didn't get a chance to ask.
  Bastion casts Identify on the badges (Arcana 17)  
These badges are magical. They are attuned and assigned to the area around them. There seems to be more about the magic, but Bastion's magic was not able to pierce through that veil with this casting.   These passes allow them to travel to the Crown, and grants them a type of access up there. It does seem to have some limited tracking or prohibitive/access nature when on the flying parts. Identify did not say anything about if it can track off the flying islands or anything.
    Identify and hidden lore
Identify doesn't tell anyone everything all the time, for example curses or other possible things may not always come up. I will say that I will try to have a chance with an arcana roll in such cases, so that the caster is aware there may be more than the spell can discern at this time.   Nondetection For the duration, you hide a target that you touch from Divination magic. The target can be a willing creature or a place or an object no larger than 10 feet in any dimension. The target can't be targeted by any Divination magic or perceived through magical Scrying sensors.   —Player's Handbook, pg. 263   You will potentially run into the issue that RAW, Nondetection only lasts 8 hours. As DM, however, it's not outside your purview to simply give the object a permanent (maybe dispellable with Dispel Magic or Remove Curse?) version of Nondetection. That way, your players won't be able to short-cut to learning the features of the item with a single spell. And if you do make the Nondetection effect dispellable, then it leaves the door open for your players to feel clever if they do figure out how to remove the Nondetection effect, though it does risk players simply causing the problem you were trying to prevent.   Use the "More Difficult Identification" rules in the Dungeon Master's Guide In the Dungeon Master's Guide, there are optional rules that you can use to make identifying objects more difficult.   More Difficult Identification If you prefer magic items to have a greater mystique, consider removing the ability to Identify the properties of a magic item during a short rest, and require the Identify spell, experimentation, or both to reveal what a magic item does.   —Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 136  
  Their captain says the crew will be at The Wavecrest Tavern, the ship (The Audacity), or the flophouse, Stevenson's Sailor Sleep Stop. He says if the group needs to go, let them know.   The party decide to go to their House   Shadow looks for someone to ask some questions, ignores a guard but asks an old man with a fishing pole on his way to the water. She asked if Lars still comes down, he said not that much compared to before -- but he is always busy.   Barlo asks about who Xorlarrin is, the old man claims how the city was brought up and it was a part of a larger flying city that once existed here, but crashed. When they brought it up it seems there was research of the old kingdom there, and how this was supposedly the name of the queen.   Shadow asked about the last time he saw Lars, he said a couple of weeks ago at the Wavecrest. He had a few drinks it would seem, but the old man was just showing up near the end of the visit - he was dropping off fish as it seems the Wavecrest likes fresh caught fish.   She asked how he seemed, he said in a good mood. She tipped him.  

