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Zodiac of Dynos

Across the planet, legends of 13 powerful types of monsters have risen to symbolic importance. These legendary beasts have become the widespread zodiac on Dynos; those who believe in the symbolism track it on a 13 year cycle, with each year's Zodiacal Colossus ("sign") having associated dominant character traits. Some of those are subdivided into further traits based on time of year. Additionally, the 12 months of the year are each represented by the other 12 Zodiacal Colossi as your minor traits (in order of the cycle starting with the beast after the one for the year).   For those who are superstitious and put faith in the zodiac, the Zodiacal Birthdays (ie the year and month your birth signs recur) are expected to be accompanied by a significant change in your life, or a character defining experience.   Fortune Telling
The Zodiac signs also carry significance beyond association with birth, and can be used for general fortune telling. The signs are divided into three Domains: Land, Sea, and Sky. Within each domain are the Positive, Neutral, and Negative Aspects. As with the birth signs, the year's Zodiacal Colossi is the major sign, while the month's is the minor sign. However, if the current month and year are inverse of your birth signs, then the dominant and minor fortunes are reversed for you.
Land Sea Sky
Positive Support, Abundance, Creation Tranquility, Life, Prosperity Eminence, Success, Freedom
Neutral Stability, Resourcefulness Flexibility, Connection Clarity, Energy
Negative Upheaval, Stagnation, Desolation Instability, Despair, Fear Tribulation, Inundation, Disturbance

Cycle Order Legendary Beast of the Zodiac Symbolism / Traits Subtypes
1 Metallic Drakes Those born in the year of Metallic Drakes are said to be destined for wealth, and are generally highly protective of others. The year is further divided into two month increments, representing the specific types of Metallic Drake.   Sky Domain, Positive Aspect Brass: those born in the first two months of the year are bold and highly social
Bronze: those born in the third and fourth months are typically gifted with martial prowess
Copper: those born in the fifth and sixth months are witty with a great sense of humor, and crafty by nature
Gold: those born in the seventh and eighth months are fair, aloof, and always willing to help others
Silver: those born in the ninth and tenth months are incredibly friendly and virtuous
Platinum: those born in the final two months have a deep seated sense of justice, and are even more exceptionally protective of others
2 Behir Those born in the year of the Behir are incredibly energetic. They have an affinity for climbing especially, though they also are socially reserved, preferring to do things themselves and maintain their privacy. These individuals inherently do not get along with those born in the years of Drakes.   Land Domain, Neutral Aspect -
3 Sphinx Those born in the year of the Sphinx are believed to excel in the traits tested by the divine guardians, or match their demeanor. Those born in the odd months fall under the Androsphinx, while those born in the even months fall under the Gynosphinx.   Land Domain, Positive Aspect Andro: those born in the months of the Androsphinx are valiant; exceptionally courageous in the face of adversity. Their demeanor may be outwardly gruff, but with a noble heart; honest though reserved in what information they will share
Gyno: those born in the months of the Gynosphinx are incredibly intelligent. They excel at solving puzzles, and can be willing to make bargains to achieve their ends. Their demeanor is often regal.
4 Worm Those born in the year of the Worm are regarded as a force of nature, ravenously pursuing their goals. Because of this however, these individuals also tend to hyperfocus, or may have a tendency to come across as dimwitted.   Land Domain, Negative Aspect -
5 Kraken Those born in the year of the Kraken are said to become as mighty as the primeval monster of legend. These individuals have an unprecedented affinity for destruction, so should be sure to channel that urge in the right direction.   Sea Domain, Negative Aspect -
6 Chromatic Drakes Those born in the year of Chromatic Drakes are generally self reliant, ambitious, and have a love of gaining new possessions. The year is further divided into two month increments, representing the specific types of Chromatic Drakes.   Sky Domain, Negative Aspect Black: those born in the first and second month are brilliant tacticians, quickly able to identify and exploit weaknesses.
Blue: those born in the third and fourth months are typically beautiful, or ever seeking to improve their appearance
Green: those born in the fifth and sixth months are known to be elaborate planners
Red: those born in the seventh and eighth months are frequently seen as headstrong
White: those born in the ninth and tenth months are relentless; best to stay on their good side
The Five: those born in the final two months epitomize the traits of the Chromatic Drakes, with aspects of all the rest
7 Ki-rin Those born in the year of the Ki-rin are divinely fortunate and wise beyond their years. They also have a talent for inspiring those around them, and a general inclination towards religious professions.   Sea Domain, Positive Aspect -
8 Hydra Those born in the year of the Hydra have an insatiable hunger, though not strictly for food. These individuals are also ever alert and nearly impossible to take by surprise.   Sea Domain, Neutral Aspect -
9 Roc Those born in the year of the Roc have an endurance beyond most others. They are also often blessed with an extraordinary sense of perception.   Sky Domain, Neutral Aspect -
10 Leviathan Those born in the year of the Leviathan are wanderers, highly flexible and adaptive to new changing situations. They are free spirits, very independent, and are natural swimmers.   Sea Domain, Neutral Aspect -
11 Dongorya Those born in the year of the Dongorya are as unyielding as a mountain, in all aspects of their lives. When they set their mind to something, they march with unwavering purpose. These individuals are tough and can weather any storm, but can also be slow to react, though for some that is just a matter of being deliberate in making decisions.   Land Domain, Positive Aspect -
12 Tempest Those born in the year of the Tempest are wild by nature. They are remarkably free-willed, though their moods may shift as rapidly as the weather.   Sky Domain, Negative Aspect -
13 Phoenix Those born in the year of the Phoenix are characterized by their undying loyalty and fiery passions. They burn bright, and will always get back up after their eventual failure. These individuals can also be harshly impatient and make snap decisions.   Sky Domain, Positive Aspect -
The Zodiacal Colossi
Current Year: 588 P.I.C, Year of the Sphinx

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