Session 060: Was It Ursa the Whole Time? Report

The Wild Cards learn a LOT about Ursa, but there still seems to be more...

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Redfall 12, 2023 KC, early morning

  Menagerie Manor of Outding Refuge, Outding Refuge   Recap
in Outding.
We had some conversations with Jeets and learned of what Ursa had been seeking. used the lore glove on him.   Some gossip and glove on the bartender. Learned about Viggie's fate.   then a long talk with no glove with Praddam.   in the morning, Ursa invited them to the Crown  
  Discussions on what to do. Decided to wait for nightfal to graverob. Talked about selling wares. Shadow in the Snow pops up See Invisibility from her ring and investigates.   Shadow: Perception (26)   And about 45 minutes later she sees the strange haze again. She notices a slight tinge of red to the effect. It lasts very briefly.   She thinks of ghosts and hauntings... So talks to Bastion Bladesinger about it. wonders if someone died here and there is some residual thing going on.   Bastion: Arcana (16)   He thinks about ghosts, and on the arcana side. Not a huge interest, but he did come across info -- especially with the monster hunting Books (Monster Hunting Guide & Hamund's Harvesting Handbook) as well as some knowledge of the Planes of Existence and the Afterlife. Ghosts do not always form, but sometimes when a Soul doesn't make it to the Fugue Plane which is where the Dead go and leads them to the Outer Plane for their alignment or Deity -- there is a chance they stay behind. They might have a goal or unfinished business.   The party has met Kyleanna Heyton who is bonded to the island as a Ghost.   Calliope wonders if a curse could cause it too, she has some knowledge due to the Hags of the Feywild.   The party then remembers how they got the house, it was a reward from Alaina who offered it as a reward for anyone who would kill the Sahuagin Baron that murdered her brother, James. Bastion wonders if they were of an old bloodline, but then thought it might not be connected to something like that...     **NEED WRITEUPS ON THOSE TWO....**     Shadow wonders if Helga might know since she is old and seems to have been here for a long time. Talks to Helga about the Dragon bits they sold her. Then asked about the family who lived in the house. They had lived there for like a decade, after a lifetime of being merchants. He had gone out to help handle the Sahuagin, but the party all died -- except Aran. He returned.   She asked about magics and if maybe the brother was haunting the home. Helga brings up Kyleanna Heyton and how most don't know of her, but she knows her. They have had discussions. Yet... it seems she hasn't seen her in some time... She went back home.   Calliope thought about how Detect Magic might assist, as it won't help detect a Ghost per se, but maybe it might find a magical source of this thing if it was just magic... then she remembers she can't cast that spell and suggests someone should if they could.     tabletalk on Detect Magic and not learning everything
Sometimes magic items and such have more than the Divination spells will reveal, such as curses. I will generally give an arcane an arcane chance to discover such things... and obviously each time is a new roll.   Such as when Bastion did the Detect Magic on the passes and there was an arcane roll, but he didn't learn anything too juicy.  
    Bastion takes this as a motivation to see what scrolls would be at Helga's Herbs & Oddities.   She says she might be able to get access from someone who can do that.   She has the following in scrolls:
Level 1 Spell: Alarm
Level 1 Spell: Burning Hands
Level 1 Spell: Charm Person
Level 1 Spell: Chromatic Orb
Level 1 Spell: Color Spray
  She says the Netheril Nexus tends to collect all the scrolls they can obtain as they are helpful in their experiments. It is known that sometimes magic item crafters can use spell scrolls instead of spell slots.   She then takes a pause to send a Message to someone, "Okay - He said he could get that to me tomorrow, and it would be 150gp"   Bastion accepts the offer.   Another Message spell, then: "It's done. It will be brought over to me tomorrow."   They get back home and then Barlo pulls out the Basalt's Magic Ball  
Q. "Is there a Ghost on our property?"   A."Signs point to yes".
  There are discussions about the Ghost. Is it malicious? Should we talk to Kyleanna Heyton? What time is it?   It is now late morning.   They decide to wait until evening to deal with the Ghost and the grave. It is time to see Lars & Ursa to get some answers...   Of to the Outding Refuge Docks where in the offices there is a doorway that leads up to the city, a portal room in the White Tower of the Netheril Nexus. In here is a desk and another door to another place. The guard at the desk asks if they have their pass. Then points out the door to the Xorlarrin's Crown. This is a nexus point for the upper and lower regions.   He asks about their plans, they say they want to talk to Lars. He points out the directions, to a large open space and then go up to the 3rd floor. This place is analogous to a modern facility in some ways as people seem to all be working and going into various places with a purpose. Some do look at the party with interest, but continue with their tasks and destinations. Outside they can see some eating a late breakfast or early lunch. They can see each floor has various rooms for some studies and such, as the bottom floors do have many Work purposes.   They get to the desk on the third floor and the "receptionist" asks to help. They say they are here for Lars. The "Wild Cards" and the individuals are introduced. She uses a stone to contact someone and directs them to a waiting room. IN there is a long table with snacks of various chocolates and pastries.   Ursa: "Oh, nice to see you guys made it. Nice to see you come up to see how things are going." She asks if they want a tour. Bastion asks about Lars, she says we can go see them. She then calls him on a Rock to meet them ahead.