  They go to see that their house has had some minimal upkeep in the yards, but not in a few weeks. They go in, there is a bit of a dried musty smell, but not as bad as if it was closed the whole 3 years.   They explore the house.   Investigation checks
Bastion 17
Barlo 20 (dirty)
Sas 15
Shadow/Arti 20 (dirty)
  Barlo is walking the perimeter, checking security, etc... all is good, the house is well constructed. More stone on base, then Wood. Everything looks solid, and he is not finding any secret passages. One window seems a bit newer than the others. The locks to the cellar are tight, same key.   Bastion gets the same impression and doesn't see any arcane discrepencies or anything.   Arktos finds a corner of the backyard that seems to attract a few cats that have urinated there so there is a slight odor. Shadow uses her ring to look for any Invisible things. She doesn't see any orbs. She popped it as they were walking up to the house as Barlo went around the back.   The place still has just the simple furniture from before. As she is walking around, she sees a strange "fluctuation" of Light outside of the window, probably from the Ethereal Plane -- similar to a steam mirage. She casually goes to the window to investigate. It doesn't repeat, then after a few moments it does come back again -- this time it seems to be a slight silhoutte of a humanoid or something analogous. She can now see Barlo out there, she calls over Bastion and explains what she saw. He goes out to check the area, they discuss the Gaseous Form spell. He thinks it might be something from the Ethereal Plane. They both go out to investigate.   All while Calliope is just going room to room and investigating their stuff.   nature then investigation check
Shadow (10)
Bastion (11)
  Investigation (advantage): 10 / 10
  Nothing seems out of place, shadow sees it occur one more time as she comes around the corner and she grabs bastion "There!" and points. As quick as it began, it is gone. All of them investigate, but see nothing. It does look like only a few weeks since the yard has been attended to. They discuss the phenomenon a bit. (it was not through the more recent window, as Barlo was thinking).   Sas sees them and joins them.   Bastion would know that there are spells like Etherealness or Astral Projection that allows for travel to such Planes, such as the Transitive Planes.   Shadow returns inside and continues to keep watch as the time runs out for the See Invisibility from her Ring of Alertness.   Calliope continues to go through the house, looking for loose floor boards and such.   Calliope's Investigation check
Calliope: 6  
  Barlo goes to explore the basement and Teleportation Circle just as Shadow realizes time is almost up on the See Invisibility and she joins him.   In the center of the room is a large circle, 10 ft across. it has 12 large stones with runes at clockface points, and the inks and designs are protected and etched into the stone. The stones are 8" wide, 10" tall and roughly obelisk-shaped. Barlo gets the other casters. They see the Enderbox and no ethereal issues.   Now they decide to test the speed of the Enderbox, at least from this distance it is near instantaneous.   They also settle on who gets what room...   discussions to go to Wavecrest Tavern, possibly Sending a Message to Lars Heyton, or taking some meat to the tavern...   The wavecrest has been cleaned up a bit, and so they are probably getting some good business these days. They see Sigmund Bowerston who recalls them.   (They had put their passes in pockets except Sas who put it on a sash)   Quick Crafting question
To craft the Dragon wings to a cloak, it will take money and time. They still need a full recipe as well, 50k+ material costs, and around 5 years -- decided to sell the wings.  
  there was a menu board as well   **NEED TO ADD**   more foods and drinks...   Sigmund recognizes them and comes up to take their order, Shadow orders a Ranger Ale?,   tabletalk digressions
tabletalk on it costing ... gems and for them to track spending, as well as their party funds were in the Enderbox so we retconned the narrative on that scene.  
  White Dragon water, red Ranger ale (shadow) He brings out pitchers. 2sp each pitcher (discount)   They see the Bard is a Half-Elf, still young and not great. She misses a few chords and the music is very rudimentary, so Calliope laughs.   Barlo prods Calliope to play for the tavern, she suggests she needs more drinks.   Out of nowhere, from around a corner Jeets comes up. He has his cloak hiding himself and he sneaks up to the party, grabs the pitcher and pulls a glass out of his cloak... as he is about halfway full Barlo stops him "woah, hold on."    

