Tenrans1 inhabit central Yfrigía, around the town of Enórtal. The royal bodyguard of the Yfrigían kings traditionally consists only of Tenrans, due to their unusual height and skills with axes.
Tenran chiefs trace their lineage to Óhiret I.
Tenran chiefs trace their lineage to Óhiret I.
Common Dress code
Tenran warriors are identified by their cloaks, adorned with white and yellow zigzag pattern, and most also wear a small stone or metal amulet in the shape of an axe head around their necks.
Common Myths and Legends
Their patron deity is Leþa Vúlnetí, associated with red lilies which are endemic to the area around Enórtal. According to local folklore, the goddess fought and killed a giant there, and the lilies emerged where blood dripped from her wounds.
1Original icelandic: Tenrar, singular: Tenri