She talks about how the Xorlarrin's Crown is sitll under mass construction as it is still not completely habitable after being brought up from the ocean floor. They get to the fourth floor and see a cafeteria area. tables everywhere and people are eating.   Barlo asks how many live up here, she responds "a few thousand, actually". Most who live in here are planning to Work on the research.   They ask about the research.   Ursa: "Mostly stuff with the Arcane Forge, but also solutions for large problems we foresee coming up as time goes along. Making sure we're ready for them, has been our key goal. Most of the big research is done in the other two towers. Your passes won't get you access and we probably won't be going there today..., but you are free to tour this island and the Crown of course. Lots going on down there.   Barlo asks about the communication stones, and range. She says that much of the magic here only works here as they are connected to the large Mythallar which also powers the levitation. The range of such devices do not extend far pass Outding.   Shadow asks if they are Researching how to extend that range. Ursa says no, as it seems even the Netheril people were unable to find a solution to that. So it has been a low priority, as it would waste a lot of resources.   They go past the research, and then she shows how the upper floors are dormitories, and finally they get to the top and see how the top is a 5-sided pyramid. This is a large room at the top of the obelik -shaped tower. They can see the city to the East where construction is taking place. Near the center they see the small castle -- and she points it out.   Lars appears and says he should have met them on the fifth, but fell behind.   They think of how they saw each other at the Ceremony, Lars brings up how he had been spending a lot of time with Professor Umbercresct who is very knowledgeable about he Netheril people and the technology that the Nexus is Researching is heavily based on their Work. In fact they were the ones who designed and created such enclaves as the one which once flew here, and that was recently had a chunk of it brought back to the skies. They all fell from the skies long ago, but this chunk was a large and reliable piece with a Mythallar they could revive with the help of the Arcane Forge. They were able to use it to also power the 12 guard towers and their limited visibility dweomers. They have had to create security out of concerns with the research.   He brings up how the buildings have a limited Calm Emotions effect on those who enter the buildings, granted this would affect Calliope less than others.   He also says they have been analyzing possible security risks and individuals.   Bastion asks about him as he is the brain trust, but he points out that he is actually more about the government and Ursa is more of the research person.   Bastion: "How did that happen? How did you go from assistant to directing research? That sounds like a good story, in itself."   Ursa: "Well, I mean , well when you guys came here, when the whole thing happened with the forge and we were able to start Researching it, you know, using what we've found, Jacoby was already Researching from it. It was just fascinated me. So as we kind of started playing with it, Lars was a little more busier with trying to get the Thorp handled because of how Viggie kind of left the affairs.   Bastion: "So yeah, and then we heard what happened to Viggie. Like, I would love to know more about that story.   Well. and she looks at Lars and he kind of just looks at her and: "well, I mean, we woke up and he was in our room and he had a knife in his hand and, we yelled out and our guards came in and he was able to get out of the room and the the guards were able to find him in his room later on. And he was arrested. He had types of plans on how to, to murder me and my husband. And, so you know, we had a trial and I took care of that.   Barlo: Did not seem like that kind of a person.   Bastion: Yeah, exactly.   Shadow: Was he lucid?   Ursa: for the most part, it seems that for a long time, Viggie has been a a follower of Jergal, which is, He's not an evil anymore kind of God of death. But the fact that he kind of did kind of focus his worship more on that kind of macabre kind of a god, I think is kind of what let him down. He, it seemed that he had a lot of crazy writings and that supposedly, I guess he was having visions, and that might be what kind of led him to it. But, we definitely saw that he was a serious threat to our future.   Bastion: That's just insane.   Ursa: And it was scary.  
And again, I forgot we've been gone for. Yeah, Yeah. So while she's. While she's doing this and explaining anything, I'm, I'm trying to just trying to hint out anything that we could to see if she's lying or anything like that.   yeah, you go ahead and give me an insight,   Bastion: Insight (22)   Bastion's insight
She is mostly honest. Her words are very honest, but there is a slight issue of either her being possibly deceitful, hiding something, or it could be that these stories bring bad memories....  
  Ursa: "I really don't like to think about it. I mean, there was a lot that Viggie could have done for us, and there was things that he did do for us back in those days.And in the end, I don't know what really drove him completely that way. I can just go off of what we've heard about him.   Bastion: Does he have family?   Ursa: he did not have any family. It seems. he had a family way back when, before he came to the island. But, my understanding was that they had died in some plague or some disease over and over in Dyrt, And, he came here to kind of get away from that. And, I mean, when he when he first came to the island, he definitely contributed a lot. And that's why people felt that he was honest and trustworthy enough to kind of be the mayor. But then again, to be honest, before the whole situation, the winter never really took much to be mayor here. In fact, I mean, that's was one of the reasons why Lars had kind of stepped away from it when he was offered the position, since that's kind of how the the bylaws of the establishment works here is that with his family background, he was supposed to be in charge, but he just felt that there really wasn't much to it. And then, of course, when the Dragon kind of came out and had that whole situation,     he and she kind of looks at him and kind of nods at her and he wasn't ready to Lead at that moment.   Bastion & Shadow: What does that mean?   He later steps up and, Lars: " well, it's I'm not going to lie. At the time, I just didn't feel that I was, ready to kind of Lead in that situation cause I had no idea how to handle it, to be honest, until you guys came out and found me. And I had found the, the, the forge. I wasn't sure what to do, but I honestly, you guys coming here and then I was finding that forge. I think that kind of gave me everything I needed to kind of feel a little more confident. And that's why we were able to go up into Widow's Peak and take care of the Dragon situation. Thank you again.    