Jeets: "I don't have long, but ...   Barlo realizes it is Jeets so scans the room   Barlo Perception Check
Barlo 22  
    Jeets: "... I wanted to get you that list of items Ursa had us looking for, at least some of them.   Jeets was pretty sneaky, and it seems Remington is at the bar not standing out.   Jeets: "... There was a dragon orb that she believed was in a forest of Eushia. That was false, a long-standing rumor and the dwarves there were annoyed it still persisted. They've been going for a while, and they had hired some adventurers some time back to look into that issue. A Dwarf and an elven girl who lived out there.   ... also something called a "Docent", a Metal sphere from another realm. What we found out was it was used by a strange race of Constructs from that realm, we couldn't find it but it seems connected to another item she had us look for. A Wand Sheath, which seemed to be a prosthetic arm which was used by these intelligent Constructs to cast magic. We did learn that a Tiefling working for the Arcane Order seemed to have those -- but we couldn't find out what happened to him.   Bastion: "Are these artifacts?   Jeets: "The first one is believed to be, but the last two were not. They are somewhat common in their realm, even if I had never heard of them here.   Shadow looks around to see if any others with prosthetics are around -- she sees one who has just a hand replaced, crafted of Petrified Wood and Metal bands. She asks if it looked like that.   Jeets: "honestly, I don't know. Our investigation gave us no clue what it actually looked like outside of like a wand. She also had us look into some rumors of Dragon Slayer Swords, which are not artifacts -- but hard to find. We did find a Circlet of Blasting she asked us to find. We actually found that in an old mine, and a Cloak of Elvenkind from long ago. These were some of the items she had us looking for around 3 years ago. Found that last one in a dungeon from the deceased adventurers who had tried to explore it before us.   Jeets: "She also had us look for a Bracers of Archery which we were able to just purchase in Neyer.   Bastion laughed.   Jeets: "Honestly, I think some of those were just to research for their Crafting as those were some of the early ones. Then there was another item which sounded Weird -- the Decahedron of Doom   Barlo: "That sounds cool   Jeets: "We couldn't find that one. We thought we were getting close, in fact, when we all saw Jeets last we were under the impression he had it with him. But we didn't find that there at the keep. The last two -- (and he looks at Calliope Galanodel) -- one was called a Weave Weapon and the other one was an Astronomer's Orrery. As I said, the Decahedron should have been with Jacoby at River's Keep, but we did learn where teh Weave Weapon and Astronomer's Orrery could be found -- but we haven't told Ursa, as we believe your mother is in possesion of both those items (to calliope)   Jeets: "In fact, also her companion, Garm Pavond, has both items as they are standard for their people. We did some research into their little "order", the space cult. Once we learned of their connection to you, we didn't want to really get into it with them. We did learn of an organization where more could be had. Which is why Ursa had us let it go on those hunts as they Work with governments and with the fame of the facility she was granted access. Those are some of the main things that she had us look for. Granted some of them are for research purposes, but who knows. I know some of them, like the cloak and bracers, they are able to craft now.   Barlo: "are they mass producing these things? for profit?   Jeets: "I don't believe they have figured out "huge" production. As I understand it, there are restraints on how much they can craft from the Arcane Forge at any time. I know they have hired a lot of staff up there. I still talk to Pradam , so he tells .. more than he should sometimes.   Barlo: "oh, he's still around?   Jeets: "Yeah, he's working up there. After what happened with Bargle he was done with the adventuring life. (*as we learned in Session 37: Jacoby & Jeets at the Keep Report*)   Shadow: "She never told you why these things?   Jeets: "Honestly, it was never much of an issue. As I said before, I hadn't been this suspicious until recently. I just got the impression there was curiousity for research-sake. I never really put it all together. And we don't know if she is the "she" you heard the Dragon talk about or if she is into anything that shady. I would say, be careful until we know more.   Barlo: "Items for mass-producing... and how long have you been working for her?   Jeets: "I wouldn't say we 'work' for her, but we have taken contracts over the past three years ever since they had us go down to look for that Abandoned Mindflayer Colony, which I understand you guys did find as we took our little side 'trip'... emphasis on the word 'trip' as we were helping Pradam with his PTSD.   Barlo: "how well is she paying him, wondering what kind of cut you all are getting off of this with the trade business.   Jeets: "oh, we don't get a lot, but it's decent. I mean with that we just help out a bit with the communication. Early on it was out of Fear with the Blue Dragon, and since I knew the Kobolds I was able to help.   Bastion: "I thought the Kobolds were mining for Ursa and Lars...   Jeets: "They do mining, but in Kampos. But Ursa buys stuff from them.   Barlo: "Wait. We helped free the forge and now that Dragon issue... I want our cut.. Hey Jeets, can Calliope ask you some questions?   Jeets: "That's fine.   Barlo: "Calliope, come on over here on this side of the table. (to Jeets:) don't worry, we just want to ensure you are on the up-and-up... c'mon Calliope.   she puts her hand out: "It's so nice to see you again...
  as she shakes her hand she allows the Elder's Glove of Lore effect to get a read on him.   Perception check
Calliope: 13 / 12... gave her advantage  
Time stands still, she gets snippets of his life. A young Halfling, going through the streets pickpocketing. Older, he is with daggers in air and jumps on a large elephant. Moments in taverns where a blond girl haired woman is having a good time with him (Cellymas Villuhne) and later a huge muscled man (Talbron Tewn) is now with the blond girl. A sad look in Jeet's eyes.. moments of their adventures, then a moment where they find this crying kid Pradam Estorich who pulls out a little bracelet with Silver charms. Too hard to see in this vision any real details on them.   They are now fighting Bargle and he shoots off a Magic Missile which kills both Talbron and Cellymas as Jeets digs a dagger into his chest, which makes all the skin fall off Bargle making him more skeletal than flesh. The skull looks down to Jeets and says " now you're fucked" and he disappears. Jeets looks down at his blood hands, at his fallen compatriots and at Pradam.   Moments of conversations with Ursa and the missions, little bits of "I heard about this... " or "I heard a rumor here..." You see the two elven girls Acira Neridithas and Arica Neridithas telling Jeets how their whole Town was wiped out by a large band of Goblinoids and Orcs as they went through led by a Mind flayer.   Moments of discussions with Remington as they are speaking of a situation with some dragons, ... and as we see some of the recent events with the Unfortunate Mead Heroes and the Wild Cards] time begins to speed up again to normal. No time was really lost in that.
    Her eyes get real wide. There was a lot of info dump.   They trade pleasantries, as he seems unaware of what transpired. discussion of the beach, Shipwreck Shore and how they met.    
Jeets: "Speaking of that ship... another rumor that has come our way is about the captain of that ship. As I understand it there was a mutiny against the captain, Peyton who it seems did not die in that wreck. Turns out they both ended up another island, together.   Shadow: "We saw him   Jeets: "Not surprised, that is how we learned of this. He has been a bit of a problem as he sails through the Carrune islands.   Shadow: "Vernon Lazarius?   Jeets: "That would be him, he has a bit of a new crew and a new flag. Last I heard he has had Peyton as a prisoner, and has since the whole mutiny  

