Agile and graceful, the catlike Faelene very much embody the characteristics of the big cats they resemble. It is common to simply call them cats behind their backs. Their feline heads strongly resemble any tigers, lions, panthers, leopards, and others, with fur color patterns similarly matched. Yellow, green, and blue eyes are most common, and give off a distinct glow effect when viewed at night. Their long, slender tails aid with balance, and help them navigate the dense jungles of their Syridian homes. They span a wide range of heights, from five to around six and a half feet tall. Their cubs typically mature around age thirteen, and their eldest warriors live into their fifties and sixties. In the distant past Faelene could be found in every region and clime but the expansion of towns, cities, and especially farms have severely reduced their hunting grounds. Already solitary by nature, their numbers in most areas could not support being further constricted and they either left or died out. Their secrecy and low levels of interaction with one another lead outsiders to know almost nothing about their shared language beyond outbursts they make when agitated. These days it is as conscripted soldiers that they primarily exist in the service of the green dragon Viridia. Rare individuals can be found in other locations, typically working as Earthbound Hunters or simple bounty hunters.