and while he's saying this, I'm going to be doing the same sort of check for him. Yeah, go ahead,   Bastion: Insight (24)   Bastion's insight
you don't see any signs of deceit in his words. He is generally very honest, and he was a bit hesitant to discuss his inability to Lead with the Dragon situation, but it seems he has grown to acccept that bout of Fear  
    Lars: "you know, So, I mean, if you guys want I mean, there's. I could probably take some time off or take you guys through the city if there's one or ...   Party: "Yeah, okay, that's great. Yeah, you're up.   Barlo: "You got the time.   Lars: "Yeah, no worries. And so, so let's go ahead and I guess we'll go back down.   He leads you back down the stairwells and down to the first floor. As you get down to the first floor,   Lars: "there's a few different ways of getting over there. There's a on the courtyard. There's a couple portals that will take you back over there. There's also a hallway down here that will take you. We'll go up front, though, out to the courtyard   and leads them out through the courtyard where there's various tables and areas where people are having snacks, especially now we're getting close to around lunchtime.   So we've seen a few more people actually kind of enjoying a meal with kind of the ocean breeze that kind of hits on this high up. you see various types of creatures as well. you do see like, well, I mean you would see probably at least one, Griffin Like you had seen before, that's with the guards, the various types of birds with like very crazy kind of plum edge plumage and feathers. He takes you onto where there's, like, a large water fixture fountain kind of thing amorphic, though, you're seeing, like, various hidden sigils of magics that and like, runes that are all throughout it and certain points kind of kind of glow just very briefly and then go to another one.   when he takes you to the fountains, like just go ahead and put your hand on the fountain right here. And as he touches the fountain, you see him kind of disappear.   And one by one they touch the fountain which transports them to a park and a similar fountain on the Crown (SE park) Ursa was the last one.   Lars: "as long as you have your pass, if you touch the fountain, it'll take you back to the other fountain.   Bastion/Barlo: "Cool. How did you get there if we don't have a pass?   Lars: "Well, if you don't have a pass, then you won't be able to really get around anywhere. In fact. you wouldn't be able to get into the White Tower that is one the securities we have that as long as you have the pass, when you go through the the White Tower, you're fine if you don't have the pass. So on you, we will find a frozen you that's also it allows for the transports. So when you guys were at the docks, otherwise if you didn't have the pass you wouldn't have been able to go through that doorway. That's pretty much all it is. It's, it's just what allows it. So that way if you come over here you're able to walk freely and, and to get around.   Barlo: Real impressive, this place   Lars: "Well, we're working on it.   They begin to walk towards the castle, and see construction everywhere. And Castle is generous as it is more of an estate. Lars speaks of the markets to the East being open, and the NE homes are built. They are still working on the NE and South homes.   Barlo asks if this is to be like a university, and she says it is now pretty much that. It has gotten a bit of ire from the Universities of Towekind.   Lars: "we've had a little bit of issue and there's been a little bit of rivalry if you will, but we're far enough away from all those different universities that I think they understand that it's okay to have a university somewhere else and and not have to get so territorial about it.   Shadow: What is the critera to move up here?   Lars: " Just that you have to be a researcher for us. Yeah, I mean, just being able to of dedicate your time and energies towards what we're building, and Researching, that's pretty much it. I mean there's, there's people here that are Living, doing other things obviously, too. I mean we, we have to have maintenance staff and you know, people taking care of the other ways of getting food obviously with fish and stuff like that, since agriculture is definitely the one thing we haven't figured totally figured out how to solve up here yet. But we're still working on a couple ideas.  
How long were we with just last? What? I mean, like he he was taking us around a little bit or so is with you guys, too. Yeah. She's kind of been she's walking with you guys and but he's been mostly doing the talking now. That's what I'm saying. We're like when you guys touch the, the, the water fountain. He was the first one. Touch it, then you guys touched it, and then she was the last one. So she says he steam any different. Go ahead.   Give me an insight.   I mean he definitely seems different from when we last talked to him and well, not like different. Well, he seems definitely very much like it was last time you guys talked to him at the Ceremony.   - No, he doesn't. He was very, very quiet. That's what that's what got us all wondering about him. well no. What they at the at the thing he was actually it mostly because he was more talking to the professor or. No. But like he wouldn't talk to us at all. He, he made IRSA talk to us. Do you guys remember that. Vaguely. I think it kind of. I know it put us in the direction of like what's going on with them because I think that's when he told us that they got married. Or she told us. But I will say that it seems that he is definitely talking to you guys more now, but it definitely seems like it mostly just seems like he's got, he's been and just very busy. I guess this is the thing is that he's got and it seems like he's got a lot of things that he's kind of turning in his head. but at the same time, there's a bit of pride right now for the things that he feels that they've accomplished with this. Going back even to the discussion we had just a moment ago about the, when he kind of certain his responsibilities.   Now, I think in some ways he feels like he's kind of making up for it.   Shadow insight
21 insight on Ursa with that statement   I don't recall what I said to her -- but I am sure it was similar to what would be said to Calliope soon...
  Bastion: "Lars, what happens when you just like, put like random items in the forge?   Lars explains that the forge is a conduit and you have to have a purpose and a plan in the Creation, it doesn't just make something magical by being put in it. Have a goal, and push it towards that.   He asks how much or how long to make a +1 Armor with the pockets he was looking for before. Lars said for a thing like that maybe a day or two, as sometimes they channel the energies into gems and those are used to make such simpler items.   Bastion asked about more "uncommon" and "rare" magic items, in costs and time. Costs vary but the forge does seem to make it a bit cheaper and quicker than normal methods. Lars said some uncommon for a couple hundred Gold pieces of materials in a few weeks. The rares would be closer to around 5 months. Very Rare is still a few years, and we haven't done much since it has only been a few years since we got it operational.   Barlo: "you're telling me you can make these magical weapons and Armor fairly quickly within a day of each other. That going to be incredible lucrative, or is that how this is all being paid for? (to Ursa)   Lars: Well, I mean, to be paid for. Well, I mean, to be honest, most of it's doesn't really even cost since it's just our stuff. I mean, for the island, we didn't have to really pay for an island with the the construction costs, though, I mean, obviously getting some of these things built. But most of the people that are working to help build are doing it because they want to live here.   Barlo: So, whoa, you're not paying These people   Lars: "They're getting paid, but most want to Work on these projects so we don't have to pay them a lot because most of them want to live here. And so it's not like with the import. I guess what I'm saying is we don't the import of that labor. These are people that are moving here. So It's not as expensive. I mean, if anything, the Work gets expensive actually on that is dealing with some of the Wood since the as you can see, we don't really have too much Wood here. There's a little bit that grows on the island, but if we were to cut that down, we would it would go really quickly. So we sort of import a lot of the Wood.   Barlo wondered if he meant the Petrified Wood, like in the weapons. No, he meant like building timber for the construction.   Ursa: "We get the Petrified Wood, as we heard you are aware, from a Kobold community to the West.   Shadow: "Oh, you heard about that, hum?   Ursa: "There is very little that happens around here that I don't hear about.   Bastion: "Okay, so since we're on that topic, would you know who the Dragon could possibly be talking about when it comes down to it, saying, she told me you would be here?   The party all now focus on her. she laughs then looks to lars, and says: "Honey, how about you go back and I'll meet you for dinner.   Lars: "Okay, guys, we'll see you guys later.   Ursa: "I'm pretty sure I know exactly who the Dragon met. I really Wish the Dragon wouldn't have said anything, but Yes, I know who it was. It was me. The truth is, is that I knew you would be able to take care of the Dragon. I needed the Dragon out of my hair. And so I kind of pushed it towards you.   Barlo: "huh..   Ursa: "the truth is that you guys have fumbled your way through various things as you got in your travels. And as much as you guys have been very helpful to people like us, there's other things, times that you guys have kind of broken things. So I figured if you guys could take care of that.   Barlo: "We've been told that before   Shadow: "that we're a bunch of fumble fucks   Ursa: "I guess you can say that   Bastion: "There is a reason we're called the Wild Cards.   Ursa: "But I knew you guys be okay, so I wasn't worried. Should I have told you that I wanted you to take out the Dragon? Maybe? No. But I really do hope you understand.   Barlo: "There's a little bit more bared for it, but, yeah, we got through it Okay   Shadow: "Does Lars not know about it?