  Sas: "The last three years?   Jeets: "as I understand it.   Bastion: "How far away are these people?   Jeets: "Up in the Carrune Islands. It's a whole society of pirates, so we haven't tried to rescue him.   Barlo: "So what did you get off him?   Calliope was a bit surprised, not expecting to talk about it in front of him.   Barlo: "She has this ability so she can size someone up pretty quickly   Jeets: "Next time ask. I have no real secrets with you...
    Calliope tries to say he has Gold he wants to share...   Jeets gets a bit uncomfortable and is in a rush. he warns them to not tell Ursa his suspiciouns and warns they should be careful fo their suspicions. He finishes his drink goes to Remington and they go around a corner where a quick flash of blue strikes.   Calliope tells them what she saw.     Bastion wonders if magic items are cheaper now... they didn't investigate the pier shops... they didn't see any new shops... they also hadn't visited Helga's Herbs & Oddities...     As Calliope tells her story. Shadow picks up that the guy with the hand and others with lost limbs or lost eyes have had magic replacements. Not too expensive for common, but the one with the hand wants to raise some funds to get an upgrade.   Most people are Living a normal island life though. Some rumors of the wares on the pier -- various magic unique baubles and experiments, like actual mood rings and such... There doesn't seem to be a real fascist type environment.   Bastion suggests talking to the innkeeper, Sigmund Bowerston who they call over. Calliope shakes his hand and uses the glove   Perception Check
Calliope 24 / 16  

As she shakes his hand she sees how he has a very normal life. He was friendly and outgoing. He makes Friends everywhere, has lived here his whole life. Met Ingrid Bowerston and then bought the Wavecrest Tavern with the worst days of his life being the year of winter. Then she sees the events of the party from his perspective and even her coming to this island.
    She smiles, and under his breath "wow he's boring..."    
Shadow: "We heard about poor Viggie, what happened?   As Sigmund is one to enjoy gossip, he says: "oh yeah... alright, let's gossip.. he pulls up a stool: "Around the time you all left, he started to speak ill of Lars. Lars tried to shrug it off. Shortly after the rising of the Flying city they caught Viggie in Lars room with a dagger ready to assassinate him. So they had a trial and he was sentenced to death. Granted the first in a few hundred years as the last was some guy who had made a deal with the Sahuagin, that was generations ago though. There was a trial. There are now two councils, one for each town and they report to Lars. There was plenty of evidence to show he was planning to kill Lars for a while.   Shadow: "What about Ursa? Does she come down here? Does Lars?   Sigmund: "She tends to stay up in the crown, but he still comes down as he born and raised here. She is in control of the research up there   Bastion: "When did that happen? Her leading the research?   Sigmund: "Well she was the one help set it up. After Lars had a few groups go down to the waters below and learn more of the group that used to reside here he focused more on the government side of things so she focused on the research.   Shadow: "Are people generally happy with how she is handling things?   Sigmund: "yeah... I haven't really heard any complaints. If anything, I have heard of rumors of more weapons being made these days. I guess there is some war in Kampos.   Shadow: "Which side?   Sigmund: "oh, I don't know. I have never really been to Kampos, so I don't know much about it. I mean I have heard stories about how a lot of you guys live out there, but I haven't really left this island in my life.   Sas: "And I thought I was a hermit.   Sigmund: "Oh but I know everyone here and most of those even from up there.   Shadow: "Who decides who gets to live up there?   Sigmund; "Most of those up there Work on the research, granted only about half of the Crown is liveable at this point. There is still a lot of reconstruction going on. The habitable areas are for those working in the Netheril Nexus. That seems to be the deal for those employed.   Bastion: "Are people happy?   Sigmund: "I believe so. It's a lot better than when you first got here last time. No winter, the Dragon doesn't come out. There are some worries if we are growing too fast, as it might destroy some of the slow-living we had out here, but ..   Sas: "That doesn't bother you?   Sigmund: "I'm making more money, so maybe I will be able to retire. And maybe see some sightseeing. Hopefully those civil wars in Kampos will be over with.
  Barlo tried to pitch him on their tavern at the keep and he said he would touch base if he goes. Then he says he has to get back to tables.   Barlo asks if a death penalty for attempted murder was normal, Sigmund said murder isn't allowed and the fact that this was against the mayor seems to be why it was so severe.   then pleasantries were exchanged. The party discussed what was said, about whether lars or Ursa is on a council. How Viggie was not that big of a guy, and this seems a bit out of what they thought his character was -- and questioning if he was framed. Conspiracies about whether Lars/Ursa had him killed for all the gossip. Discussions on seeing the Ghost at the church or if there is a way to talk to the Dead. They had heard he was buried with a tombstone at the Outding Refuge Church    

As they discuss this all, Shadow sees Pradam Estorich come in the door.   Pradam: "I didn't know you had come into town.   Shadow: "we just got here.   Pradam: "and enjoying a bit of Wavecrest, I see. Alright...   Shadow: "What are you doing here?   Pradam: "Just thought I'd come down and have a drink. I don't know, was just in a nostalgic mood.   Barlo: "You're looking well. Doing alright?   Pradam: "Oh, yeah. Is it alright if I sit down?   Barlo/Shadow: "of course   he takes a seat and asks if he could also have some beer, to which Barlo agrees and pours him one.   Shadow: "How's it going?   Pradam: "Yeah, all is good. Just working up there and learning more about this world, or "realm". Lots to learn, very fascinating.   Barlo: "Yeah we didn't get much of a chance to learn about your past, as you were not in much of a talking mood at the time.   Pradam: "Yeah, things were ... Weird. But going down and uh, talking to those mushroom people really helped a lot --- so tell me about you guys.   Barlo: "Have you been down to see them recently?   Pradam: "I don't think I have, you know. It's been a while. um.. i went off and did more adventures with those guys and we um... lost a couple. I uh realized how scary that all was so I had to stop. I didn't want to do that anymore.   Barlo: "What have they got you working on now?   Pradam: "Well, I uh Work up at the Netheril Nexus. Uh, they have me uh, working on a lot of different things. When I first came here I was pretty young, when I uh left my realm. But there was a lot I learned from there that I have been able to uh bring to this place. But yeah, just help out where I can. nothing too fancy, i guess.   Barlo: "Do you help create magic items, is that what you do?   Pradam: "I uh, I don't um do too much on that, um. I mean, I help out where I can. I mean like the hat I have helps give me some power that I can use up there, but I just help out others mostly. I don't know though, I mean I have a hard time picking up on other magic though and it might be because of the realm I come from not having magic, but I uh it doesn't come easy for me.   Shadow: "What exactly is the Netheril Nexus?   Pradam: "Well, it's the name given to the whole research facility as more has been learned of the forge there has been other research done to find ways to leverage it for other purposes and to learn more of how The Weave really works.   Barlo: "How does that city floating up there utilize the forge?   Pradam: "Oh, uh.. well.. that would get into some propriety stuff, I don't know if I can talk aobut. but, um...they   Barlo: "Right...   Pradam: "but they, uh. They have found various ways to funnel the forge's power to the other forges they have up there. It seems the ancient [Netherese that lived here before did similar things with it. In the city that uh, honestly... I don't really know how they do it. I just know they do it.   Barlo: "did they move the forge?   Pradam; "uh, the main forge is still in the temple Ruins down there, and we have put guards on it to ensure it is fine. The big thing is, though, the city that used to be here had a large Mythallar and   Barlo: "oh, what's that?
  Pradam: "It's a big Crystal that allows you to channel magic energy into all types of local things and that's what keeps it flying. And it is what helps power some of the other magics we have now like the watch towers circling around that protect us. Even at Work we have certain security that um... which keeps everyone calm and uh.. communication devices the guards use... and there are all types of wonderful things we can create with this Netherese items and knowledge that we have discovered   Barlo: "Are they making these mythallars?   Pradam: "We haven't been able to figure out how to make new ones, yet. Just to repower the one that was here before powering the flying city that long ago fell. We have been able to revive that.   Barlo/Bastion: "Interesting   Pradam: "Yeah, so. What about you all? What have you been up to?   The party tells him of how they lost three years in the Feywild which was only a few days for them.   Pradam: "and you have a Flying Ship now?   Barlo/Shadow: "oh, yeah!   Bastion/Shadow/Barlo: "Yeah, pretty cool. We found a Flying Ship. had some tinkerers Work on it and get it going again.   Pradam: "What are your plans in town?   Shadow: "Go see lars   Bastion: "yeah, he asked us to see him. How is working for him and Ursa?   Pradam: "Oh, uh. Good. In a lot of ways they have kind of adopted me. um, they have uh really given me a place to stay safe. Uh, you have to realize -- the realm I come from does not have what you have here. I still remember the day I got in that uh, cart -- dragons were just part of the joke for the ride.   Insight on Pradam
Shadow: Dirty 20   whisper: He seems more intent on talking to them about them and not about himself.   Bastion (17): looking for honesty   Calliope uses ring (19): looking for honesty   They are picking up how he is more interested in them, and not on his stuff. It could be because of his past... hard to tell where it is coming from.  
  Bastion: "So with that whole mushroom thing, how have you been as a person?   Pradam: "less moody, if you will   Barlo: "yeah, you're not a teenager anymore.   Pradam: "Yeah, I've definetly outgrown that a bit. But, yeah -- as you were saying, what are you all up to?   Shadow: "Just dropping by to say hi   Bastion: "what are we up to, here?   Pradam: "Yeah! I mean how long are you gonna be in town? Do you have any big plans while you are here?   bastion: "Not particularly. I mean we wer just told to stop by.   Barlo: "Yeah, check in and stop by. see how the house is. We're on our way to another place with a courier job with some goods. Maybe pick up something here and transport.   Pradam: "Sounds good.   Barlo: "Oh, we fought a Beholder   Pradam: "Oh, ...   Barlo: "actually two beholders.   Pradam: "at the same time?   Shadow/Barlo: "no   Bastion: "No, different times.   Barlo: "One was crazy, insane crazy.   Pradam: "Wow, what else...   Bastion: "We did almost kill a Red Dragon   Shadow: "But we did kill a Blue Dragon, though   Pradam: "... a Blue Dragon?   Bastion kicks her under the table.   Barlo: "We didn't mean to kill a Blue Dragon... but it kept attacking us. We gave it a chance to stop, but...   Pradam: "Yeah I guess there are the chromatic and the metallic...   insight on his reaction
Bastion; 1 (+7)   Shadow: 2 (+?) = 10   As she said it there was no real caution, his reaction was muted. He didn't seem that surprised, but that could have also been because of the Beholder talk... with it being 10, he also didn't seem that surprised they fought a Beholder.  
  Pradam: "So, that Beholder, what was that like?   Barlo: "strange.   Bastion: "The thing about fighting beholders is that you need to spread out.   Pradam: "Where was this Beholder?   Barlo: "a mountain... mine or something. Some of the tinkerers that helped us out had a problem.   Bastion: "It was in the Feywild or something, wasn't it?   Shadow: "Yeah.. in the mountains up there   Barlo: "Deep dark mountains of the Feywild..   Bastion: "So what do you do for lars and..   Pradam: "If anything, I'm really just a go-fer.   Bastion: "They don't have you, I mean... How long have you been working for them now? Like 2 years? You gotta be doing something, man.   Pradam: "I really can't, I mean I'm not from this realm. I don't have as much capabilities as others here   Barlo: "But you're a Wizard, right?   Pradam: "By extention...   shadow: "you're a Wizard harry (Not canon, but still putting here for the joke and why not...   Pradam: "Most of the people in your realm are able to tap in The Weave, I am not... to able to really tap into it. I guess it's a different ability if you are born here.   Barlo: "has anything been done with that Abandoned Mindflayer Colony we found?   Pradam: "that is so far down, um I sent we sent some people down shortly after you came back. We uh, what I hear is they sent some people down there and they felt it wasn't really a threat. I mean since you left most of the activity has been with the forge and research.   Bastion: "have they learned more about the forge?   Pradam: "I mean, there has been a lot of things we have been able to make from it. Techniques and things. Lots of learning.   Bastion: "What would you say is the coolest thing you have been able to build, what would you say?   Pradam: "I don't know, uh...I have been really happy with some of the prosthetics we have done. It's been real nice to help people   Barlo: "Yeah, that is pretty nice   Bastion insight on coolest
  Bastion: 18   he seems as if there are more interesting things, but that is one he is willing to share  
  Bastion: "Definitely a quality of life for many people     tabletalk on prosthetics
Barlo was thinking about cost or is this charity, not brought up  
    Pradam: "Yeah, so I've been real amazed at some things like that.   Bastion pulls out the rapier, "Has he been able to replicate things like these? In my opinion some of his best Work.   Pradam: "Um, we have been able to put together some weapons. um.. I will admit yours all seems to be some of the few with substantial changes, since then we have gotten better in the reliability and less influence of the Far Realms. Yeah we have made quite a few weapons, but uh..   Barlo: "quite a few?!   Pradam: "Uh, well. Mostly lately. some sales going on with a   Barlo: "With a civil war   Bastion: "What?   Pradam: "uh, yeah something like that   Bastion: "So people are like trying to buy weapons from you guys?   Pradam: "There has been a bit of that, different kings and nations and governments that uh have uh wanted to ensure they are better prepared for uh problems.   Bastion: "Yeah, well you are doing valuable research so you have to fund it somehow   Pradam: "That's pretty much it, that's what they've been saying.   Barlo: "How fast can you make these weapons?   Pradam: "well..   Barlo: "'cause as I understand it it can take years to manufacture these   Pradam: "well, the ones they're making is more 'common' if you will, so they don't normally take years but we can produce them faster with some various techniques with the forge. Having many hands as well helps. If you're going to be in town a bit maybe we can get together again...   Barlo/Bastion/Shadow: "Sure   Barlo: "Maybe you can take us on a tour of the Nexus   Pradam: "That would be great   Barlo: "Yeah, so we can see what is going on up there...   Pradam: "sure. We'll time to go to Sleep. night all
    After he leaves...   Bastion brings up his suspicions of more than prosthetics, Shadow brings up how he was more interested in them. They also bring up how he was not that interested in the dragons. Sounds like a bunch of +1 weapons. They do think he might have been trying to get plans, or how he knew how they were in town. gossip of Flying Ship and the menagerie of characters.. not sure if he was a plant or being sincere...   Barlo asks calliope if the Elder's Glove of Lore works on both people and items. Yes. Table talk if she was possibly getting insight on the rest of the party...   Barlo suggest they might not need Speak with Dead and can use the glove. So discussions and plans on body robbing of Viggie. Maybe rage dig from a Barbarian, Move Earth from the Druid... or wild shape to a Honey Badger, they don't give a fuck.   It is getting late into the evening. They realize they need to sell Dragon bits in the morning. They go home. Bastion watch. Barlo does check up on the ship. The Drow is doing a guard shift on the deck, drink in hand with a book. Shadow has Arktos Sleep on the deck and he gets friendly with Kimila Serilas. They head back home.    

Redfall 12, 2023 KC, early morning

  Outding Refuge Docks, Outding Refuge   Someone at door. Two guards apologize that Lars and Ursa had not come down. They bring up the passes, tell them to go to the depot at the harbor or to the Ruins for a portal to the crown.   Barlo makes it into a Brass knuckle.   They go off to Helga's and sell the Dragon bits... Wyvern stinger... nvm. keep it, maybe a modified weapon. some meat...   plans to dig up body..          

t Milestone Experience | 2125 ea Total: 77,125 (Next Goal: 85,000 ) t

Rewards Granted


t Milestone Experience | 2125 ea Total: 77,125 (Next Goal: 85,000 ) t  

map-outding refuge-floating islands-min.jpg

* Dierde World Map (Biomes, Equirectangular) | MAIN *
Dierde World Map | Equirectangular (Biomes)

Session 59: Outding Homecoming Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
02 Oct 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie