Zymerium Material in Dramoor | World Anvil

Zymerium (Zeye-meer-e-um)

"Zymerium will enchant you with its purple kiss and ability to frighten even the most durable creatures."

Written by MrMuchacho


Zymerium (Zym for short) is a reflective/silvery metal that is light, strong and highly valuable. It is found in deep and ancient mines, often in proximity to quartz and other crystalline minerals, though white quartz is the most common.  


Zymerium is a valuable naturally occurring metal found in various areas across Dramoor. The highest known sources are from the Zymerium mountains that dominate the Northern Kingdoms landscape. There are many sources around the world of Dramoor however, so the metal is fairly ubiquitous, if not, expensive and often found in the most well crafted, magical and unique weapons. General weapon smithing is still done with steel and other common metals.  


The metal behaves, shares qualities and responds to smithing in a similar manner as steel but requires no alloy conditioning or additives.   Natural Magical Essence:
Forged Zymerium has a natural magical quality to it which means it will affect creatures that may only be harmed by magical weapons, though this natural magical essence does not confer any additional bonus.   However, there are two exceptions to this general rule:

  1. If a Zymerium weapon is permanently enchanted, it will receive a +1 bonus to that enchantment (eg: +1d4 fire damage becomes +1d4+1 fire damage or +1 ice damage becomes +2 ice damage, etc).

  2. Zymerium will permanently damage any transformed lycanthrope it comes into contact with. This includes jewelry and other non-weapon type items. For each point of damage dealt by a Zymerium weapon to a lycanthrope will result is 10% of that damage being permanent. This damage will permanently lower the full HP of the victim which cannot be reversed by any known method. Additionally, while the open wounds from this this damage will close, and appear healed, they will leave behind permanent, vicious and painful scarring. Jewelry and other non-weapon Zymerium items will cause 1 damage per round to a lycanthrope. This damage is subject to the same permanency effects noted above. Removing such items from a lycanthrope will cease the damage but inflict an additional 1d4 permanent damage while also violently removing chunks of flesh, in a manner and appearance to a burn victims sloughing flesh.   Notes:
There is a crucial caveat to these particluar affects; they only function when a lycanthrope is in it's transformative state (Werewolf form, Weretiger form, etc..). If the lycanthrope is in human form, these damage permamency bonuses do not affect them though any regular damage caused by the weapon still does.

Learn more about the usage of Zymerium on Lycanthropes below under 'Everyday Use' section.  


Zymerium will have the required affect as silver on any creatures that are affected by silver weapons and can be confidently substituted for silver weapons when those are not accessible.   Purple Kiss When forged Zymerium is exposed to the reflected light of a full moon (or near full), it will take a on a sheen of violet. This particular property is not well understood but is the curio of alchemist, wizards and smithies. Raw Zymerium does not exhibit the violet sheen, but only once forged. The moon light reflective quality is often referred to as a 'purple kiss' when described or talked about in casual company, by story tellers and within the general mythology of the metal.


Material Characteristics

Zymerium's deceptive appearance has led many an untrained eye to overlook its true worth. Its gleaming, silvery finish mirrors that of polished silver or well-crafted steel. Yet, when one takes the metal in hand, the first hint of its uniqueness becomes evident. Despite its robustness and resilience, Zymerium is surprisingly light, a characteristic that sets it apart from common metals like steel.   However, the most distinguishing feature of Zymerium is revealed under the soft glow of the moon. When bathed in the reflected luminescence of a full or near-full moon, the metal undergoes a breathtaking transformation. Its surface dances with an ethereal violet sheen, a phenomenon fondly termed the "purple kiss". This captivating play of colours is a telltale sign of Zymerium's presence and is widely recognised among those in the know. To them, the sight of this shimmering hue in moonlight is a testament to the metal's rarity and value, setting it apart from any ordinary material.

