Lycanthropes in Dramoor | World Anvil


Lycanthropy only affects humans.

In the diverse world of Dramoor, where magic intertwines with the everyday and the fantastical creatures roam, the lycanthropes stand apart—a testament to fear, mystery, and misunderstanding. This article delves into the complex history of lycanthropy in Dramoor, exploring the social dynamics, cultural impacts, and the unique interplay with the magical metal Zymerium.  

1. Cultural Ostracization and Mistrust

  Across the vast expanse of Dramoor, from the icy reaches of Norleen to the volatile lands of Kormangashi, lycanthropes are universally viewed with suspicion and trepidation. This deep-seated mistrust cuts across cultural lines, embedding itself into the fabric of various societies.   Lycanthropes, often portrayed as symbols of uncontrollable savagery and primal fear, find themselves shunned by the majority. This ostracization is not always rooted in malevolence; in many cases, it stems from a combination of historical incidents, folklore, and a fundamental misunderstanding of their nature. Stories of lycanthropes losing control and causing harm have perpetuated a cycle of fear, leading to their widespread avoidance.  

2. The Role of Zymerium

read about Zymerium (metal) HERE

Zymerium, the naturally occurring magical metal of Dramoor, plays a pivotal role in the lives of lycanthropes. Known for its unique properties, Zymerium not only restricts lycanthropes from transforming but also causes them physical harm upon contact if they are in their transformed state. This interaction has led to the development of Zymerium jewelry, worn by lycanthropes to prevent involuntary transformations during the full moon.   The metal’s peculiar reaction to moonlight, known as the 'Purple Kiss', where it glows a distinct purple under the full moon, adds another layer of mystique to Zymerium’s relationship with lycanthropy. This phenomenon has not only practical implications but also symbolic ones, representing the constant struggle lycanthropes face in balancing their dual nature.  

3. Suppression and Legalities

  In many regions of Dramoor, the presence of lycanthropes has led to the creation of stringent laws and harsh penalties. These regulations range from mandatory registration to more severe measures, such as exile or execution, for those found guilty of losing control or harming others.   This legal suppression reflects the societal fears and prejudices against lycanthropes, often ignoring their individuality and circumstances. These laws rarely account for the peaceful lycanthropes who have learned to coexist with their condition without posing a threat to others.  

The Unknown Origins

  The mystery of lycanthropy's origins continues to be a topic of much speculation and research. Theories range from magical curses to natural evolution within Dramoor's magical ecosystem. The absence of a clear origin story fuels both fear and fascination, contributing to the complex relationship between lycanthropes and the societies of Dramoor.  


  Lycanthropes are a rare phenomenon, shrouded in secrecy. Many believe the numbers to be greater than known, as individuals often hide their true nature to avoid persecution and fear. This rarity adds to the mystique and fear surrounding lycanthropy, as encounters with such beings are both uncommon and unforgettable.  

Notes for Players Choosing to Roleplay a Lycanthrope

  Players taking on the role of a lycanthrope must navigate the complex dualities of their character's nature. This includes managing the societal ostracization, the physical and psychological challenges of transformation, and the moral quandaries posed by their abilities. Players should consider the implications of Zymerium on their character, including both the potential harm it can cause and its use in preventing unwanted transformations.  

Known Types of Lycanthropes

  Dramoor is home to various lycanthrope types, each linked to natural animals: boar, wolf, bat, snake, lizard, cat, and bird. While these are the known types, legends suggest the possibility of others.   Notably, lycanthropy affects only humans in Dramoor, with no other races known to undergo such transformations.  

Lycanthropy's Impact on Society

  The presence of lycanthropes has significantly shaped the cultures and laws of Dramoor. The fear they invoke has led to their cultural ostracization, with myths and legends often painting them in a monstrous light. This societal fear is further cemented by laws aimed at controlling or eliminating the lycanthrope threat, reflecting deep-seated prejudices and a failure to recognize the humanity within the afflicted.