Ursa: "Lars doesn't know a lot of the things I have been trying to Work on.   Barlo: "And you're keeping this from him, why?   Ursa: "To protect him.   Bastion: "To protect him from what?   Barlo: "who?   Ursa: "I find the less that he's aware of what's going on, what could happen in the future, the less likely he will get afraid like he did last time.   Bastion: "What do you mean by that?   Ursa: "I mean the last time when he ran and hid from a Dragon. And that's everything that I've been working towards how to deal with a Dragon.   Bastion: "Which Dragon?   Ursa: The one that's inside of the Earth. A planet sized Dragon that has woken up a few times in the past and everything that's been building has been to deal with that.   Bastion: "What do you mean by deal with it?   Ursa: "I mean to deal with it before it destroys the planet. I don't know what's plan is going to Work the best. So I've kind of put my research into various things that are to help to handle that situation.   Sas: "Are you saying that this Dragon awoken again?   Ursa: "I don't think it ever really went back to Sleep   Bastion: "And once again, how did you get into all of this?   She kind of has a Weird smile.   Barlo: "you better not say Jacoby   Ursa: "Jacoby. I've manipulated many times. I just. I have. I'm still having the time to figure out how much I can trust with you guys.   Shadow: "US? are the ones that took care of your Dragon problem.   Ursa: "Well, to be fair, that wasn't my problem until it was. the truth is, is that I came across some research about the, What they call the Dragon Prophecies. It seems that there was a Wizard named Tharros, and he had been studying them. And that's where I realize that there was a problem. And so from that point, and once I realized that Lars can use the forge to craft things that might be able to be instrumental in fighting with that Dragon, that's been my focus since then.    
my Ring of Truth Telling   Calliope Insight
Calliope Insight (23 nat20)   She is being honest, and very deceitful... IT's hard to tell what is the lie -- but it seems she is holding back a ton,
  Bastion did one too 17
  Shadow thinks to the last time they had seen Tharros. Session 33: Spider Forest of the Feywild Report he gave them a Gem after the incident in Session 31: Stop Hitting Yourself Report.   Bastion: "You need to tell Lars   Ursa: "I need to tell Lars what, exactly?   Shadow: "What you told us.   BAstion: "You need to tell him exactly what's going on and trust he has changed enough to help you.   Ursa: "I think I know him well enough to know when he'll be ready, and I don't think he's ready yet. If he was to shift the focus away from what needs to get done here, I can see him retreating back inside of his mind. Like how I found him three years ago.   Shadow: You're not giving him the opportunity to even try Taken away his choice.   Ursa: "I guess that is one way of looking at it. But sometimes, yeah, in the end I'm not too concerned about one choice or another choice. If in the end it's what it's going to stop the destruction of everything.   Bastion: Have you looked into the future before?   Ursa: it's not so much looking into the future as realizing what is, what is ordained, if you will, and how to stop that. Has it been to.   Barlo: He's been stopped before?   Ursa: No, he's been halted. the last Great Sacrifice is what stopped him   Barlo: so his slumber slumber under the earth is is voluntary on his part or he was put there.   Ursa: So my understanding of how the legends go is that the universe is pretty much created with a Dragon who was mortally wounded and that became our son. He created his children, which would be the planet we live on. And our three moons, each one of them contain a very large Dragon inside the Dragon, inside of of the earth, if you will, is supposed to wake up when his father is ready to go back and I guess go kill the gods that was trying to kill them. Begin with. And it seems that at some point that the Dragon in the earth thought it was time to wake up and it wasn't.   It was just too much outside influence, I guess, in our realms that was that was bothering it. So now that it's back asleep, or at least not moving as much, everybody's kind of calmed down and thinks everything's all said and done. And I'm one of the few outside of like, various groups such as the Group of Dragons that Remington was once a part of, or I think they're still a part, but I don't think he's talked to them in a while. But their whole goal was to help stop him their own way.   BAstion: So she knows that Remington is a Dragon.   Ursa: I'm fully aware of a lot of things. And yeah, that's why I connected him with Jeets who was looking for other notes and other things that Jacoby had to figure out more on how he disrupted things on the island.   Barlo: Okay, let me get this. So do you think there's a factions out there that are actively trying to Awaken the Dragon to get him come out now, earlier, than expected.   Ursa: I know for a fact there, such as the cult of Tharizdun going around.   Barlo: Okay, so you know about Tharizdun too, okay..   Ursa: "Yes, there is a Satyr you've come across, he's on my list. If I could find him again.   Bastion: "So you must be attached to some group, Correct?   Ursa: "I wouldn't say that I'm attached to groups. I would say that I know how to utilize them for my own means.   Bastion: "What does that mean?   Ursa: it means that there are many factions where people have their selfish little desires. And I figure what selfish desire they want. And then I figure out how they can help with the great plan to save the world.   Bastion: "So you're doing this by yourself?   Ursa: "Yeah, to a degree. I mean, I have I don't exactly have confidants that I tell all my secrets and my plans to know or discuss my plans. In fact, this is probably the very first time I have. But it's only because I trust you guys.   Shadw: "What do you want us to do about all this information?   Ursa: As of right now, I want you guys to keep doing what you are doing. You guys are finding your own ways of good, doing good deeds. And granted, there's one of these days you guys can clean up some of the messes you have made, ...   Shadow: "HEY!   Ursa: "but they're not as important yet. Hey, I'm not the one who put a whole Blight situation in the middle of Kampos.   Shadow: I don't know what you're talking about.   BAstion: I don't know what you're talking about either.   Calliope: "Why are you getting so defensive?   Ursa: "I'm not being defensive. I'm just saying, when you guys go off and you help a little Hag and you put a little seed in the ground, ...   Shadow: She was very nice Hag, so Thank you.   Ursa: Well, that's why there's a Blight situation in the middle of campus. Do you know what blights are? They are like Living weeds. And that's what you guys had planted there. And it's been growing. Now, I'll admit maybe something should be done. But I'm also kind of hoping that maybe that could be used to help stop the civil war that's going on out there. But we did them a favor. And I mean, I'm hoping that it could become a common goal, that they can help eradicate. And that's the only reason why I haven't geared you guys towards there. Not to mention, I know that you guys keep getting pushed and prodded by a certain goddess of the desert. And I think that that might be a little bit more important. I also think that the little globe you have with you that might blow up at any given moment is also a concern.   