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Session 2: All Aboard Report

General Summary

It was your first day as official pirates aboard the Wormwood. You were each given a job relevant to your station, which most of you chose to work diligently at. Martin d'Jorasco, being the new Cook's Mate, worked closely with Ambrose "Fishguts" Kroop to prepare the meals for today. Turns out Kroop is a bit of a drunk, and did not provide much aid in dinner preparations. Nyx Gwyn d'Kennyreaer spent some of the day recovering from the lashing she received at the hand of Master Scourge. Luckily there was at least one helpful crew mate Sandara Quinn who provided aid and even managed to return some of your gear to you. Magnum Opus got his first taste of working the rigging, and had a brief but unfavorable conversation with Conchobhar Shortstone.   As the evening sun eventually set, the dinner bell was rung, and you had your first Bloody Hour. You witnessed the Keelhauling of Jake Magpie who was caught, interrogated, and supposedly confessed to the crime of stealing. Magnum also received lashings for his failure to complete his work adequately for the day. After that, you were led below deck to where you will be sleeping during your time aboard the wormwood and given rum rations and the day's meal (prepared by Martin). You were joined at dinner by Sandara, Kroop, and a foul mouthed sailor by the name of Rosie Cusswell. They each told you more about being on the ship and you learned a great deal about pirating, and philosophy. After a long conversation, you each made your choice about how to spend the rest of your evening, with most opting to gamble. Magnum setup a Rat-ket using some spells and made a bunch of friends on the boat. L3-37 Redgrave, Nyx, and Moe Boom gambled with only Moe having some bad luck.   Martin decided to wander off and "get a head start on the next day's meal." Secretly he was disobeying the one thing Kroop had told him was completely off limits, and threw caution to the wind to look for some poison. He was not sneaky enough, unfortunately, and met Cut-Throat Grok who questioned his motives. She eventually was pretty gullible, and there was some misunderstanding about Martin "helping" her after he was done in the galley. Martin found that the Quartermaster's room was unlocked and decided to go snooping. He found himself with an arrow in his ass as he set off a trap when opening a box with a broken lid. He decided it best to leave a note, and left the store where he saw Artemis (still not in World Anvil after 3 weeks). Artemis was looking for the ships surgeon Habbly Quarne, The "Stitchman". Grok found the pair of them out and about and ordered Artemis to return to his bunk unless he was also offering to be "helpful." In the end, neither of them helped Grok, and Martin simply handed her the arrow from his ass and let her know the door to her store was unlocked. It was then off to bed for a full night's rest.   The next morning you were awoken by the ringing of the day-shift bell. Before you could make your way on deck, however, you were waylaid by a group of five pirates apparently instructed by Master Scourge to keep you there. Three of the Pirates fled after witnessing Jaundiced Jape get gored and knocked out in less that six seconds. Aretta Bansion, Slipper Syl Lonegan, and Tam "Narwhal" Tate all managed to escape unharmed. Jaundiced Jape and Fipps Chumlett were not so lucky. Vivienne managed to intimidate the shit out of Fipps, however, who now might be a bit more friendly towards the lot of you out of fear of retribution.
Cum as you ARRRRR!
Magnum Opus
Martin d'Jorasco
L3-37 Redgrave
Report Date
19 Jan 2023


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