Geology & Geography

Zymerium, an unparalleled and coveted metal, boasts properties that make it the envy of many metals found in Dramoor. Its primary source lies deep within the belly of the land, but the Zymer Mountains are the crowning jewel in the Zymerium treasure trove. These towering peaks conceal vast veins of the precious metal, making them the primary destination for those yearning to tap into this wealth.   Historically, the Zymer Mountains have stood tall as the heart of Zymerium extraction. Miners, traders, and blacksmiths, drawn by tales of the metal's riches, have flocked to these mountains from every nook and cranny of Dramoor. Amidst its rugged terrains and shadowy caverns, the mountains unfurl nature's generosity, offering the purest form of Zymerium in abundance. This bounty has given rise to Azall, the Mountain City.   Azall, or the Mountain Jewel of Dramoor as it's often called, sits majestically within the Zymer Mountains. As the most significant and deepest source of Zymerium, the city has evolved into a nexus of culture, trade, and military might. The very existence of Azall, with its fortifications and sprawling trade centres, is intricately linked to the Zymerium veins running beneath it. Lord Lleidos, ruling from his grand castle within Azall, has ensured that the city becomes synonymous with Zymerium trade, benefiting immensely from its strategic location by the Kastam River.   But the allure of Zymerium is not without its share of perils. The rich deposits within the Zymer Mountains, especially around Azall, have ignited passions, leading to territorial skirmishes and even full-blown wars. Yet, the promise of the metal's wealth, combined with the cultural and economic prowess of Azall, ensures that the Zymer Mountains continue to stand as an emblem of prosperity and ambition in Dramoor's landscape.

History & Usage


Deep within the Northern Kingdoms lies the majestic Zymerium Mountains, where the world first became acquainted with the enigmatic metal, Zymerium. The mountains, shrouded in mystery and legend, have been the epicentre of countless tales that span the ancient history of Dramoor.   Some legends whisper that the gods, in their benevolence, bestowed Zymerium upon Dramoor as a testament to their favour. These stories often paint a celestial tapestry of gods molding the metal in divine forges, gifting it to the mortal realm as a beacon of power and progress.   In contrast, other tales pivot towards the historical and speak of the industrious dwarves from the Southern Kingdoms. According to these accounts, these intrepid explorers and master smiths, now believed to be 'extinct', had established colonies deep within the heart of the Zymerium Mountains. There, they unearthed the silvery metal and pioneered the forging techniques that would eventually become the gold standard throughout Dramoor. Their craftsmanship and ingenuity are often credited for introducing and popularizing Zymerium in every corner of the realm.   While the exact origins remain a subject of debate and speculation, one undeniable fact prevails: Zymerium, with its strength and inherent magical essence, has played a pivotal role in Dramoor's history. Its presence has been felt in every major conflict, turning the tide of wars and becoming an integral part of the very fabric of the land. Whether as a divine gift or a testament to dwarves prowess, Zymerium stands as a symbol of power, legacy, and the relentless spirit of Dramoor.

Everyday use

Zymerium, often referred to as the 'Metal of Power,' has established itself as an unparalleled substitute for silver weapons. Its innate properties make it ideal for forging not only regular armaments but also potent magical weapons known to harness incredible power. Across Dramoor, blacksmiths and enchanters alike revere the metal for its potential in weapon creation.   While weapons are commonly crafted from Zymerium, there have been attempts, albeit scarce, to fashion armour from this precious metal. Owing to its exorbitant cost and the meticulous craftsmanship required, Zymerium armour remains a rarity. These armour sets, often ornate and intricately detailed, are more than just protective gear; they are a statement of prestige and power. As such, they are typically reserved for ceremonies or to be displayed as heirlooms. Many of the known sets belong to the distinguished elite - rulers, influential members of various Houses, and other affluent figures who grace the annals of Dramoor's history.   The metal's influence extends beyond just warfare and status. Given the well-documented effects of Zymerium on lycanthropes, and compounded by Dramoor's widespread aversion to these shape-shifters, Zymerium has become the material of choice for their containment. Shackles, manacles, and even entire holding cells crafted from this metal serve a dual purpose: they not only restrain lycanthropes but also suppress their transformative abilities. When a lycanthrope in their human guise comes into contact with Zymerium, their transformative powers are effectively nullified, especially during the potent moon cycles. Such cells and bars imbued with Zymerium properties act as formidable barriers, ensuring that incarcerated lycanthropes cannot employ their transformative strengths for escape.   In essence, Zymerium stands as a beacon of both might and restraint in Dramoor, weaving a complex tapestry of power, prestige, and protection.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Zymerium, steeped in myths and legends, is often considered a symbol of prestige in Dramoor. Possessing a weapon crafted from this illustrious metal immediately places its owner in the spotlight, suggesting power, influence, and substantial wealth. While not every holder of a Zymerium weapon might be an influential magnate or a battle-hardened warrior, the metal's rich history and undeniable value often make this assumption ring true. Over the centuries, tales of legendary heroes wielding Zymerium blades and sorcerers channeling magic through Zymerium staves have only added to its mystique. Thus, even in bustling marketplaces or grand ballrooms, a glint of Zymerium never fails to turn heads, evoking whispers of reverence and sometimes, envy.

Industrial Use

Beyond its famed application in weaponry and exquisite suits of armour, Zymerium holds a cherished place in the world of luxury and artistry. Given its radiant, silvery sheen and unique properties, craftsmen and artisans have long been enamoured with its potential, integrating it into decorative masterpieces, opulent furniture, and sophisticated clothing accents.   Items such as intricately carved Zymerium table centrepieces, ornate candlestick holders, and even exquisitely detailed mirror frames have graced the homes of Dramoor's elite. In the realm of fashion, the metal's presence isn't subtle: shimmering buttons, ornate buckles, and lavish jewellery crafted from Zymerium are often sported by nobility and the wealthy, making a clear statement about their status and affluence.   However, the allure of Zymerium goes beyond mere visual appeal. Items adorned with this precious metal are not just seen as displays of wealth but also as symbols of power, prestige, and a connection to the rich tapestry of Dramoor's history.   Yet, with such value and desirability comes the inevitable risk. Zymerium artefacts, given their worth, frequently become the coveted targets for thieves, black market dealers, and even rival houses looking to assert dominance or secure a ransom. This has led to many owners investing in heightened security measures, safeguarding their Zymerium possessions as they would their most treasured secrets.


Zymerium boasts an impressive workability, drawing parallels with steel in its malleability and forging processes. Unlike many other metals, Zymerium remains pure in its essence, requiring no alloying or additional components to enhance its properties. In fact, introducing foreign additives or attempting to alloy Zymerium can diminish its inherent qualities, making it less effective and reducing its coveted characteristics.   Skilled smiths, recognising the metal's intrinsic worth, ensure that Zymerium remains untouched by other elements during the forging process. These craftsmen have developed specialised techniques to maintain its purity, ensuring the metal retains its signature reflective sheen and innate magical essence. Given this meticulous process, items crafted from Zymerium are often regarded as masterpieces, reflecting not only the metal's intrinsic value but also the artisanal expertise required to shape it.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

Jewellery made from Zymerium is highly sought-after, not just for its beauty but also for the metal's intrinsic value and magical properties. These pieces, often custom-designed, are true testaments to the artistry of Dramoor's finest jewellers, exuding elegance and the deep sheen characteristic of this rare metal.   When it comes to the containment of lycanthropes, Zymerium proves indispensable. The metal's unique properties negate a lycanthrope's transformative powers, making it the material of choice for crafting specialised restraints. These chains, shackles, and manacles are not just functional but also serve as a powerful symbol of control and dominance over these feared creatures.   Ceremonial armours crafted from Zymerium are more than just protective gear. They are ornate masterpieces, representing the pinnacle of metallurgical craftsmanship. Worn by royalty and the elite during special occasions, these armours shimmer in the light, showcasing the wearer's status and power.   Furthermore, the application of Zymerium extends to everyday items like buttons and buckles. These small accents, although seemingly trivial, elevate the overall aesthetics of garments, making them prized possessions among the fashion-conscious.   Lastly, the art world of Dramoor is no stranger to the allure of Zymerium. Sculptors and artists often incorporate this metal into their creations, producing exquisite art pieces that are both visually captivating and rich in history and meaning. The presence of a Zymerium element in an artwork not only enhances its aesthetic appeal but also significantly increases its market value.


Zymerium, in its innate form, is remarkably benign, posing no adverse chemical or hazardous reactions when individuals come into contact with it. This characteristic sets it apart from other metals that might have allergenic or reactive properties. For those beings or creatures with a specific vulnerability to silver, Zymerium mirrors the exact effects of silver, showcasing its versatility and unique nature. Thus, while it holds immense power and value in various applications, for the average individual, handling or wearing Zymerium poses no health or safety concerns.

Environmental Impact

While the mines where Zymerium is sourced are indeed deep and abundant, history tells of numerous 'dry' mines that have been long since exhausted of their precious metal. These abandoned mines, once bustling with activity, have since been reclaimed by nature or remain as hollowed caverns, bearing silent testimony to the fervent extraction that once took place. Some locals and adventurers believe that these forsaken tunnels hold secrets, perhaps leading to undiscovered veins or even intertwined with the lore of the land. There are tales of old miners who, driven by desperation, ventured deeper into the mines than ever before, seeking new deposits and getting lost in the labyrinthine depths. These stories are now part of the region's folklore, intertwining the allure of Zymerium with the mysteries of the vast underground.

Reusability & Recycling

Once forged, Zymerium becomes notoriously difficult to remelt. This unique characteristic is due to its inherent properties and the way it binds once it cools and solidifies. Only the most seasoned, patient, and dedicated blacksmiths even attempt this challenging process. To remelt and repurpose Zymerium, these craftsmen employ specialised furnaces, techniques, and often, a touch of arcane assistance. The rarity of possessing both the skill and the means to undertake such a task makes this service exceptionally costly, placing it well out of the financial reach of the common folk. Consequently, objects made of Zymerium, once shaped, tend to retain their form for lifetimes, becoming heirlooms and treasures passed down through generations.


Trade & Market

While the raw form of Zymerium is intrinsically valuable, given its abundant presence and plentiful reserves, its acquisition and trade are not endeavours easily undertaken by the average trader or merchant. This is largely because the nuances of dealing with Zymerium — from understanding its authentic quality to knowing the complexities of its extraction — require specialised knowledge. Moreover, the prominent families or guilds that have traditionally managed the Zymerium mines often maintain tight control over its distribution, ensuring a consistent demand and a lucrative price point. As a result, only those traders and merchants who specialise in its trade, having developed the necessary connections and expertise over the years, find themselves in a position to confidently and profitably deal with this coveted metal. For others, it remains an alluring yet elusive commodity.


In its raw form, Zymerium is typically smelted into ingots, which then find their way into the vaults and storehouses of Dramoor's elite. These shimmering ingots, uniform in shape and gleaming with a distinctive silvery sheen, are not just a testament to wealth but also a symbol of power and influence. Possessing them indicates not just significant financial capability but also a deep-rooted presence in the intricate web of Dramoor's trade and politics.   The ingots, while largely serving as a reserve of wealth, can also be traded amongst the affluent as a form of currency, especially in large-scale transactions or deals that demand a level of discretion beyond the usual channels. Furthermore, they can be commissioned to master smiths and artisans for crafting exquisite items — be it a finely wrought piece of jewellery, ceremonial armour, or a blade that is as much an art piece as it is a weapon.   Given the inherent value and allure of these Zymerium ingots, the vaults and warehouses where they're stored are fortified to an exceptional degree, often guarded by both trained sentries and magical protections. After all, in a land where the myths and legends of Zymerium are deeply woven into its history, these ingots are more than mere metal; they're a piece of Dramoor's legacy.

Law & Regulation

While Zymerium is, in theory, accessible to anyone with the requisite knowledge, resources, and capability, the reality of its acquisition is much more complex. This coveted metal has become the focal point of Dramoor's political and economic landscape, with its control often signifying dominance, wealth, and influence.   Most commonly, the mining and distribution of Zymerium fall under the jurisdiction of regional rulers. These leaders, recognising the invaluable nature of the metal, maintain a tight grip on the mines within their dominion, often implementing stringent regulations and deploying vast armies to safeguard these precious reserves. But such measures are not just for protection against external threats; they also serve to ensure the rulers' monopolistic hold on Zymerium trade.   The allure of Zymerium's immense value and strategic importance has ignited many a conflict. Historically, rival factions, neighbouring states, and even ambitious individuals have cast covetous eyes upon the most prosperous mines. These disputes have often escalated into full-blown wars, with armies clashing, alliances shifting, and landscapes forever altered in the quest for control over the coveted deposits. The tales of these battles, both triumphant and tragic, have seeped into the folklore of Dramoor, reminding its inhabitants of the lengths to which individuals and nations will go to possess the gleaming metal.   Despite the elite's dominance, there are instances of independent miners and traders venturing into the perilous world of Zymerium extraction and trade, often driven by tales of abandoned or hidden mines. However, these endeavours are fraught with danger, not just from the physical challenges of mining but also from the ever-watchful eyes of powerful rulers and their agents, always vigilant against potential threats to their Zymerium empire.


Approx. 1/3 the weight of same volume of steel
Zymerium reacting under reflective full/near-full moon light, commonly referred to as 'Purple Kiss'.

2500 gold per kilo
commonly found but rarely used due to value and forging skills needed
Similar to powdered silver
Metalic, bitterish
Highly reflective silver-like finish, violet/purple under full and near-full reflecttive moon light.
Melting / Freezing Point
1220 degress celcius in its raw form. 8600 degress celcius when remelted from a forged state.
Similar to steel
Common State
Quartz rich mines and other deep crystilline deposites.
Related Professions

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