Shadow is concerned: How do you know about the desert? We haven't told anybody about that.   Ursa: As I said, I have various tools that allows me to know what's going on.   Shadow: Well, we are not those tools   Ursa: a way, though. You kind of are.   Shadow... I don't like this. she steps back a bit   Bastion: How do we know we can trust you?   Ursa: For the same reason why I know I can trust you with everything I've just said. The fact is that none of us are doing anything bad. Nothing I've done is really that bad. And it's all for the greater good.   Bastion: Well, I'm going to I'm going to flat out ask you, does Lars have a spell put on him?   Ursa: Do you mean have I tried to charm him in any way?   Bastion: Yes,   Ursa: I would say not currently, no.   Bastion: What do you mean by that?   Ursa: I will admit in the early days, because he was... he couldn't stop but see me as his young assistant, that it did take a little prodding to get him to understand that I wasn't seeking his affection in any nefarious means, but nothing more than any other charm that any young lover hasn't pulled on another.   Bastion: So the next time I see Lars, you would be okay with me casting Dispel Magic on him.   Ursa: I have no issue with that.   Bastion: Or Remove Curse   Ursa: if there's a curse on him, it's not from me.   Bastion goes to Calliope and pats her a bit on her back, a bit too much... she realizes he wants her to touch Ursa.   Ursa: "I know the what you guys want to try and learn about my past. And I can tell you that probably wouldn't be the best idea.   Bastion: For what reason?   Ursa: as you can see, is I able to control a lot of different things. And it's currently we're all still very much allies in this area. And I really don't want to change that. I like you guys. I know that it offends you if I call you a tool and I will not call you that. To be fair, it was your words, not mine, but what I can.   Bastion: It actually has nothing to do with that. It has everything to do with us trusting you. We cannot trust you if we do not know who you are.   Ursa: You know enough about me to know what you need to know. I don't know every little secret of yours either. I know enough.   Sas: "But you seem to   Ursa: "But that's only because. That's because I have a whole community that I'm in charge of.   Bastion: "So you aren't working alone?   Ursa: "Well, we have an island here. The people that are on this island are our concern. So of course I need to know the dangers that would Harm my people. It's no different, really, than any other king or queen would do for their people that actually care for their peoples.   Shadow: "Our journeys have nothing to do with your island.   Bastion: "What do you mean by you peoples?   Ursa: "your journey as you come in and go into various countries and help or hinder has a lot to do with us as now that we have entered the world stage for them. That's the thing you have to understand is that this island nation was a very quiet one, but with things that have been shifting, we're a little bit more involved these days and that puts a little bit of a target on our people, which is why I'm always going to be a little overprotective.   Shadow: "Wait a minute. Didn't you guys ask for our help in the first place?   Ursa: "Yeah, that's my point. That's when this was a very weak island nation.   Bastion: "I feel like there are two things going on here. One is your want to protect these people, which is admirable, and I can understand that. And two is to prevent the Dragon from waking. But you were talking about them in totally different ways. How do you figure? So is your is your want to protect these people or is your want to stay in power?   Ursa: "Well, my power is not that much, to be honest. I mean and I don't I haven't really cared about that. The power that I have is actually more behind the scenes and that has used nothing. I've used for nothing but to deal with the Dragon Prophecies for the last three years, the power that I have, I've been using for that, and once again to protect those who I'd seen. I'm in charge of the people on my on our islands needs to be protected. And they look to me and my husband to protect them.   Shadow: "Even though your husband doesn't know what's going on,   Ursa: "he doesn't know everything that's going on, but he knows enough that it keeps him working. If he was to know everything else I do, based on what I know about him, it will paralyze them with fright and he won't get anything done. Though I don't think that's your choice to make. Everybody makes those kind of choices for somebody.   Shadow: "Child, perhaps.   Bastion: "Well, I think what Shadow is getting at is because of your original manipulation and you don't really get to decide that choice for him.   Ursa: "I think I do. And to be fair.   Bastion: "No, no. You think you can do you think you do? Is something totally different?   Ursa: "I guess the thing is you will have a better understanding of this as it seems that you guys are now in charge of some people. You guys are building up a little community. And when you are you going to tell everybody in your little community, every little thing and make sure everybody has a say in every little thing? Or are there going to be times that you're going to do what you think is right?   Bastion: "I think it's a little different when your community that you're talking about is the mayor.   Ursa: "Well, the mayor is my husband,   Bastion: "correct, That's what I'm getting at.   Ursa: "And we are as open and honest as the next couple.   Bastion/Shadow: "But you're not   Ursa: "And I think that's all a matter of opinion and subjectiveness. And in the end, I mean, I don't it's not like I'm going to call your guys's spouses or mommies and daddies and tell them everything you haven't told them.   Calliope: "Our spouses are not in levels of authority   Shadow: "and we haven't hidden anything from the people that are in our care. .. do we have people in our care?   Ursa: "Well, I mean, you have your little owl Bear. I mean, you haven't always been honest yourself. I'm sure that there have been things you have stolen and you haven't told them that you stole from them.   Shadow: "So me not telling my owl Bear what's going on is the same as you not telling your husband.   Ursa: "No, I'm talking about the people that you've stolen things from. I'm sure you haven't told them all.   Shadow: "Not the same thing.   Ursa: "so it's okay for you to be dishonest, but for me, because I'm married to, somebody. I have to be honest, I didn't say it's okay for me one way or another. I said it's not the same thing. I'm just saying sometimes we all just need to take care of our own business.   Barlo: "I think I can understand that now about this business for to go along with what you've said and keep playing along and not tell Lars with what's going on? What can you help us out with? Seem to have this magical forge that can produce things fairly easily and very rapidly.   Shadow whispers.. "shaking her down...   Barlo: "Gotta make a deal somewow, right?   Ursa: "Since we're discussing morality and ethics, ... I have no problem making deals with you for gear, but in the end -- you have to realize if you tell what the big plan is right now, you are going to hurt him. You might not want to believe me because you think, for some reason, that I'm the big bad end guy, when the truth is that I'm actually just the one trying to help you.   Shadow: "We didn't say you were the big, bad end guy. We just said, we don't think that you should be hiding things from your mate.  
Bastion rolls insight on the big bad end guy bit.   Bastion 9
She doesn't seem like scared of the things you guys are threatening her with. Technically, we're not threatening her with anything. Somebody is real, but at the same time, she really.   She doesn't mean you guys Harm directly. So when she says that not your big bad guy right now, she doesn't seem to see any reason that to to hurt you and doesn't like. That's what she's trying to do.
  Shadow: "So what do you want from us?   Ursa: "As I said, I want you to keep doing what you're doing. And hopefully when we can figure out how to solve the problem with the Dragon, well, maybe you guys will be one of the groups that are up the front helping handle the situation   Shadow: "as your cannon fodder.   Ursa: "Well, I mean, that's what the adventurers and soldiers do   Barlo: "Yeah, well let's not be left out of the equation ... the next time you want to send a Dragon our way, just let us know.   Ursa: "... and to be fair, I also think that you should finish the the little questing for the little sand goddess, because I think that might be helpful. And and I wasn't lying before, I do think that I can help handle the situation with that orb before it blows up on you.   Shadow seems to really dislike her arrogance.   Barlo: "well, what's our mission right now as the head that way to take care of that business so ...   Shadow: "but we're not doing it because you told us to that we're doing it because we want to do it.   Ursa: "So now. So now that the cards are on the table, as I said, I would like to help you with that orb   <then looks over at Bastion> e are still working on those bottles. And so if you would still like to be interested in that research, I can help you with those as well. But as I said, I think the orb is the one thing that needs to be handled before the thing blows up.   Shadow: "Why are you so sure it's going to blow up?   Ursa: "as well, .. as I understand It is coming apart and the far realms are already starting to tear it apart.   Barlo: Do you have any knowledge or suspicions of anybody else or anybody close to you that might have an issue with what you're doing?   Ursa: "I'm not sure how to answer that question.   Barlo: "..Some of the tension that may what just I was coming out like, was Viggie in the way?   Ursa: "Oh, Viggie was trying to kill us.   Shadow: "Was he really, though?   Ursa: "that was a fact.   Shadow: "Was he being Charmed into doing it?   Ursa: "No. He had plans and everything. If anything, it seemed that he wanted to kill me more than my husband. But he was out to kill us.   Bastion/Barlo: "Why is that? Yeah.   Ursa: "As I said before, I wasn't lying. I really don't know the whole story about why he started getting into that.   Shadow: "I thought you knew everything around here that happens.   Ursa: "I can only pick up on so many things. As I said before, though, it seems he was under the the assumption... he was under the belief that he had been speaking to Jergal, the god of death. As far as I can tell, I don't know if it was true or not, but it seemed that that's kind of what set him on his way. And you were going to say?   Bastion: "two questions.   One, would you know anybody else who follows this God that is here?   And two did you send that kid to spy on us earlier?   Ursa: "as far as Jergal most, ... a lot of scribes and most people that Work with cemeteries and stuff like that tend to worship Jergal, he is not as nefarious of a God as he used to be. Once he kind of handed over the reins of the more evil parts of his portfolio and what kid?   Bastion: "That kid from another plane, what's his name there? The Wizard with the glasses.   Ursa: "Oh, Pradam, you mean when Pradam came to the tavern and talke to you all? That wasn't Pradam, that was me.   Calliope: What?   Ursa: "I'll admit that was me spying on you guys a little bit.   Shadow: "And you wonder why we have trust issues. You are proving our point.   Ursa: "If you look at any kingdom, their rulers send spies into anybody. they spy on their own people. Nothing I've done is that untoward compared to what any other royal does to their subjects.   Shadow: "Doesn't make it right.   Ursa: "If we could all just live in, you know, rainbows and unicorns...   Barlo: "To be fair, in all honesty, we had plans of spying as well   Ursa: "that I am aware of. And that's why I was so glad you guys came up and was a very open and honest and that's why I've been willing to be honest with you guys even telling you that that was me last night. This honesty is   Bastion: "one more question?   Ursa: "Of course.   Bastion: "Are you a God?   Ursa: "I am. No God, no.   Bastion: "Hello. Everyone knows that the answer is yes. When somebody asks whether you're a God, ...   Ursa: "No, I am merely a young woman who is trying to handle the situation that I have learned about, that I think that I am empowered to handle. That's the best way of putting it.   Shadow: "Yeah, but are you giving anybody else the opportunity to try?   Ursa: "The truth is. Is that.   Shadow: "Yeah, here we go.   Ursa: "There are others, obviously, that are trying to manipulate the situation as you guys have already learned, there's people like Tharros <serious disdain> who wants to use the Dragon, and then Jacoby Drexelhand was trying to find a way to control it to make everyone bow down to him. That's not my goal. My goal is to to eliminate the threat. so yeah, there's evil people trying to do evil things with it. Have all my methods been the most moral of methods? Probably not, But I really can't help but say that I feel like in these last three years I've been making a much better choices than I used to make...   Bastion: "So it's obvious you don't want us to start learning about your past. If you have changed, like you said, you have, don't you think that we deserve to know who exactly we are dealing with and helping?   Ursa: "You know about my past... As much as you need to. I don't see...   Bastion: "Not what I said.   Ursa: "I understand that. But I don't think there's anything else in my past that really is important right now.   Calliope: "Says who?   Shadow: "Well, I don't think you can honestly make that claim.   Ursa: "I think I can. I mean it up to this point, I think we've been fairly amicable.   Barlo: "Past is the past. We don't need to go digging through our pasts. So I... I agree with you on that.   Ursa: "and that is why Barlo's one of my favorite out of you guys. You guys don't look into Barlo's past. You guys haven't seen some of the things that he's but he's done to other people and yet you guys accept him just fine.   Calliope: "I'm sure if we ask them he would tell us what happened. He's not lying about it   Shadow: "...or manipulating.   Ursa: "I'm sure that if Barlo became a ruler of a large area, I don't think he'd tell everybody all of his past either.   Bastion: "But you're not the ruler ...   Shadow: "You can't make the decisions for other people.   Ursa: "I mean, in this case...   some crosstalk...   Ursa: "So if you guys would like to come back and have dinner, that's fine. I am going to get back to Work. I think we've had a lot of discussions. Like I said, I would still like to take care of that glowing orb before it blows up in pocket. But if you want to hold on to it, I guess that's on you.   Shadow: "Okay, Bye.   Ursa: " So when you are ready to figure out what you want to do with you, like you let know. And when you want to know more what's going on with the JAR Project, I will let you know because you did bring that to us. And I really do hope that you guys see that I've opened up with a lot more of trust and you are giving me credit for. But you guys are totally welcome to have meals. I've gone ahead and made sure that your ship in the harbor has doesn't have to pay for the harbor costs. Otherwise I will hopefully see you soon. It's around lunch time. The party discussed somethings amongst themselves, namely how Shadow doesn't recall telling anyone outside of the crew about the Bast mission. How she wants to stop the dragons from waking up. The party, especially Shadow, doesn't like her or her manipulations and especially how she knows about the Bast thing... Barlo remembers he meant to ask about the Ghost... he said he will ask at dinner... I don't think he did. Barlo even questions how much she has changed... Bastion suggests it might not be the same "Ursa"... He thinks it might be Jacoby maybe manipulating her, while Barlo questions if someone replaced her. They think about the 8-ball or other options to find out,... then Viggie grave discussions. Bastion says since she is willing to let him cast dispel on Lars then he thinks they might be able to trust her... Shadow then worries if they are being spied upon.  
Bastion uses the Sending Stone to speak to Jeets:   " Ursa not what she seems trying to stop the Dragon. The big Dragon Still don't trust her, but somehow seems she's telling the truth."   from Jeets: " I wasn't prepared for For you to tell her. It seems if you are contacting me, it couldn't have been that bad. We'll talk soon."   there was some fudging... trying to sneak in that she knows about Remington being a Dragon, cheat response was "she knows about Dragon."
  Bastion thinks about how he wants to fill the ship with cargo... It carries 20 tons if flying. Generally this is a port discussion as ships state their leave and destination. I had them do a Charisma check (with a Skill Empowerment from Bastion) 21   They also went to see if Helga needed anything. Bastion thinks about how they can use transportation to help her more, and they remember how Helga spent every day for a year to set up the Teleportation Circle in their basement. Some discussions on this and even a bit of singing the Gummy Bear theme song... Bastion is discussing plans to build a global shipping empire at least in an effort to gain allies. -- but it wasn't Helga, it was Ursa.   Helga does say she needs "Basilisk Scales" if they come across any. She is also always in the market for magic items. She will always be willing to see what they find... Helga is more like an antique dealer, more curious items so the Nexus hasn't really interfered. They do ask her about it...   She talked about how the growth was very fast, so not everyone likes that. They ask if she sees Lars and Ursa, but she says how she is a homebody (and not much of a gossip). Many thought he took advantage of her, but most seemed to accept the relationship. Bastion pulls out the swords and other gear he wants to sell...   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   NEED INVENTORY SOLD   NTO:     stopped 1:27           Silver plated long swords with Jet inlay. Sounds Familiar. Were we going to sell those or not? I suppose. But not to need it. We don't have much useful. Yeah, I pull it out and I say, What would you give us for these? I also pull out the Gem encrusted chalice and the ornate Gold ring. Okay. And the ring with the way it was Living out where you got the bottles over Cork and em bust With what? With Gold. All right, so. she just said. Just say, just say, just say 3000 Gold for everything and leave it at that.   But when I say that, I don't know, cause you're we'd probably be losing money. I got to figure out where you got those from in the back of holding. Yeah. like where we picked them up? Yeah. Not the bottom of the list. So it couldn't have been too long ago. You know, the things I was planning for you guys still have it done.         Well, it's daytime. We can't do that right now. I just, like. I just think it's funny that, Goodness, why am I not finding that stuff anywhere? Is it the stuff that we found in here? Put in chat what it is that you're selling? I can't. You can't type. here it is. The way that this thing was doing, stuff was not fantastic. And we have a ton of gems. We have this vial of perfume. it's. I found that from April 15th. Wow. Bugbear Rat lock helps us.   Was that when we were in the basement? What was the holder? What was the holder? The guy at the pool? Yeah. Three art objects, a bottle stopper, cork embossed something, two Silver plated Steel, long sorts. Wow. Yes. Potion of Supreme Healing, where we got the crackling orb. That's right. we have two of these that we didn't sell and two Silver plated Steel long sort of.   The Jet said, Wow, what? Wow.   Wait, the art pieces. I have three art objects, 750 Gold pieces each that says there's only two in here. And we Havasu took one of them. no. This is just the Bag of Holding the handy. Every sack is something different. Yeah, it's in the art. In the sack. yeah and then three 750 shows to us, we say.   So you should have taken that three grand. yeah. She might want that Purple Worm, stomach acid. No, let's not get rid of the Arcane Order ring. is that what it is? Yeah. Yeah, we keep that. I keep that in though. I need that Gem across the channels for that one. Aerospace. Isn't that one eighth level spell or something.   Was that. I don't know. Does it do that. It has to be worth a thousand Gold in a way. What Heroes feast. You have to have a chalice worth a thousand Gold, a Gem encrusted bowl worth at least a thousand Gold pieces. It's a sixth level spell. Cleric and Druid. How many Purple Worm stomach acid vials do you have to hunt? What's the highest level that SAS has in spells? Five, five? Yeah. So you keeping the AoE signet ring? And then are you guys keeping the Gem encrusted Silver chalice? Is it worth 1000 Gold as. Let's see, I will go ahead and let her appraise it if I can find out. Where does he have. It's worth a thousand Gold.   You may as well keep it for when you can get a hero's feast. Unfortunately, it's only worth 800. Really? Yeah. Add a couple little gems we got in our back to it. Just. man. Cool, man. man. I So with everything including the chalice, but not counting the ring, she's willing to give you 1600 for it. For everything.   Yeah, Including the three art pieces. Yeah. That's 150. No, no, it's worth hundred and 50 Gold pieces each. I have. I have two art pieces that are worth 50 Gold each, and then they're handy. However, Shaq has three art pieces that are worth looking at. What's on list? Yeah. by the way, there's no numbers on any of that, by the way.   So, yeah, to make you famous numbers for some of it, you didn't. Maybe that was. No, I meant like the quantity. You're saying there's more than one art pieces and 50 Gold pieces each, but the only doesn't say one two or so. That's why I thought. No, no, no. There's, there's. Yeah, yeah. But the 1600 for all of that.   So you said yes. And then can we just add the what is it, 1522 50 for the other three pieces. Yeah. That's one. Okay. So calculator what did you say. 1600. Plus 22. 50 is 38. 150. 3850. Okay. I will let her pay you in Platinum on this, but she won't be willing to do any more conversions. But at least with what she pays you, she could pay you Platinum. If that's 385 Platinum, then yeah, well, it. ######there should be a bank in the main tower.... ##### --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A quick table conversation on how docks and cargo shipments Work... The party assumes dinner was to be at the castle, so they return to the white tower and then the park, then walk north. A door man takes their coats, takes them to a long table then Lars and Ursa come in from seperate doors. Ursa comments that they did come. Shadow is being as insightful as possible on Lars. 57 and 3... not right, need to fix. 26 and 57.   We didn't really roleplay it much, there was nothing suspicious on Lars. Ursa seems to be looking at Shadow more than others, and she doesn't try to make them uncomfortable. She also warns them to not leave the orb on the island too long if they are not going to hand it over, but of course she would like to handle that for them. Bastion asks Lars about it -- He looks at her and says how she is the one with the info. They seem to hold a lot of power and she told him that it was coming apart and the research shows it might blow up and cause mass devastation. It is more her bailiwick.   Ursa says she understands they may have concerns, and she understands that. Her concern with this is just about safety, and the fears of what might happen with it. she brings up how the party has concerns on trusting her, to which Lars gives her a look of curiousity -- she says they have concerns which is on them. She isn't trying to take advantage of them.   Bastion asks Lars about the look to which he replies that it makes him uncomfortable that people don't trust his wife as he does. He is being a defensive husband. he also adds: "So of course, I don't understand why people wouldn't trust her, but I also understand that some of our dealings, sometimes people don't find us trustworthy because there's going to be times that, well, either one of us are going to take advantage of a situation if we think it's the best course of action for our people."   Shadow: "You still haven't told us what happens when this does explode.   Lars: "well. if it blows up, it will take out probably a very large city At the very least, as I understand it, you there's a lot of power in those orbs. My understanding is the orbs are pretty much all of the magic of a entire world inside of them. I believe the other orb you have is in fact the world of Toril, the one that is about to blow up is Eberron. We have the orb from Pradam that was his homeworld,   They also say how they have Bargle's homeworld Mystara orb..   They ask how she will stop it from blowing up, she says she will first take it to another plane and study it there... the party discusses what to do. uncertainity. They bring up a Zone of Truth, and so Ursa reminds them that the city actually regulates magic in the border now. One needs a license, but they have been given some leeway due to their connection with her. These rules were instituted after Viggie was arrested as there were fears of magic attacks. This is normal in most big Cities and it was Lar's idea, which Shadow prompted them to answer. she talks about a guest room that is linked to the pier for fast travel.   As they leave Bastion casts Dispel Magic on Lars... no real effect. Ursa noticed it, smug smile. he passes an insight and is sure that there was no hidden effects. Calliope also reaches out with the "gloved" hand and pushes for a reading.  
Calliope's reading on Lars:   She sees how he was supposed to be the mayor, but declined due to other interests and general laziness. Then how he hid in the Ruins during the Dragon situation out of Fear, but the Menagerie coming across him near the Arcane Forge in Outding Refuge while he was going through Jacoby's research helped inspire him to do better. He returned.   She sees their assault on the Dragon, then later him creating the weapons for the party. She sees times where Ursa comes in and assists him... Perception (XX)... a point during that process where she took the reigns and took over the Work, as Lars let her. She sees Lars give the weapons to the party. Then the research, the exploration, and the rising of the city... not too much..   Then Ursa says "You will not be doing that to me..." Calliope thinks about patting her on the back, and thinks better of it.
  Ursa leads them to the guest waiting room and tells them to notify the harbormaster if they need to use this shortcut again. It leads to a room behind the guard at the harbor.   Plans to dig up the body as it is now nightfall...    

t Milestone Experience | 2125 ea Total: 79,250 (Next Goal: 85,000 ) t

Rewards Granted


t Milestone Experience | 2125 ea Total: 79,250 (Next Goal: 85,000 ) t  

map-outding refuge-floating islands-min.jpg

* Dierde World Map (Biomes, Equirectangular) | MAIN *
Dierde World Map | Equirectangular (Biomes)

Session 60: Was It Ursa the Whole Time? Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
08 Nov 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie